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2012-08-10 17:13:24 +03:00

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Org Mode

#+title: mu4e: an e-mail client for emacs
#+style: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mu.css">
#+options: skip t
Starting with version 0.9.8, [[http://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu][mu]] provides an emacs-based e-mail client which
uses =mu= as its back-end: *mu4e*.
Through =mu=, =mu4e= sits on top of your Maildir (which you update with
e.g. =offlineimap= or =fetchmail=). =mu4e= is designed to enable
super-efficient handling of e-mail; searching, reading, replying, moving,
deleting. The overall 'feel' is a bit of a mix of =dired= and [[http://www.gohome.org/wl/][Wanderlust]].
Features include:
- Fully search-based: there are no folders, only queries
- UI optimized for speed with quick key strokes for common actions
- Fully documented, with example configurations
- Asynchronous: heavy actions never block emacs
- Write rich-text e-mails using ~org-mode~ (experimental)
- Address auto-completion based on your messages -- no need for managing
address books
- Extendable in many places using custom actions
For all the details, please see the [[file:mu4e/index.html][manual]], or check the screenshots
below. ~mu4e~ is part of the normal [[http://code.google.com/p/mu0/downloads/list][mu source package]] and also [[https://github.com/djcb/mu][available on
** Screenshots
Here are some screenshots.
*** The main view
*** The headers view
*** The message view
*** The message/headers split view (
The message/headers split view, and speedbar support.
*** View message as pdf (
** License & Copyright
*mu4e* was designed and implemented by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema, and is Free
Software, licensed under the GNU GPLv3
#+html:<hr/><div align="center">&copy; 2011-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema</div>
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