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2012-03-13 23:06:33 +02:00

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Welcome to mu!

With the enormous amounts of e-mail many people gather and the importance of e-mail messages in our daily work-flow, it is very important to be able to quickly deal with all that - in particular, to instantly find that one important e-mail you need right now.

For that, mu was created. mu is a tool for dealing with e-mail messages stored in the Maildir-format, on Unix-like systems. mu's main purpose is to help you to find the messages you need, quickly; in addition, it allows you to view messages, extract attachments, create new maildirs, … See the mu cheatsheet for some examples.

mu now comes with an emacs-based e-mail client (mu4e), a simple GUI (mug) and bindings for the Guile/Scheme programming language.


  • fast indexing for Maildir, Maildir+ and Maildir-on-VFAT
  • search for messages based on the sender, receiver, subject, date range, size, priority, words in message, flags (signed, encrypted, new, replied, has-attachment,…), message-id, maildir, tags, attachment (name, mime-type, text) and more
  • command-line tools for indexing, searching, viewing, extracting attachments, exporting address lists, creating maildirs, …
  • accent/case normalization - so angstrom will match Ångström.
  • can be integrated with other e-mail clients such as mutt and Wanderlust.
  • mu4e, an emacs-based e-mail client based on mu
  • mu-guile: guile 2.0 bindings that allow for scripting, advanced processing of your data, and doing all kinds of statistics
  • fully documented (man pages, info pages)


  • 2012-03-11: released mu-, with a number of fixes and improvements, see the link for the details.
  • 2012-02-17: released mu-, which has a number of improvements to the 0.9.8 release: add mark as read/unread, colorize cited message parts, better handling of text-based message parts, documentation fixes, documentation updates and a few fixes here and there
  • 2012-02-09: moved the mu source code repository to Github.
  • 2012-01-31: finally, mu-0.9.8 is available. It comes with an emacs-based e-mail client, mu4e, and much improved guile bindings. Furthermore, It adds search for attachment mime type and search inside any text part of a message, more tests, improvements in many parts of the code.
  • 2011-09-03: mu 0.9.7 is now available; compared to the -pre version there are a few small changes; the most important one is a fix specifically for running mu on MacOS.
  • 2011-07-31: mu 0.9.7-pre is now available with a number of interesting new features and fixes, many based on user suggestions. mu now supports mail threading based on the JWZ-algorithm; output is now automatically converted to the user-locale; mu view can output separators between messages for easier processing, support for X-Label-tags, and last but not least, mu now has bindings for the Guile (Scheme) programming language - there is a new toy (toys/muile) that allows you to inspect messages and do all kinds of statistics - see the README for more information.
  • 2011-06-02: after quite a bit of testing, 0.9.6 has been promoted to be the next release forget about the 'bèta'. Development continues for the next release.
  • 2011-05-28: mu-0.9.6 (bèta). A lot of internal changes, but also quite some new features, for example:

    • wild-card searching for most fields: mu find 'car*'
    • search for message with certain attachments with 'attach:/a:': mu find 'attach:resume*'
    • color for mu find, mu cfind, mu extract and mu view

    Everything is documented in the man-pages, and there are examples in the mu cheatsheet.

  • 2011-04-25: mu-0.9.5 a small, but important, bugfix in maildir-detection, some small optimizations.
  • 2011-04-12: mu 0.9.4 released - adds the cfind command, to find contacts (name + e-mail); add flag:unread which is a synonym for flag:new OR NOT flag:seen. Updates to the documentation and some internal updates. This is a bèta-version.
  • 2011-02-13: mu 0.9.3; fixes a bunch of minor issues in 0.9.2; updated the web page with pages for mug (the experimental UI) and the mu cheatsheet.
  • 2011-02-02: mu 0.9.2 released, which adds support for matching on message size, and various new output format. See NEWS for all the user-visible changes, also from older releases.
  • Old news

Development & download

Some Linux-distributions already provide pre-built mu packages; if there's no packagage for your distribution, or if you want the latest release, you can download mu source packages from Google Code. In case you find a bug, or have a feature requests, please use the issue tracker.

If you'd like to work with the mu source code, you can find it in Github; also, see the notes on HACKING the mu source code.

There's also a mailing list.

License & Copyright

mu was designed and implemented by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema, and is Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPLv3

#+html:<hr/><div align="center">&copy; 2011-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema</div>

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