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Mu4e Bug Report Create a report to help us improve [mu4e bug] bug, mu4e, new

Describe the bug

Please provide a clear and concise description of what you expected to happen and what actually happened.

How to Reproduce

Include the exact steps of what you were doing (commands executed etc.). Include any relevant logs and outputs.

If this is about a specific (kind of) message, attach an example message. (Open the message, press . (mu4e-view-raw-message), then C-x C-w and attach. Anonymize as needed, all that matters is that the issue still reproduces.

Environment Please describe the versions of OS, Emacs, mu/mu4e etc. you are using.


  • you are running either an 1.8.x release or the latest 1.9.x development release
  • you can reproduce the problem without 3rd party extensions (including Doom/Evil etc.)
  • you have read all of the above