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mu4e: an e-mail client for emacs

Starting with version 0.9.8, mu provides an emacs-based e-mail client which uses mu as its back-end: mu4e.

Through mu, mu4e sits on top of your Maildir (which you update with e.g. offlineimap or fetchmail). mu4e is designed to enable super-efficient handling of e-mail; searching, reading, replying, moving, deleting. The overall 'feel' is a bit of a mix of dired and Wanderlust.

Features include:

  • Fully search-based: there are no folders, only queries
  • UI optimized for speed with quick key strokes for common actions
  • Fully documented, with example configurations
  • Asynchronous: heavy actions never block emacs
  • Write rich-text e-mails using org-mode (experimental)
  • Address auto-completion based on your messages no need for managing address books
  • Extendable in many places using custom actions

For all the details, please see the manual, or check the screenshots below. mu4e is part of the normal mu source package and also available on Github.


Here are some screenshots.

The main view


The headers view


The message view


The message/headers split view (


The message/headers split view, and speedbar support.

View message as pdf (


License & Copyright

mu4e was designed and implemented by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema, and is Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPLv3

#+html:<hr/><div align="center">&copy; 2011-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema</div>

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