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#+html:<img src="mu.jpg" align="right" margin="10px"/>

Welcome to mu!

Given the enormous amounts of e-mail many people gather, and the importance of e-mail message in our work-flows, it's essential to quickly deal with all that mail - in particular, to instantly find that one important e-mail you need right now.

mu is a tool for dealing with e-mail messages stored in the Maildir-format. mu main purpose is to help you to quickly find the messages you need; in addition, it allows you to quickly to view messages, extract attachments, create new maildirs, … See the mu cheatsheet for some examples.

Searching works by first indexing your messages into a Xapian-database. After that, you can quickly find message using a powerful query language.


  • 2011-02-13: mu 0.9.3; fixes a bunch of minor issues in 0.9.2; updated the web page with pages for mug (the experimental UI) and the mu cheatsheet.
  • 2011-02-02: mu 0.9.2 released, which adds support for matching on message size, and various new output format. See NEWS for all the user-visible changes, also from older releases.
  • Old news


  • fast indexing for Maildir, Maildir+ and Maildir-on-VFAT
  • search for messages based on the sender, receiver, size, priority, words in the message body, attachments, date range, certain flags (signed, encrypted, new, replied, …)
  • known to work on Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora/Debian/GenToo), FreeBSD, MacOS, Solaris, …
  • fully documented (man pages)
  • can be integrated with e-mail clients; documentation has examples for mutt and Wanderlust.
  • output in plain text, xml, json, s-expressions (experimental)
  • extract message parts, attachments, open them using their default application

In addition, there is a toy UI for mu called mug; the plan is to slowly evolve this into a full-featured UI.

Development & download

Some Linux-distributions already provide pre-built mu packages; if not, or if you want the latest release, you can download mu source packages from Google Code. In case you find a bug, or have a feature requests, please use the issue tracker.

If you'd like to work with the mu source code, you can find it in Gitorious, and see the notes on HACKING the mu source code.

There's also a mailing list.

License & Copyright

mu was designed and implemented by Dirk-Jan C. Binnema, and is Free Software, licensed under the GNU GPLv3

#+html:<hr/><div align="center">&copy; 2011 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema</div>

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