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Questions & answers about mu.


Q: I have some maildirs with spam and junk e-mail that I don't want to include in the indexing process. How can I tell mu to ignore those?

A: Put a file called .noindex in the directory (maildir) you'd like to ignore, and mu will not index that directory, nor any of its sub-maildirs.

Q: mu index complains about some messages being too big; what can I do about that?

A: since 0.9.2, there is --max-msg-size where you can set the maximum size (in bytes) of messages that mu should consider. In older versions, you'd need to update MU_MAILDIR_WALK_MAX_FILE_SIZE in mu-maildir.c and recompile.


Q: Do you have some examples of queries?

A: sure, see the mu-easy man page (man mu-easy), or see below.

Q: I have some folders with spaces in their names; how can I match those?

A: You'll have to quote the folder name; and from the command line that means you'll have to escape those quotes; for example:

         $ mu find maildir:"\"Sent Items\""

Note that matching maildirs with 'special' characters like dots, '@' was problematic in some older mu-versions, but should work well with the 0.9.2 and beyond.

Q: I'd like to get the result of a query as a list of the message files. Is that possible?

A: Yes; using the l (small letter L) in the format, you can do something like:

         $ mu find --fields=l athens

to get the file names (paths) of all messages about Athens. Of course, you can use that for further processing. For example, to get list of e-mail files sorted by their length in lines:

        $ mu find --fields=l athens | xargs wc -l | sort -n

Showing the results

Q: Can I get the output in some other format that lines of plain text? Say, in XML?

A: Starting with version 0.9.2, there is (experimental) support for output in XML, JSON and s-expressions. Use --format=xml-argument (or --format=sexp, --format=json ) to mu find for this. Note that this is still experimental, and the exact formats have not been fixed yet.

Q: Can I integrate mu find with my e-mail client?

A: Yes, at least for some mail clients like mutt and Wanderlust (for emacs) you can do that. For this, mu uses a special trick where the results of a search are put in a special temporary maildir with symbolic links to the found messages, and the visiting this temporary maildir with the mail client. The mu-find man page has some examples on how to integrate this with mail clients.

Q: Is there some GUI for mu?

A: A GUI is being developed, but it will take some time to be ready. However, as of version 0.9.1, in the toys/-directory of the mu source package you'll find mug and mug2, which show-case parts of the future GUI. mug2 is the more feature-rich one, and requires a fairly recent GTK+/Glib and Webkit, while mug only requires GTK+. If you have the required packages, mug=/=mug2 will automatically be built; however, make install will not install them. You'll need to run them from their directory. Screenshot.

Example queries