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Health check troubleshooting

health-check.sh performs a checks to ensure that your system has all dependencies needed to run smoothly.

They are not much, and in most GNU/linux environments these are the defaults anyway.

To run the check you need to run the following command.

$ /path/to/tmux-fingers/scripts/health-check.sh

gawk not found

Install gawk package.


$ brew install gawk


  • Ubuntu: $ sudo aptitude install gawk
  • Arch linux: $ sudo pacman -S install gawk

bash version is too old

This probably means you are running OSX, which ships with bash 3. In order to upgrade to bash 4 you need need to run:

$ brew install bash

tmux version is too old

You can install latest tmux from source, check https://github.com/tmux/tmux

Wrong $TERM value

Tmux fingers works better with proper 256 support. Set @default-terminal to either screen-256color or xterm-256color.

set -g @default-terminal "screen-256color"

submodules not initialized properly

This could happen after an update from a tmux-fingers version prior to 0.6.x, ensure that all tmux-fingers dependencies are installed properly by running the following:

cd ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-fingers
git submodule update --init --recursive"
tmux source ~/.tmux.conf"

system clipboard integration

In order for system clipboard integration to work, you need to have program in your system that manages that.

Check tmux-yank documentation to check what program do you need to install, depending on your platform.