mirror of https://tt-rss.org/git/tt-rss.git synced 2024-07-03 13:00:51 +02:00
Andrew Dolgov 3fd7856543 * switch to composer for qrcode and otp dependencies
* move most OTP-related stuff into userhelper
* remove old phpqrcode and otphp libraries
2021-02-26 19:16:17 +03:00

154 lines
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# chillerlan/php-settings-container
A container class for immutable settings objects. Not a DI container. PHP 7.2+
- [`SettingsContainerInterface`](https://github.com/chillerlan/php-settings-container/blob/master/src/SettingsContainerInterface.php) provides immutable properties with magic getter & setter and some fancy
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## Documentation
### Installation
**requires [composer](https://getcomposer.org)**
*composer.json* (note: replace `dev-master` with a version boundary)
"require": {
"php": "^7.2",
"chillerlan/php-settings-container": "^1.0"
### Manual installation
Download the desired version of the package from [master](https://github.com/chillerlan/php-settings-container/archive/master.zip) or
[release](https://github.com/chillerlan/php-settings-container/releases) and extract the contents to your project folder. After that:
- run `composer install` to install the required dependencies and generate `/vendor/autoload.php`.
- if you use a custom autoloader, point the namespace `chillerlan\Settings` to the folder `src` of the package
## Usage
The `SettingsContainerInterface` (wrapped in`SettingsContainerAbstract` ) provides plug-in functionality for immutable object variables and adds some fancy, like loading/saving JSON, arrays etc.
It takes iterable as the only constructor argument and calls a method with the trait's name on invocation (`MyTrait::MyTrait()`) for each used trait.
### Simple usage
class MyContainer extends SettingsContainerAbstract{
protected $foo;
protected $bar;
// use it just like a \stdClass
$container = new MyContainer;
$container->foo = 'what';
$container->bar = 'foo';
// which is equivalent to
$container = new MyContainer(['bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'what']);
// ...or try
$container->fromJSON('{"foo": "what", "bar": "foo"}');
// fetch all properties as array
$container->toArray(); // -> ['foo' => 'what', 'bar' => 'foo']
// or JSON
$container->toJSON(); // -> {"foo": "what", "bar": "foo"}
//non-existing properties will be ignored:
$container->nope = 'what';
var_dump($container->nope); // -> null
### Advanced usage
trait SomeOptions{
protected $foo;
protected $what;
// this method will be called in SettingsContainerAbstract::construct()
// after the properties have been set
protected function SomeOptions(){
// just some constructor stuff...
$this->foo = strtoupper($this->foo);
// this method will be called from __set() when property $what is set
protected function set_what(string $value){
$this->what = md5($value);
trait MoreOptions{
protected $bar = 'whatever'; // provide default values
$commonOptions = [
// SomeOptions
'foo' => 'whatever',
// MoreOptions
'bar' => 'nothing',
// now plug the several library options together to a single object
$container = new class ($commonOptions) extends SettingsContainerAbstract{
use SomeOptions, MoreOptions;
var_dump($container->foo); // -> WHATEVER (constructor ran strtoupper on the value)
var_dump($container->bar); // -> nothing
$container->what = 'some value';
var_dump($container->what); // -> md5 hash of "some value"
### API
#### [`SettingsContainerAbstract`](https://github.com/chillerlan/php-settings-container/blob/master/src/SettingsContainerAbstract.php)
method | return | info
-------- | ---- | -----------
`__construct(iterable $properties = null)` | - | calls `construct()` internally after the properties have been set
(protected) `construct()` | void | calls a method with trait name as replacement constructor for each used trait
`__get(string $property)` | mixed | calls `$this->{'get_'.$property}()` if such a method exists
`__set(string $property, $value)` | void | calls `$this->{'set_'.$property}($value)` if such a method exists
`__isset(string $property)` | bool |
`__unset(string $property)` | void |
`__toString()` | string | a JSON string
`toArray()` | array |
`fromIterable(iterable $properties)` | `SettingsContainerInterface` |
`toJSON(int $jsonOptions = null)` | string | accepts [JSON options constants](http://php.net/manual/json.constants.php)
`fromJSON(string $json)` | `SettingsContainerInterface` |
`jsonSerialize()` | mixed | implements the [`JsonSerializable`](https://www.php.net/manual/en/jsonserializable.jsonserialize.php) interface
## Disclaimer
This might be either an utterly genius or completely stupid idea - you decide. However, i like it and it works.
Also, this is not a dependency injection container. Stop using DI containers FFS.