Store FeedTree data in localStorage

Patching internal functions of dijit.Tree as they don't provide option on where to store the data.

It stores to cookies by default but the data can get quite big for hundreds of feeds and exceeds cookies size limit.

Not to mention it'll cause the cookie to be sent during any request with nothing handling it server side and just wasting bandwidth.

This patch will also migrate current data in cookie to local storage accordingly.
This commit is contained in:
nanaya 2020-07-09 01:48:23 +09:00
parent 68b78ecd3d
commit 8d8affdc45
1 changed files with 34 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,42 @@
/* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */ /* eslint-disable prefer-rest-params */
/* global __, dojo, dijit, define, App, Feeds, CommonDialogs */ /* global __, dojo, dijit, define, App, Feeds, CommonDialogs */
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/Tree", "dijit/Menu"], function (declare, domConstruct) { define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/cookie", "dijit/Tree", "dijit/Menu"], function (declare, domConstruct, array, cookie) {
return declare("fox.FeedTree", dijit.Tree, { return declare("fox.FeedTree", dijit.Tree, {
// save state in localStorage instead of cookies
// reference:
_saveExpandedNodes: function(){
if(this.persist && this.cookieName){
var ary = [];
for(var id in this._openedNodes){
// Was:
// cookie(this.cookieName, ary.join(","), {expires: 365});
localStorage.setItem(this.cookieName, ary.join(","));
_initState: function(){
// summary:
// Load in which nodes should be opened automatically
this._openedNodes = {};
if(this.persist && this.cookieName){
// Was:
// var oreo = cookie(this.cookieName);
var oreo = localStorage.getItem(this.cookieName);
// migrate old data if nothing in localStorage
if(oreo == null || oreo === '') {
oreo = cookie(this.cookieName);
cookie(this.cookieName, null, { expires: -1 });
array.forEach(oreo.split(','), function(item){
this._openedNodes[item] = true;
}, this);
_onContainerKeydown: function(/* Event */ /* e */) { _onContainerKeydown: function(/* Event */ /* e */) {
return; // Stop dijit.Tree from interpreting keystrokes return; // Stop dijit.Tree from interpreting keystrokes
}, },