
740 B

Release notes

v0.2.0 (not released yet)

Bugfixes and new features
+ improved open page ux + keyfiles from Dropbox
+ #17: option to hide entries from subgroups + #13: increase max generated password length
+ #20: default http:// for urls without protocol
- #12: cannot edit entries without title

v0.1.1 (2015-11-04)

Bugfix and performance enhancements
+ support non-xml keyfiles
+ removed limitation for extensions of opened files
+ #10: using WebCrypto for better open performance
- #11: can create a group without name
- #3: desktop app quits without question about unsaved changes
- #2: shortcuts are not working in Mac app

v0.1.0 (2015-10-31)

First MVP