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KeePass web app (unofficial)

This webapp is a browser and desktop password manager compatible with KeePass databases. It doesn't require any server or additional resources. The app can run either in browser, or as a desktop app.


Quick Links

Apps: Web Desktop
Timeline: Release Notes TODO
On one page: Features
Twitter: kee_web


Reading and display is mostly complete; modification and sync is under construction, please see TODO for more details.

Known Issues

These major issues are in progress, or will be fixed in next releases, before v1.0:

  • dropbox sync is one-way: changes are not loaded from dropbox, only saved


Everything you need to host this app on your server is any static file server. The app is a single HTML file + cache manifest (optionally; for offline access). You can download the latest distribution files from gh-pages branch. To make Dropbox work in your self-hosted app:

  1. create a Dropbox app
  2. find your app key (in Dropbox App page, go to Settings/App key)
  3. change Dropbox app key in index.html file: sed -i.bak s/qp7ctun6qt5n9d6/your_app_key/g index.html (or, if you are building from source, change it here)


The app can be built with grunt: grunt (html file will be in dist/).
Desktop apps are built with grunt desktop. This works only in mac osx as it builds dmg; requires wine.
To run Electron app without building, install electron package (npm install electron-prebuilt -g) and start in this way:

$ cd electron
$ electron . --htmlpath=../tmp

For debug build:

  1. run grunt
  2. run grunt watch
  3. open tmp/index.html


Please, read contribution guidelines.
