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KeePass web app (unofficial)

This webapp is a browser and desktop password manager compatible with KeePass databases. It doesn't require any server or additional resources. The app can run either in browser, or as a desktop app.


Quick Links

Apps: Web Desktop
Timeline: Release Notes TODO
On one page: Features FAQ
Twitter: kee_web


The app is already rather stable but might still need polishing, testing ang improvements before v1 release, which is expected to happen in Feb 2016. Please see TODO for more details.

Known Issues

These major issues are in progress, or will be fixed in next releases, before v1.0:

  • dropbox sync is one-way: changes are not loaded from dropbox, only saved
  • files are considered saved only when they are exported


Everything you need to host this app on your server is any static file server. The app is a single HTML file + cache manifest (optionally; for offline access). You can download the latest distribution files from gh-pages branch. To make Dropbox work in your self-hosted app:

  1. create a Dropbox app
  2. find your app key (in Dropbox App page, go to Settings/App key)
  3. change Dropbox app key in index.html file: sed -i.bak s/qp7ctun6qt5n9d6/your_app_key/g index.html (or, if you are building from source, change it here)


The app can be built with grunt: grunt (html file will be in dist/).
Desktop apps are built with grunt desktop. This works only in mac osx as it builds dmg; requires wine.
To run Electron app without building, install electron package (npm install electron-prebuilt -g) and start in this way:

$ cd electron
$ electron . --htmlpath=../tmp

For debug build:

  1. run grunt
  2. run grunt watch
  3. open tmp/index.html


Please, read contribution guidelines.
