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Org Mode

#+Title: Introduction to Org-Reveal
#+Author: Yujie Wen
#+Email: yjwen.ty@gmail.com
#+OPTIONS: reveal_center:t reveal_progress:t reveal_history:nil reveal_control:t
#+OPTIONS: reveal_rolling_links:t reveal_keyboard:t reveal_overview:t num:nil
#+OPTIONS: reveal_width:1200 reveal_height:800
#+OPTIONS: toc:1
#+REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE: <meta name="description" content="Org-Reveal Introduction.">
#+REVEAL_POSTAMBLE: <p> Created by yjwen. </p>
#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (markdown notes)
#+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: ./local.css
* Reveal.js and Org-Reveal
- *Reveal.js* is a tool for creating good-looking HTML presentations,
authored by [[http://hakim.se/][Hakim El Hattab]]. \\
For an example of a reveal.js presentation, see [[http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/][here]].
- *Org-Reveal* exports your [[http://orgmode.org/][Org]] documents to reveal.js
With Org-reveal, you can create beautiful presentations with 3D
effects from simple but powerful Org contents.
* Requirements and Installation
- Reveal.js.
- Org-mode.
- ox-reveal.el.
- htmlize.el (optional, for syntax highlighting).
- And, of course, emacs.
** Install Reveal.js
Download Reveal.js packages from [[https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/][here]].
Extract Reveal.js folders from the downloaded zip file.
If you do not wish to download reveal.js yourself and would rather get a copy from a CDN,
see the section [[https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal#set-the-location-of-revealjs][Set the location of Reveal.js]]
** Install org-reveal from MELPA
The easiest way to install org-reveal is to install package
ox-reveal from MELPA.
Please refer to [[http://melpa.org/#/getting-started]] for using MELPA. *Note*: It is suggested to use the [[http://orgmode.org/elpa.html][Org ELPA]] archive in pair
with the ox-reveal packages. Emacs builtin Org-mode package may be
out of date for MELPA's ox-reveal.
** Install org-reveal from GitHub
You can also install the latest developing version of org-reveal directly
from GitHub.
Please download the latest Org-reveal package from [[https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal][the Org-reveal
GitHub page]]. Or clone the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal.git
Copy =ox-reveal.el= to one of your Emacs's ~load-path~, and add the
following statement to your =.emacs= file.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(require 'ox-reveal)
#+END_SRC *Note*: It is suggested to use the Org-mode git repository in pair
with the GitHub org-reveal. Please get the Org-mode git repository
$ git clone git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git
Follow the [[http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-build-system.html][online instruction]] for building and installing Org-mode.
* Configuration
** Set the location of Reveal.js
Org-reveal must know where Reveal.js is on your computer before
exporting Org contents. The location of Reveal.js is the path to
the top directory of the Reveal.js packages, the directory which contains
file *README.md*, but *not* the one that contains the file reveal.js.
The default location is =./reveal.js=, relative to the Org file.
Changing =org-reveal-root= 's value will change the location
globally. For example, add the following statement to your .emacs
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(setq org-reveal-root "file:///d:/reveal.js")
#+END_SRC *IMPORTANT*: the absolute path to Reveal.js should be in URL form,
"file:///path_to_reveal.js", as illustrated above. By setting
option =REVEAL_ROOT=, the location is only affected within the Org
,#+REVEAL_ROOT: file:///d:/reveal.js
Set your =REVEAL_ROOT= to the following URL to download reveal.js from
a CDN instead of downloading a local copy.
,#+REVEAL_ROOT: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/reveal.js@3.7.0
*** Url form for file location
For example if you cloned this repository to your home directory,
this file in Mac OS X would be referred to as
"file:///Users/username/org-reveal/readme.org". This file in
Ubuntu would be "file:///home/username/org-reveal/readme.org" and
in Windows this file would be
"file:///c:/Users/username/org-reveal/readme.org". For more
detail on this standard please refer to
** First Try
To load Org-reveal, type "M-x load-library", then type
Now you can export this manual into Reveal.js presentation by
typing "C-c C-e R R".
Open the generated "Readme.html" in your browser and enjoy the
cool slides.
** The HLevel
Org-reveal maps each heading and its contents to one Reveal.js
slide. Since Reveal.js arranges slides into a 2-dimensional matrix,
Org-reveal use a *HLevel* value to decide whether to map headings to horizontal
or vertical slides.
* Headings of level less than or equal to *HLevel* are mapped to horizontal
* Headings with a deeper level are mapped to vertical slides.
HLevel's default value is 1, means only level 1 headings are arranged
horizontally. Deeper headings are mapped to vertical slides below their
parent level 1 heading.
*** HLevel's Effects on Slides Layout
Assume we have a simple Org file as below:
,* H1
,* H2
,** H2.1
,*** H2.1.1
,* H3
If HLevel is 1, the default value, headings H2.1 and H2.1.1 will
be mapped to vertical slides below the slides of heading H2.
If HLevel is changed to 2, slides of heading H2.1 will be changed
to the main horizontal queue, and slides of heading H2.1.1 will be
a vertical slide below it.
*** Configure HLevel's Value
* Change variable =org-reveal-hlevel='s value to set HLevel globally.\\
For example, add the following statement to your =.emacs= file.
#+BEGIN_SRC lisp
(setq org-reveal-hlevel 2)
* Setting Org files local HLevel to option =REVEAL_HLEVEL=.
** Force Split
If one heading has too many things to fit into one slide, you can
split the contents into multiple vertical slides manually, by inserting
,#+REVEAL: split
#+REVEAL: split
Now a new slide begins after =#+REVEAL= keyword.
To repeat the heading title on the split slide, please insert ~#+REVEAL: split:t~ instead.
** Select Theme and Transition
Themes and transition styles are set globally throughout the whole
file by setting options =REVEAL_THEME=, =REVEAL_TRANS=, and =REVEAL_SPEED=.
For an example, please check the heading part of this document.
Available themes can be found in "css/theme/" in the reveal.js directory.
Available transitions are: default|cube|page|concave|zoom|linear|fade|none.
** Set The Title Slide
By default, Org-reveal generates a title slide displaying the
title, the author, the Email, the date and the time-stamp of the
Org document, controlled by Org's [[http://orgmode.org/org.html#Export-settings][export settings]].
To avoid a title slide, please set variable ~org-reveal-title-slide~ to ~nil~, or add ~reveal_title_slide:nil~ to ~#+OPTIONS:~ line.
To restore the default title slide, please set variable ~org-reveal-title-slide~ to ~'auto~.
*** Customize the Title Slide
There are 3 ways t ocustomize the title slide.
1. Set variable ~org-reveal-title-slide~ to a string of HTML markups.
2. Set ~reveal_title_slide~ in the ~#+OPTIONS:~ line to a string of HTML markups.
3. Use one or more option lines ~#+REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE:~ to specify
the HTML of the title slide.
The following escaping characters can be used to retrieve document
| ~%t~ | Title |
| ~%s~ | Subtitle |
| ~%a~ | Author |
| ~%e~ | Email |
| ~%d~ | Date |
| ~%%~ | Literal % |
** Set Slide Background
Slide background can be set to a color, an image or a repeating image
array by setting heading properties.
*** Single Colored Background
:reveal_background: #543210
Set property =reveal_background= to either an RGB color value, or any
supported CSS color format.
,*** Single Colored Background
:reveal_background: #123456
*** Single Image Background
:reveal_background: ./images/whale.jpg
:reveal_background_trans: slide
Set property =reveal_background= to an URL of background image.
Set property =reveal_background_trans= to =slide= to make background image
sliding rather than fading.
,*** Single Image Background
:reveal_background: ./images/whale.jpg
:reveal_background_trans: slide
*** Repeating Image Background
:reveal_background: ./images/whale.jpg
:reveal_background_size: 200px
:reveal_background_repeat: repeat
Resize background image by setting property =reveal_background_size= to a number.
Set property =reveal_background_repeat= to =repeat= to repeat
image on the background.
,*** Repeating Image Background
:reveal_background: ./images/whale.jpg
:reveal_background_size: 200px
:reveal_background_repeat: repeat
*** Title Slide Background Image
To set the title slide's background image, please specify the
following options:
* =REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND=: A URL to the background image.
* =REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND_SIZE=: HTML size specification, e.g. ~200px~.
* =REVEAL_TITLE_SLIDE_BACKGROUND_REPEAT=: set to ~repeat~ to repeat the image.
*** Background for all slides
You can also configure the background for all slides in the presentation with:
Refer to the [[https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal#set-slide-background][Set slide background section]] for instructions on how to use each
** Slide Size
Reveal.js scales slides to best fit the display resolution, but you can
also specify the desired size by settings the option tags =reveal_width=
and =reveal_height=.
The scaling behavior can also be constrained by setting following
* =#+REVEAL_MARGIN:= :: a float number, the factor of empty area
surrounding slide contents.
* =#+REVEAL_MIN_SCALE:= :: a float number, the minimum scaling down
* =#+REVEAL_MAX_SCALE:= :: a float number, the maximum scaling up
** Slide Numbering
By default, a flatten slide number is showed at the lower-right corner of each slide.
To disable slide numbering, please add ~reveal_slide_number:nil~ to ~#+OPTIONS:~ line.
From Reveal.js 3.1.0, slide numbering can have several custom
formats. To choose one format, please set ~reveal_slide_number~ to
its proper string. For example, ~reveal_slide_number:h/v~.
Supported format string can be found in [[https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#slide-number][Reveal.js manual]]. *NOTE:* ~reveal_sldie_number~ has no effect on the numbering of
headings. To disable the heading number, pleass add ~num:nil~ to
one ~#+OPTIONS~ line.
** Slide Header/Footer
Specify Slide header/footer by =#+REVEAL_SLIDE_HEADER:= and
=#+REVEAL_SLIDE_FOOTER:=. The option content will be put into
divisions of class =slide-header= and =slide-footer=, so you can
control their appearance in custom CSS file(see [[https://github.com/rafadc/org-reveal#extra-stylesheets][Extra Stylesheets]]).
By default header/footer content will only display on content
slides. To show them also on the title and toc slide you can add ~reveal_global_header:t~ and ~reveal_global_footer:t~ to ~#+OPTIONS:~ line.
** Fragmented Contents
Make contents fragmented (show up one-by-one) by setting option =ATTR_REVEAL= with property ":frag frag-style", as illustrated
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in
Paragraphs can be fragmented.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in
- Lists can
- be fragmented.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in
Pictures, tables and many other HTML elements can be fragmented.
*** Fragment Styles
Available fragment styles are:
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag t
* grow
* shrink
* roll-in
* fade-out
* highlight-red
* highlight-green
* highlight-blue
* appear
Setting ~:frag t~ will use Reveal.js default fragment style, which
can be overridden by local option ~#+REVEAL_DEFAULT_FRAG_STYLE~ or
global variable ~org-reveal-default-frag-style~.
*** Fragment Index
Fragment sequence can be changed by assigning adding ~:frag_idx~
property to each fragmented element.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag t :frag_idx 3
And, this paragraph shows at last.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag t :frag_idx 2
This paragraph shows secondly.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag t :frag_idx 1
This paragraph shows at first.
*** List Fragments ~#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag frag-style~ above a list defines fragment
style for the list as a whole.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag grow
1. All items grow.
2. As a whole.
To define fragment styles for every list item, please enumerate
each item's style in a lisp list. ~none~ in the style list will disable fragment for the
corresponding list item.
Custom fragment sequence should also be enumerated for each list
#+REVEAL: split:t
An example:
,#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (grow shrink roll-in fade-out none) :frag_idx (4 3 2 1 -)
* I will grow.
* I will shrink.
* I rolled in.
* I will fade out.
* I don't fragment.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (grow shrink roll-in fade-out none) :frag_idx (4 3 2 1 -)
* I will grow.
* I will shrink.
* I rolled in.
* I will fade out.
* I don't fragment.
#+REVEAL: split:t
When there is ~:frag_idx~ specified, insufficient fragment style
list will be extended by its last element. So a ~:frag (appear)~
assigns each item of a list the ~appear~ fragment style.
,#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
* I appear.
* I appear.
* I appear.
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag (appear)
* I appear.
* I appear.
* I appear.
** Data State
:reveal_data_state: alert
Set property =reveal_data_state= to headings to change this slide's
display style, as illustrated above.
Available data states are: alert|blackout|soothe.
** Plug-ins
Reveal.js provides several plug-in functions.
- reveal-control : Show/hide browsing control pad.
- reveal-progress : Show/hide progress bar.
- reveal-history : Enable/disable slide history track.
- reveal-center : Enable/disable slide centering.
- multiplex : Enable audience to view presentation on secondary devices.
*** Configure Plug-ins
Each plugin can be toggled on/off by adding =#+OPTIONS= tags or
by setting custom variables.
- =#+OPTIONS= tags:\\ =reveal_control=, =reveal_progress=, =reveal_history=, =reveal_center=, =reveal_rolling_links=, =reveal_keyboard=, =reveal_overview=
- Custom variables:\\ =org-reveal-control=, =org-reveal-progress=, =org-reveal-history=, =org-reveal-center=, =org-reveal-rolling-links=, =org-reveal-keyboard=, =org-reveal-overview=
For an example, please refer to the heading part of this document.
** Third-Party Plugins
Reveal.js is also extensible through third-party plugins. Org-reveal now includes a mechanism to load these as well. It's a little more complicated, because we need to store the specific javascript loading code in a defcustom.
Store the names and loading instructions for each plugin in the defcustom ~org-reveal-external-plugins~. This defcustom is an associative list. The first element of each Assoc cell is a symbol -- the name of the plugin -- and the second is a string that will be expanded by the ~format~ function when the plugin is loaded. So, this second element should have the form ~" {src: \"%srelative/path/toplugin/from/reveal/root.js\"}'. If you need the async or callback parameters, include those too. Ox-reveal will add the plugin to the dependencies parameter when Reveal is initialized.
** Highlight Source Code
There are two ways to highlight source code.
1. Use your Emacs theme
2. Use highlight.js
To Use your Emacs theme, please make sure ~htmlize.el~ is
installed. Then no more setup is necessary.
Below is an example. Codes are copied from [[http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/The_Fibonacci_sequence][Haskell Wiki]].
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
fibs = 0 : 1 : next fibs
where next (a : t@(b:_)) = (a+b) : next t
If you saw odd indentation, please set variable =org-html-indent=
to =nil= and export again.
*** Using highlight.js
You can also use [[https://highlightjs.org][highlight.js]], by adding ~highlight~ to the Reveal.js
plugin list.
,#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (highlight)
The default highlighting theme is ~zenburn.css~ brought with
Reveal.js. To use other themes, please specify the CSS file name by
~#+REVEAL_HIGHLIGHT_CSS~ or the variable ~org-reveal-highlight-css~.
The "%r" in the given CSS file name will be replaced by Reveal.js'
** Editable Source Code
It is now possible to embed code blocks in a codemirror instance in order to edit code during a presentation. At present, this capacity is turned on or off at time export using these defcustoms:
- ~org-reveal-klipsify-src~
- ~org-reveal-klipse-css~
- ~org-reveal-klipse-js~
This feature is turned off by default and needs to be switched on with ~org-reveal-klipsify-src~. At present code editing is supported in javacript, clojure, php, ruby, scheme, and python only.
** MathJax
:CUSTOM_ID: my-heading
${n! \over k!(n-k)!} = {n \choose k}$
LateX equation are rendered in native HTML5 contents.
*IMPORTANT*: Displaying equations requires internet connection to
[[http://mathjax.org/][mathjax.org]] or local MathJax installation. For local MathJax
installation, set option =REVEAL_MATHJAX_URL= to the URL pointing
to the local MathJax location. *Note*: Option ~reveal_mathjax~ is obsolete now. Org-reveal
exports necessary MathJax configurations when there is Latex
equation found.
** Preamble and Postamble
You can define preamble and postamble contents which will not be
shown as slides, but will be exported into the body part of the
generated HTML file, at just before and after the slide contents.
Change preamble and postamble contents globally by setting variable =org-reveal-preamble= and =org-reveal-postamble=.
Change preamble and postamble contents locally by setting options =REVEAL_PREAMBLE= and =REVEAL_POSTAMBLE=, as illustrated at the
heading part of this document.
To add custom contents into HTML =<head>= parts, set contents to
variable =org-reveal-head-preamble= or option =REVEAL_HEAD_PREAMBLE=.
*** Generating Pre/Postamble by Emacs-Lisp Functions
If the contents of pre/postamble is the name of an evaluated
Emacs-Lisp function, which must accept an argument of Org-mode
info and return a string, the returned string will be taken
as pre/postamble contents.
So you can embed the Emacs-Lisp function as an Org-Babel source
block and mark it to be evaluated when exporting the document.
** Raw HTML in Slides
Besides the Org contents, you can embed raw HTML contents
into slides by placing a =#+REVEAL_HTML= keyword.
The famous cat jump fail:
#+REVEAL_HTML: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Awf45u6zrP0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
** Speaker Notes
Reveal.js supports speaker notes, which are displayed in a separate
browser window. Pressing 's' on slide's windows will pop up a window
displaying the current slide, the next slide and the speaker notes on the current
Org-reveal recognize texts between =#+BEGIN_NOTES= and =#+END_NOTES=
as speaker notes. See the example below.
,* Heading 1
Some contents.
Enter speaker notes here.
#+REVEAL: split
Speaker notes requires the ~notes~ plug-in. If you changed default
plug-in setting by specifying =#+REVEAL_PLUGINS= or by setting
variable =org-reveal-plugins=, please make sure ~notes~ is in the
plug-in list to enable speaker notes.
#+REVEAL: split
Due to a bug in Reveal.js, sometimes the speaker notes window
shows only blank screens. A workaround to this issue is to put
the presentation HTML file into the Reveal.js root directory and
reopen it in the browser.
*** Easy-Template for Speaker Notes
Org-reveal registers 'n' as the key for speaker notes easy-template.
So you can press '<' followed by 'n' and then press TAB, the ~#+BEGIN_NOTES~
and ~#+END_NOTES~ pair is inserted automatically.
Customize ~org-reveal-note-key-char~ to change the default key
'n'. set it to nil will forbid the auto-completion for speaker notes.
** Multiplexing
Reveal.js supports multiplexing, which allows allows your audience to view
the slides of the presentation you are controlling on their own phone, tablet
or laptop. As the master presentation navigates the slides, all client
presentations will update in real time. See a demo at
You can enable multiplexing for your slide generation by including the
following options:
#+REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_ID: [Obtained from the socket.io server. ]
#+REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_SECRET: [Obtained from socket.io server. Gives the master control of the presentation.]
#+REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_URL: http://revealjs.jit.su:80 [Location of socket.io server]
#+REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_SOCKETIO_URL: http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/0.9.10/socket.io.min.js
#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: ([any other plugins you are using] multiplex)
You must generate unique values for the =REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_ID= and =REVEAL_MULTIPLEX_SECRET= options, obtaining these from the socket.io server
you are using.
If you include these options in your .org file, reveal-org will enable your
.html file as the master file for multiplexing and will generate a file named
in the form =[filename]_client.html= in the same directory as the client
.html file. Provide your audience with a link to the client file to allow
them to track your presentation on their own device.
** Extra Stylesheets
Set =REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS= to a stylesheet file path in order to load extra custom
styles after loading a theme.
,#+REVEAL_EXTRA_CSS: url-to-custom-stylesheet.css
** Select Built-In Scripts
Set option =REVEAL_PLUGINS= or variable =org-reveal-plugins= to a
lisp list to select built-in scripts.
Available built-in scripts are:
Default built-ins are: classList/markdown/highlight/zoom/notes/multiplex.
The following examples select /markdown/ and /highlight/ only.
,#+REVEAL_PLUGINS: (markdown highlight)
** Extra Dependent Script
Set =REVEAL_EXTRA_JS= to the url of extra reveal.js dependent
script if necessary.
,#+REVEAL_EXTRA_JS: url-to-custom-script.js
** Extra Slide Attribute
Set property =reveal_extra_attr= to headings to add any necessary attributes
to slides.
** Export into Single File
By setting option =reveal_single_file= to ~t~, images and necessary
Reveal.js scripts will be embedded into the exported HTML file, to make
a portable HTML. Please note that remote images will /not/ be included in the
single file, so presentations with remote images will still require an Internet
Attention: This needs locally available reveal.js files!
,#+OPTIONS: reveal_single_file:t
When exporting into single file, functions provided by Reveal.js
libraries will be disabled due to limitation, including PDF export,
Markdown support, zooming, speaker notes and remote control.
Code highlight by highlight.js is also disabled. But *code
highlight by Emacs is not effected.*
** Export Current Subtree
Use menu entry " C-c C-e R S" to export only current subtree,
without the title slide and the table of content, for a quick preview
of your current edition.
* Tips
** Disable Table of Contents
Add =toc:nil= to =#+OPTIONS=
,#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
This is actually an option recognized by =org-export=. It is only mentioned
here because slide decks often do not need a TOC.
** Internal Links
Reveal.js supports only jump between slides, but not between
elements on slides. Thus, we can only link to headlines in an Org
You can create links pointing to a headline's text, or its
custom-id, as the examples below:
* [[Tips]].
* [[#my-heading][Heading]] with a =CUSTOM_ID= property.
** Custom JS
To pass custom JS code to ~Reveal.initialize~, state the code by ~#+REVEAL_INIT_SCRIPT~ (multiple statements are concatenated) or by
custom variable ~org-reveal-init-script~.
** Executable Source Blocks
To allow live execution of code in some languages, enable the klipse plugin by setting ~org-reveal-klipsify-src~ to non-nil. Src blocks with the languages ~js~, ~clojure~, ~html~, ~python~, ~ruby~, ~scheme~, ~php~ will be executed with output shown in a console-like environment. See the source code of ~org-reveal-src-block~ for more details.
*** HTML Src Block
#+BEGIN_SRC html
<h1 class="whatever">hello, what's your name</h1>
*** Javascript Src Block
var x='string using single quote';
*** Perl Src Block (not klipsified)
#+BEGIN_SRC perl
I don't know perl!
** Properties for Sub-headings
If you want to have multiple reveal presentations in a single Org-mode
file, you might want to switch from file-based properties like:
to properties of sub-headings like:
This way, each org-reveal presentation can have its own settings. An example heading with corresponding settings would look like:
* My org-reveal presentation among many within the same Org-mode file
:reveal_overview: t
:EXPORT_DATE: 2018-01-01
:EXPORT_EMAIL: Test@example.com
:EXPORT_OPTIONS: num:nil toc:nil reveal_keyboard:t reveal_overview:t
* Thanks
Courtesy to:
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in
The powerful Org-mode,
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in
the impressive Reveal.js
#+ATTR_REVEAL: :frag roll-in
and the precise MathJax