
65 lines
832 B

# Making scientific posters in org mode
# Author
Philipp Homan <phoman1 at northwell dot edu>
# Getting Started
This is a simple template to produce a scientific poster with emacs and
## Prerequisites
This was developed and tested on a Linux Ubuntu 17.04 machine. To
produce the poster from the command line, GNU emacs and texlive must
be installed together with some additional emacs and texlive
packages. Specifically, the following software and associated libraries
are required:
### texlive
- xetex
- latexmk
### emacs
- org-mode
- ess
- org-ref
### R
- pacman
- cowplot
- ggplot2
# Installing
Download the repository and run tar xvfz on the tarball.
# Producing the poster
Change to the org-mode-poster directory and run 'make poster'.
# Built With
Org-mode 9.1.7 .