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** Copyright (C) 2021 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "mu-query-threads.hh"
#include <message/mu-message.hh>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <list>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <utils/mu-option.hh>
using namespace Mu;
struct Container {
using Containers = std::vector<Container*>;
Container() = default;
Container(Option<QueryMatch&> msg) : query_match{msg} {}
Container(const Container&) = delete;
Container(Container&&) = default;
void add_child(Container& new_child)
new_child.parent = this;
void remove_child(Container& child)
Containers::iterator find_child(Container& child)
return std::find_if(children.begin(), children.end(), [&](auto&& c) {
return c == &child;
Containers::const_iterator find_child(Container& child) const
return std::find_if(children.begin(), children.end(), [&](auto&& c) {
return c == &child;
bool has_child(Container& child) const { return find_child(child) != children.cend(); }
bool is_reachable(Container* other) const
auto up{ur_parent()};
return up && up == other->ur_parent();
template <typename Func> void for_each_child(Func&& func)
auto it{children.rbegin()};
while (it != children.rend()) {
auto next = std::next(it);
it = next;
// During sorting, this is the cached value for the (recursive) date-key
// of this container -- ie.. either the one from the first of its
// children, or from its query-match, if it has no children.
// Note that the sub-root-levels of threads are always sorted by date,
// in ascending order, regardless of whatever sorting was specified for
// the root-level.
std::string thread_date_key;
Option<QueryMatch&> query_match;
bool is_nuked{};
Container* parent{};
Containers children;
using ContainerVec = std::vector<Container*>;
const Container* ur_parent() const
assert(this->parent != this);
return parent ? parent->ur_parent() : this;
using Containers = Container::Containers;
using ContainerVec = Container::ContainerVec;
static std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Container& container)
os << "container: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << &container
<< ": parent: " << std::right << std::setw(10) << container.parent << " ["
<< container.thread_date_key << "]"
<< "\n children: ";
for (auto&& c : container.children)
os << std::right << std::setw(10) << c << " ";
os << (container.is_nuked ? " nuked" : "");
if (container.query_match)
os << "\n " << container.query_match.value();
return os;
using IdTable = std::unordered_map<std::string, Container>;
using DupTable = std::multimap<std::string, Container>;
static void
handle_duplicates(IdTable& id_table, DupTable& dup_table)
size_t n{};
for (auto&& dup : dup_table) {
const auto msgid{dup.first};
auto it = id_table.find(msgid);
if (it == id_table.end())
// add duplicates as fake children
char buf[32];
::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "dup-%zu", ++n);
it->second.add_child(id_table.emplace(buf, std::move(dup.second)).first->second);
template <typename QueryResultsType>
static IdTable
determine_id_table(QueryResultsType& qres)
// 1. For each query_match
IdTable id_table;
DupTable dups;
for (auto&& mi : qres) {
const auto msgid{mi.message_id().value_or(*mi.path())};
// Step 0 (non-JWZ): filter out dups, handle those at the end
if (mi.query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Duplicate)) {
dups.emplace(msgid, mi.query_match());
// 1.A If id_table contains an empty Container for this ID:
// Store this query_match (query_match) in the Container's query_match (value) slot.
// Else:
// Create a new Container object holding this query_match (query-match);
// Index the Container by Query_Match-ID
auto c_it = id_table.find(msgid);
auto& container = [&]() -> Container& {
if (c_it != id_table.end()) {
if (!c_it->second.query_match) // hmm, dup?
c_it->second.query_match = mi.query_match();
return c_it->second;
} else {
// Else:
// Create a new Container object holding this query_match
// (query-match); Index the Container by Query_Match-ID
return id_table.emplace(msgid, mi.query_match()).first->second;
// We sort by date (ascending), *except* for the root; we don't
// know what query_matchs will be at the root level yet, so remember
// both. Moreover, even when sorting the top-level in descending
// order, still sort the thread levels below that in ascending
// order.
container.thread_date_key = container.query_match->date_key =
// initial guess for the thread-date; might be updated
// later.
// remember the subject, we use it to determine the (sub)thread subject
container.query_match->subject = mi.subject().value_or("");
// 1.B
// For each element in the query_match's References field:
Container* parent_ref_container{};
for (const auto& ref : mi.references()) {
// grand_<n>-parent -> grand_<n-1>-parent -> ... -> parent.
// Find a Container object for the given Query_Match-ID; If it exists, use
// it; otherwise make one with a null Query_Match.
auto ref_container = [&]() -> Container* {
auto ref_it = id_table.find(ref);
if (ref_it == id_table.end())
ref_it = id_table.emplace(ref, Nothing).first;
return &ref_it->second;
// Link the References field's Containers together in the order implied
// by the References header.
// * If they are already linked, don't change the existing links.
// * Do not add a link if adding that link would introduce a loop: that is,
// before asserting A->B, search down the children of B to see if A is
// reachable, and also search down the children of A to see if B is
// reachable. If either is already reachable as a child of the other,
// don't add the link.
if (parent_ref_container && !ref_container->parent) {
if (!parent_ref_container->is_reachable(ref_container))
// else
// g_message ("%u: reachable %s -> %s", __LINE__,
// msgid.c_str(), ref.c_str());
parent_ref_container = ref_container;
// Add the query_match to the chain.
if (parent_ref_container && !container.parent) {
if (!parent_ref_container->is_reachable(&container))
// else
// g_message ("%u: reachable %s -> parent", __LINE__,
// msgid.c_str());
// non-JWZ: add duplicate messages.
handle_duplicates(id_table, dups);
return id_table;
/// Recursively walk all containers under the root set.
/// For each container:
/// If it is an empty container with no children, nuke it.
/// Note: Normally such containers won't occur, but they can show up when two
/// query_matchs have References lines that disagree. For example, assuming A and
/// B are query_matchs, and 1, 2, and 3 are references for query_matchs we haven't
/// seen:
/// A has references: 1, 2, 3
/// B has references: 1, 3
/// There is ambiguity as to whether 3 is a child of 1 or of 2. So,
/// depending on the processing order, we might end up with either
/// -- 1
/// |-- 2
/// \-- 3
/// |-- A
/// \-- B
/// or
/// -- 1
/// |-- 2 <--- non root childless container!
/// \-- 3
/// |-- A
/// \-- B
/// If the Container has no Query_Match, but does have children, remove this
/// container but promote its children to this level (that is, splice them in
/// to the current child list.)
/// Do not promote the children if doing so would promote them to the root
/// set -- unless there is only one child, in which case, do.
static void
prune(Container* child)
Container* container{child->parent};
for (auto& grandchild : child->children) {
grandchild->parent = container;
if (container)
child->is_nuked = true;
if (container)
static bool
prune_empty_containers(Container& container)
Containers to_prune;
container.for_each_child([&](auto& child) {
if (prune_empty_containers(*child))
for (auto& child : to_prune)
// Never nuke these.
if (container.query_match)
return false;
// If it is an empty container with no children, nuke it.
// If the Container is empty, but does have children, remove this
// container but promote its children to this level (that is, splice them in
// to the current child list.)
// Do not promote the children if doing so would promote them to the root
// set -- unless there is only one child, in which case, do.
// const auto rootset_child{!container.parent->parent};
if (container.parent || container.children.size() <= 1)
return true; // splice/nuke it.
return false;
static void
prune_empty_containers(IdTable& id_table)
for (auto&& item : id_table) {
auto& child(item.second);
if (child.parent)
continue; // not a root child.
if (prune_empty_containers(item.second))
// Sorting.
/// Register some information about a match (i.e., message) that we can use for
/// subsequent queries.
using ThreadPath = std::vector<unsigned>;
inline std::string
to_string(const ThreadPath& tpath, size_t digits)
std::string str;
str.reserve(tpath.size() * digits);
bool first{true};
for (auto&& segm : tpath) {
str += format("%s%0*x", first ? "" : ":", (int)digits, segm);
first = false;
return str;
static bool // compare subjects, ignore anything before the last ':<space>*'
subject_matches(const std::string& sub1, const std::string& sub2)
auto search_str = [](const std::string& s) -> const char* {
const auto pos = s.find_last_of(':');
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return s.c_str();
else {
const auto pos2 = s.find_first_not_of(' ', pos + 1);
return s.c_str() + (pos2 == std::string::npos ? pos : pos2);
// g_debug ("'%s' '%s'", search_str(sub1), search_str(sub2));
return g_strcmp0(search_str(sub1), search_str(sub2)) == 0;
static bool
update_container(Container& container,
bool descending,
ThreadPath& tpath,
size_t seg_size,
const std::string& prev_subject = "")
if (!container.children.empty()) {
Container* first = container.children.front();
if (first->query_match)
first->query_match->flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::First;
Container* last = container.children.back();
if (last->query_match)
last->query_match->flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Last;
if (!container.query_match)
return false; // nothing else to do.
auto& qmatch(*container.query_match);
if (!container.parent)
qmatch.flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Root;
else if (!container.parent->query_match)
qmatch.flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Orphan;
if (!container.children.empty())
qmatch.flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::HasChild;
if (qmatch.has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Root) || prev_subject.empty() ||
!subject_matches(prev_subject, qmatch.subject))
qmatch.flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::ThreadSubject;
if (descending && container.parent) {
// trick xapian by giving it "inverse" sorting key so our
// ascending-date sorted threads stay in that order
tpath.back() = ((1U << (4 * seg_size)) - 1) - tpath.back();
qmatch.thread_path = to_string(tpath, seg_size);
qmatch.thread_level = tpath.size() - 1;
// ensure thread root comes before its children
if (descending)
qmatch.thread_path += ":z";
return true;
static void
update_containers(Containers& children,
bool descending,
ThreadPath& tpath,
size_t seg_size,
std::string& prev_subject)
size_t idx{0};
for (auto&& c : children) {
if (c->query_match) {
update_container(*c, descending, tpath, seg_size, prev_subject);
prev_subject = c->query_match->subject;
update_containers(c->children, descending, tpath, seg_size, prev_subject);
static void
update_containers(ContainerVec& root_vec, bool descending, size_t n)
ThreadPath tpath;
const auto seg_size = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(n) / 4.0));
/*note: 4 == std::log2(16)*/
size_t idx{0};
for (auto&& c : root_vec) {
std::string prev_subject;
if (update_container(*c, descending, tpath, seg_size))
prev_subject = c->query_match->subject;
update_containers(c->children, descending, tpath, seg_size, prev_subject);
static void
sort_container(Container& container)
// 1. childless container.
if (container.children.empty())
return; // no children; nothing to sort.
// 2. container with children.
// recurse, depth-first: sort the children
for (auto& child : container.children)
// now sort this level.
std::sort(container.children.begin(), container.children.end(), [&](auto&& c1, auto&& c2) {
return c1->thread_date_key < c2->thread_date_key;
// and 'bubble up' the date of the *newest* message with a date. We
// reasonably assume that it's later than its parent.
const auto& newest_date = container.children.back()->thread_date_key;
if (!newest_date.empty())
container.thread_date_key = newest_date;
static void
sort_siblings(IdTable& id_table, bool descending)
if (id_table.empty())
// unsorted vec of root containers. We can
// only sort these _after_ sorting the children.
ContainerVec root_vec;
for (auto&& item : id_table) {
if (!item.second.parent && !item.second.is_nuked)
// now sort all threads _under_ the root set (by date/ascending)
for (auto&& c : root_vec)
// and then sort the root set.
// The difference with the sub-root containers is that at the top-level,
// we can sort either in ascending or descending order, while on the
// subroot level it's always in ascending order.
// Note that unless we're testing, _xapian_ will handle
// the ascending/descending of the top level.
std::sort(root_vec.begin(), root_vec.end(), [&](auto&& c1, auto&& c2) {
if (descending)
return c2->thread_date_key < c1->thread_date_key;
#endif /*BUILD_TESTS*/
return c1->thread_date_key < c2->thread_date_key;
// now all is sorted... final step is to determine thread paths and
// other flags.
update_containers(root_vec, descending, id_table.size());
static std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IdTable& id_table)
os << "------------------------------------------------\n";
for (auto&& item : id_table) {
os << item.first << " => " << item.second << "\n";
os << "------------------------------------------------\n";
std::set<std::string> ids;
for (auto&& item : id_table) {
if (item.second.query_match)
for (auto&& id : ids) {
auto it = std::find_if(id_table.begin(), id_table.end(), [&](auto&& item) {
return item.second.query_match &&
item.second.query_match->thread_path == id;
assert(it != id_table.end());
os << it->first << ": " << it->second << '\n';
return os;
template <typename Results>
static void
calculate_threads_real(Results& qres, bool descending)
// Step 1: build the id_table
auto id_table{determine_id_table(qres)};
if (g_test_verbose())
std::cout << "*** id-table(1):\n" << id_table << "\n";
// // Step 2: get the root set
// // Step 3: discard id_table
// Nope: id-table owns the containers.
// Step 4: prune empty containers
// Step 5: group root-set by subject.
// Not implemented.
// Step 6: we're done threading
// Step 7: sort siblings. The segment-size is the number of hex-digits
// in the thread-path string (so we can lexically compare them.)
sort_siblings(id_table, descending);
// Step 7a:. update querymatches
for (auto&& item : id_table) {
Container& c{item.second};
if (c.query_match)
c.query_match->thread_date = c.thread_date_key;
// if (g_test_verbose())
// std::cout << "*** id-table(2):\n" << id_table << "\n";
Mu::calculate_threads(Mu::QueryResults& qres, bool descending)
calculate_threads_real(qres, descending);
struct MockQueryResult {
MockQueryResult(const std::string& message_id_arg,
const std::string& date_arg,
const std::vector<std::string>& refs_arg = {})
: message_id_{message_id_arg}, date_{date_arg}, refs_{refs_arg}
MockQueryResult(const std::string& message_id_arg,
const std::vector<std::string>& refs_arg = {})
: MockQueryResult(message_id_arg, "", refs_arg)
Option<std::string> message_id() const { return message_id_; }
Option<std::string> path() const { return path_; }
Option<std::string> date_str() const { return date_; }
Option<std::string> subject() const { return subject_; }
QueryMatch& query_match() { return query_match_; }
const QueryMatch& query_match() const { return query_match_; }
const std::vector<std::string>& references() const { return refs_; }
std::string path_;
std::string message_id_;
QueryMatch query_match_{};
std::string date_;
std::string subject_;
std::vector<std::string> refs_;
using MockQueryResults = std::vector<MockQueryResult>;
G_GNUC_UNUSED static std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MockQueryResults& qrs)
for (auto&& mi : qrs)
os << mi.query_match().thread_path << " :: " << mi.message_id().value_or("<none>")
<< std::endl;
return os;
static void
calculate_threads(MockQueryResults& qres, bool descending)
calculate_threads_real(qres, descending);
using Expected = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>;
static void
assert_thread_paths(const MockQueryResults& qrs, const Expected& expected)
for (auto&& exp : expected) {
auto it = std::find_if(qrs.begin(), qrs.end(), [&](auto&& qr) {
return qr.message_id().value_or("") == exp.first ||
qr.path().value_or("") == exp.first;
g_assert_true(it != qrs.end());
g_assert_cmpstr(exp.second.c_str(), ==, it->query_match().thread_path.c_str());
static void
auto results = MockQueryResults{MockQueryResult{"m1", "1", {"m2"}},
MockQueryResult{"m2", "2", {"m3"}},
MockQueryResult{"m3", "3", {}},
MockQueryResult{"m4", "4", {}}};
calculate_threads(results, false);
assert_thread_paths(results, {{"m1", "0:0:0"}, {"m2", "0:0"}, {"m3", "0"}, {"m4", "1"}});
static void
auto results = MockQueryResults{MockQueryResult{"m1", "1", {"m2"}},
MockQueryResult{"m2", "2", {"m3"}},
MockQueryResult{"m3", "3", {}},
MockQueryResult{"m4", "4", {}}};
calculate_threads(results, true);
{{"m1", "1:f:f:z"}, {"m2", "1:f:z"}, {"m3", "1:z"}, {"m4", "0:z"}});
static void
auto results = MockQueryResults{
MockQueryResult{"m1", "1", {"m2"}}, // 1->2
MockQueryResult{"m2", "2", {"m1"}}, // 2->1
MockQueryResult{"m3", "3", {"m3"}}, // self ref
MockQueryResult{"m4", "4", {"m3", "m5"}},
MockQueryResult{"m5", "5", {"m4", "m4"}}, // dup parent
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"m2", "0"},
{"m1", "0:0"},
{"m3", "1"},
{"m5", "1:0"},
{"m4", "1:0:0"},
static void
MockQueryResult r1{"m1", "1", {}};
r1.query_match().flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Leader;
r1.path_ = "/path1";
MockQueryResult r1_dup{"m1", "1", {}};
r1_dup.query_match().flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Duplicate;
r1_dup.path_ = "/path2";
auto results = MockQueryResults{r1, r1_dup};
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"/path1", "0"},
{"/path2", "0:0"},
static void
// now dup becomes the leader; this will _demote_
// r1.
MockQueryResult r1_dup{"m1", "1", {}};
r1_dup.query_match().flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Duplicate;
r1_dup.path_ = "/path1";
MockQueryResult r1{"m1", "1", {}};
r1.query_match().flags |= QueryMatch::Flags::Leader;
r1.path_ = "/path2";
auto results = MockQueryResults{r1_dup, r1};
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"/path2", "0"},
{"/path1", "0:0"},
static void
// m7 should not be nuked
auto results = MockQueryResults{
MockQueryResult{"x1", "1", {"m7"}},
MockQueryResult{"x2", "2", {"m7"}},
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"x1", "0:0"},
{"x2", "0:1"},
static void
// m7 should be nuked
auto results = MockQueryResults{
MockQueryResult{"m1", "1", {"m7"}},
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"m1", "0"},
static void
// m6 should be nuked
auto results = MockQueryResults{
MockQueryResult{"m1", "1", {"m7", "m6"}},
MockQueryResult{"m2", "2", {"m7", "m6"}},
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"m1", "0:0"},
{"m2", "0:1"},
static void
auto results = MockQueryResults{
MockQueryResult{"m1", "5", {}},
MockQueryResult{"m2", "1", {}},
MockQueryResult{"m3", "3", {"m2"}},
MockQueryResult{"m4", "2", {"m2"}},
// orphan siblings
MockQueryResult{"m10", "6", {"m9"}},
MockQueryResult{"m11", "7", {"m9"}},
calculate_threads(results, false);
{"m2", "0"}, // 2
{"m4", "0:0"}, // 2
{"m3", "0:1"}, // 3
{"m1", "1"}, // 5
{"m10", "2:0"}, // 6
{"m11", "2:1"}, // 7
g_assert_true(results[1].query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Root |
g_assert_true(results[4].query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Orphan |
results[5].query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Orphan | QueryMatch::Flags::Last));
static void
auto results = MockQueryResults{
MockQueryResult{"m1", "5", {}},
MockQueryResult{"m2", "1", {}},
MockQueryResult{"m3", "3", {"m2"}},
MockQueryResult{"m4", "2", {"m2"}},
// orphan siblings
MockQueryResult{"m10", "6", {"m9"}},
MockQueryResult{"m11", "7", {"m9"}},
calculate_threads(results, true /*descending*/);
{"m1", "1:z"}, // 5
{"m2", "2:z"}, // 2
{"m4", "2:f:z"}, // 2
{"m3", "2:e:z"}, // 3
{"m10", "0:f:z"}, // 6
{"m11", "0:e:z"}, // 7
g_assert_true(results[1].query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Root |
results[4].query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Orphan | QueryMatch::Flags::Last));
g_assert_true(results[5].query_match().has_flag(QueryMatch::Flags::Orphan |
main(int argc, char* argv[])
try {
g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);
g_test_add_func("/threader/sort/ascending", test_sort_ascending);
g_test_add_func("/threader/sort/decending", test_sort_descending);
g_test_add_func("/threader/id-table-inconsistent", test_id_table_inconsistent);
g_test_add_func("/threader/dups/dup-last", test_dups_dup_last);
g_test_add_func("/threader/dups/dup-first", test_dups_dup_first);
g_test_add_func("/threader/thread-info/ascending", test_thread_info_ascending);
g_test_add_func("/threader/thread-info/descending", test_thread_info_descending);
return g_test_run();
} catch (const std::runtime_error& re) {
std::cerr << re.what() << "\n";
return 1;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "caught exception\n";
return 1;
#endif /*BUILD_TESTS*/