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** Copyright (C) 2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef MU_SEXP_HH__
#define MU_SEXP_HH__
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include "utils/mu-utils.hh"
#include "utils/mu-error.hh"
namespace Mu {
/// Simple s-expression parser & list that parses lists () and atoms (strings
/// ("-quoted), (positive) integers ([0..9]+) and symbol starting with alpha or
/// ':', then alphanum and '-')
/// (:foo (1234 "bar" nil) :quux (a b c))
/// Parse node
struct Sexp {
/// Node type
enum struct Type { Empty, List, String, Number, Symbol, Raw };
* Default CTOR
Sexp() : type_{Type::Empty} {}
// Underlying data type for list; we'd like to use std::dequeu here,
// but that does not compile with libc++ (it does with libstdc++)
using Seq = std::vector<Sexp>;
* Make a sexp out of an s-expression string.
* @param expr a string containing an s-expression
* @return the parsed s-expression, or throw Error.
static Sexp make_parse(const std::string& expr);
* Make a node for a string/integer/symbol/list value
* @param val some value
* @param empty_is_nil turn empty string into a 'nil' symbol
* @return a node
static Sexp make_string(std::string&& val, bool empty_is_nil=false)
if (empty_is_nil && val.empty())
return make_symbol("nil");
return Sexp{Type::String, std::move(val)};
static Sexp make_string(const std::string& val, bool empty_is_nil=false)
if (empty_is_nil && val.empty())
return make_symbol("nil");
return Sexp{Type::String, std::string(val)};
static Sexp make_number(int val) { return Sexp{Type::Number, format("%d", val)}; }
static Sexp make_symbol(std::string&& val) {
if (val.empty())
throw Error(Error::Code::InvalidArgument,
"symbol must be non-empty");
return Sexp{Type::Symbol, std::move(val)};
static Sexp make_symbol_sv(std::string_view val) {
return make_symbol(std::string{val});
* Add a raw string sexp.
* @param val value
* @return A sexp
static Sexp make_raw(std::string&& val) {
return Sexp{Type::Raw, std::string{val}};
static Sexp make_raw(const std::string& val) {
return make_raw(std::string{val});
* The value of this node; invalid for list nodes.
* @return
const std::string& value() const {
if (is_list())
throw Error(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "no value for list");
if (is_empty())
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "no value for empty"};
return value_;
* The underlying container of this list node; only valid for lists
* @return
const Seq& list() const {
if (!is_list())
throw Error(Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "not a list");
return seq_;
* Convert a Sexp to its S-expression string representation
* @return the string representation
std::string to_sexp_string() const;
* Convert a Sexp::Node to its JSON string representation
* @return the string representation
std::string to_json_string() const;
* Return the type of this Node.
* @return the type
Type type() const { return type_; }
/// Helper struct to build mutable lists.
struct List {
List () = default;
List (const Seq& seq): seq_{seq} {}
* Add a sexp to the list
* @param sexp a sexp
* @param args rest arguments
* @return a ref to this List (for chaining)
List& add() { return *this; }
List& add(Sexp&& sexp)
return *this;
template <typename... Args> List& add(Sexp&& sexp, Args... args)
return *this;
* Add a property (i.e., :key sexp ) to the list. Remove any
* prop with the same name
* @param name a property-name. Must start with ':', length > 1
* @param sexp a sexp
* @param args rest arguments
* @return a ref to this List (for chaining)
List& add_prop(std::string&& name, Sexp&& sexp) {
if (!is_prop_name(name))
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument,
"invalid property name ('%s')",
return *this;
template <typename... Args>
List& add_prop(std::string&& name, Sexp&& sexp, Args... args) {
add_prop(std::move(name), std::move(sexp));
return *this;
void remove_prop(const std::string& name) {
if (!is_prop_name(name))
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument,
"invalid property name ('%s')", name.c_str()};
auto it = std::find_if(seq_.begin(), seq_.end(), [&](auto&& elm) {
return elm.type() == Sexp::Type::Symbol &&
elm.value() == name;
if (it != seq_.cend() && it + 1 != seq_.cend()) {
/* erase propname and value.*/
seq_.erase(it, it + 2);
* Remove all elements from the list.
void clear() { seq_.clear(); }
* Get the number of elements in the list
* @return number
size_t size() const { return seq_.size(); }
* Is the list empty?
* @return true or false
size_t empty() const { return seq_.empty(); }
friend struct Sexp;
Seq seq_;
* Construct a list sexp from a List
* @param list a list-list
* @param sexp a Sexp
* @param args rest arguments
* @return a sexp.
static Sexp make_list(List&& list) { return Sexp{Type::List, std::move(list.seq_)}; }
template <typename... Args> static Sexp make_list(Sexp&& sexp, Args... args)
List lst;
return make_list(std::move(lst));
* Construct a property list sexp from a List
* @param name the property name; must start wtth ':'
* @param sexp a Sexp
* @param args rest arguments (property list)
* @return a sexp.
template <typename... Args>
static Sexp make_prop_list(std::string&& name, Sexp&& sexp, Args... args)
List list;
list.add_prop(std::move(name), std::move(sexp), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return make_list(std::move(list));
* Construct a properrty list sexp from a List
* @param funcname function name for the call
* @param name the property name; must start wtth ':'
* @param sexp a Sexp
* @param args rest arguments (property list)
* @return a sexp.
template <typename... Args>
static Sexp make_call(std::string&& funcname, std::string&& name, Sexp&& sexp, Args... args)
List list;
list.add_prop(std::move(name), std::move(sexp), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return make_list(std::move(list));
/// Some type helpers
bool is_list() const { return type() == Type::List; }
bool is_string() const { return type() == Type::String; }
bool is_number() const { return type() == Type::Number; }
bool is_symbol() const { return type() == Type::Symbol; }
bool is_empty() const { return type() == Type::Empty; }
operator bool() const { return !is_empty(); }
static constexpr auto SymbolNil{"nil"};
static constexpr auto SymbolT{"t"};
bool is_nil() const { return is_symbol() && value() == SymbolNil; }
bool is_t() const { return is_symbol() && value() == SymbolT; }
* Is this a prop-list? A prop list is a list sexp with alternating
* property / sexp
* @return
bool is_prop_list() const
if (!is_list() || list().size() % 2 != 0)
return false;
return is_prop_list(list().begin(), list().end());
* Is this a call? A call is a list sexp with a symbol (function name),
* followed by a prop list
* @return
bool is_call() const
if (!is_list() || list().size() % 2 != 1 || !list().at(0).is_symbol())
return false;
return is_prop_list(list().begin() + 1, list().end());
enum struct FormattingOptions {
Default = 0, /**< Nothing in particular */
SplitList = 1 << 0, /**< Insert newline after list item */
FormattingOptions formatting_opts{}; /**< Formatting option for the
* string output */
Sexp(Type typearg, std::string&& valuearg) : type_{typearg}, value_{std::move(valuearg)} {
if (is_list())
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "cannot be a list type"};
if (is_empty())
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "cannot be an empty type"};
Sexp(Type typearg, Seq&& seq) : type_{Type::List}, seq_{std::move(seq)} {
if (!is_list())
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "must be a list type"};
if (is_empty())
throw Error{Error::Code::InvalidArgument, "cannot be an empty type"};
* Is the sexp a valid property name?
* @param sexp a Sexp.
* @return true or false.
static bool is_prop_name(const std::string& str)
return str.size() > 1 && str.at(0) == ':';
static bool is_prop_name(const Sexp& sexp)
return sexp.is_symbol() && is_prop_name(sexp.value());
static bool is_prop_list(Seq::const_iterator b, Seq::const_iterator e)
while (b != e) {
const Sexp& s{*b};
if (!is_prop_name(s))
return false;
if (++b == e)
return false;
return b == e;
Type type_; /**< Type of node */
std::string value_; /**< String value of node (only for
* non-Type::Lst)*/
Seq seq_; /**< Children of node (only for
* Type::Lst) */
static inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, Sexp::Type id)
switch (id) {
case Sexp::Type::List:
os << "list";
case Sexp::Type::String:
os << "string";
case Sexp::Type::Number:
os << "number";
case Sexp::Type::Symbol:
os << "symbol";
case Sexp::Type::Raw:
os << "raw";
case Sexp::Type::Empty:
os << "empty";
default: throw std::runtime_error("unknown node type");
return os;
static inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Sexp& sexp)
os << sexp.to_sexp_string();
return os;
static inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Sexp::List& sexp)
os << Sexp::make_list(Sexp::List(sexp));
return os;
} // namespace Mu
#endif /* MU_SEXP_HH__ */