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;; Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
;; Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
;; later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
;; Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
(define-module (mu stats)
:use-module (oop goops)
:use-module (mu)
:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
:use-module (ice-9 i18n)
:use-module (ice-9 r5rs)
:export ( mu:tabulate
(define* (mu:tabulate func #:optional (expr #t))
"Execute FUNC for each message matching EXPR, and return an alist
with maps each result of FUNC to its frequency. FUNC is a function
takes a <mu-message> instance as its argument. For example, to
tabulate messages by weekday, one could use:
(mu:tabulate (lambda(msg) (tm:wday (localtime (date msg))))), and
get back a list like
((1 . 2) (2 . 5)(3 . 4)(4 . 4)(5 . 12)(6 . 7)(7. 2))."
(let ((table '()))
(let* ((val (func msg))
(old-freq (or (assoc-ref table val) 0)))
(set! table (assoc-set! table val (1+ old-freq)))))
(define (average lst)
"Calculate the average of a list LST of numbers, or #f if undefined."
(if (null? lst)
(/ (apply + lst) (length lst))))
(define (stddev lst)
"Calculate the standard deviation of a list LST of numbers or #f if
(let* ((avg (average lst))
(sosq (if avg
(apply + (map (lambda (x)(* (- x avg) (- x avg))) lst)))))
(if sosq
(sqrt (/ sosq (length lst))))))
(define* (mu:average func #:optional (expr #t))
"Get the average value of FUNC applied to all messages matching
EXPR (or #t for all). Returns #f if undefined."
(average (map func (mu:message-list expr))))
(define* (mu:stddev func #:optional (expr #t))
"Get the standard deviation the the values of FUNC applied to all
messages matching EXPR (or #t for all). This is the 'population' stddev, not the 'sample' stddev. Returns #f if undefined."
(stddev (map func (mu:message-list expr))))
(define* (mu:max func #:optional (expr #t))
"Get the maximum value of FUNC applied to all messages matching
EXPR (or #t for all). Returns #f if undefined."
(apply max (map func (mu:message-list expr))))
(define* (mu:min func #:optional (expr #t))
"Get the minimum value of FUNC applied to all messages matching
EXPR (or #t for all). Returns #f if undefined."
(apply min (map func (mu:message-list expr))))
(define (correl lst)
"Calculate Pearson's correlation coefficient for a list LST of cons
pair, where the car and cdr of the pairs are values from data set 1
and 2, respectively."
(let ((n (length lst))
(sx (apply + (map car lst)))
(sy (apply + (map cdr lst)))
(sxy (apply + (map (lambda (cell) (* (car cell) (cdr cell))) lst)))
(sxx (apply + (map (lambda (cell) (* (car cell) (car cell))) lst)))
(syy (apply + (map (lambda (cell) (* (cdr cell) (cdr cell))) lst))))
(/ (- (* n sxy) (* sx sy))
(sqrt (* (- (* n sxx) (* sx sx)) (- (* n syy) (* sy sy)))))))
(define* (mu:correl func1 func2 #:optional (expr #t))
"Determine Pearson's correlation coefficient between the value for
functions FUNC1 and FUNC2 to all messages matching EXPR (or #t for
all). Returns #f if undefined."
(let ((data
(map (lambda (msg)
(cons (func1 msg) (func2 msg)))
(mu:message-list expr))))
(if data (correl data) #f)))
;; a list of abbreviated, localized day names
(define day-names
(map locale-day-short (iota 7 1)))
(define (mu:weekday-numbers->names table)
"Convert a list of pairs with the car denoting a day number (0-6)
into a list of pairs with the car replaced by the corresponding day
name (abbreviated) for the current locale."
(lambda (pair)
(cons (list-ref day-names (car pair)) (cdr pair)))
;; a list of abbreviated, localized month names
(define month-names
(map locale-month-short (iota 12 1)))
(define (mu:month-numbers->names table)
"Convert a list of pairs with the car denoting a month number (0-11)
into a list of pairs with the car replaced by the corresponding day
name (abbreviated)."
(lambda (pair)
(cons (list-ref month-names (car pair)) (cdr pair)))