
242 lines
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/* -*-mode: c; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*-*/
** Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __MU_CONFIG_H__
#define __MU_CONFIG_H__
#include <glib.h>
#include <sys/types.h> /* for mode_t */
#include <mu-msg-fields.h>
#include <mu-msg.h>
#include <mu-util.h>
/* env var; if non-empty, color are disabled */
enum _MuConfigFormat {
/* for cfind, find, view */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_PLAIN, /* plain output */
/* for cfind */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_MUTT_ALIAS, /* mutt alias style */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_MUTT_AB, /* mutt ext abook */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_WL, /* Wanderlust abook */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_CSV, /* comma-sep'd values */
/* for find, view */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_SEXP, /* output sexps (emacs) */
/* for find */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_LINKS, /* output as symlinks */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_XML, /* output xml */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_XQUERY, /* output the xapian query */
MU_CONFIG_FORMAT_EXEC /* execute some command */
typedef enum _MuConfigFormat MuConfigFormat;
enum _MuConfigCmd {
typedef enum _MuConfigCmd MuConfigCmd;
/* struct with all configuration options for mu; it will be filled
* from the config file, and/or command line arguments */
struct _MuConfig {
MuConfigCmd cmd; /* the command, or
const char *cmdstr; /* cmd string, for user
* info */
/* general options */
gboolean quiet; /* don't give any output */
gboolean debug; /* spew out debug info */
char *muhome; /* the House of Mu */
gboolean version; /* request mu version */
gboolean log_stderr; /* log to stderr (not logfile) */
gchar** params; /* parameters (for querying) */
gboolean nocolor; /* don't use use ansi-colors
* in some output */
gboolean verbose; /* verbose output */
/* options for indexing */
char *maildir; /* where the mails are */
gboolean nocleanup; /* don't cleanup del'd mails from db */
gboolean reindex; /* re-index existing mails */
gboolean rebuild; /* empty the database before indexing */
gboolean autoupgrade; /* automatically upgrade db
* when needed */
int xbatchsize; /* batchsize for xapian
* commits, or 0 for
* default */
int max_msg_size; /* maximum size for message files */
char** my_addresses; /* 'my e-mail address', for mu
* cfind; can be use multiple
* times */
/* options for querying 'find' (and view-> 'summary') */
char *fields; /* fields to show in output */
char *sortfield; /* field to sort by (string) */
gboolean reverse; /* sort in revers order (z->a) */
gboolean threads; /* show message threads */
gboolean summary; /* OBSOLETE: use summary_len */
int summary_len; /* max # of lines for summary */
char *bookmark; /* use bookmark */
char *formatstr; /* output type for find
* (plain,links,xml,json,sexp)
* and view (plain, sexp) and cfind
MuConfigFormat format; /* the decoded formatstr */
char *exec; /* command to execute on the
* files for the matched
* messages */
/* for find and cind */
time_t after; /* only show messages or
* adresses last seen after
* T */
/* options for crypto
* ie, 'view', 'extract' */
gboolean auto_retrieve; /* assume we're online */
gboolean use_agent; /* attempt to use the gpg-agent */
gboolean decrypt; /* try to decrypt the
* message body, if any */
gboolean verify; /* try to crypto-verify the
* message */
/* options for view */
gboolean terminator; /* add separator \f between
* multiple messages in mu
* view */
/* options for cfind (and 'find' --> "after") */
gboolean personal; /* only show 'personal' addresses */
/* also 'after' --> see above */
/* output to a maildir with symlinks */
char *linksdir; /* maildir to output symlinks */
gboolean clearlinks; /* clear a linksdir before filling */
mode_t dirmode; /* mode for the created maildir */
/* options for extracting parts */
gboolean *save_all; /* extract all parts */
gboolean *save_attachments; /* extract all attachment parts */
gchar *parts; /* comma-sep'd list of parts
* to save / open */
char *targetdir; /* where to save the attachments */
gboolean overwrite; /* should we overwrite same-named files */
gboolean play; /* after saving, try to 'play'
* (open) the attmnt using xdgopen */
typedef struct _MuConfig MuConfig;
* initialize a mu config object
* set default values for the configuration options; when you call
* mu_config_init, you should also call mu_config_uninit when the data
* is no longer needed.
* Note that is _static_ data, ie., mu_config_init will always return
* the same pointer
* @param opts options
MuConfig *mu_config_init (int *argcp, char ***argvp)
* free the MuConfig structure
* @param opts a MuConfig struct, or NULL
void mu_config_uninit (MuConfig *conf);
* execute the command / options in this config
* @param opts a MuConfig struct
* @return a value denoting the success/failure of the execution;
* MU_ERROR_NONE (0) for success, non-zero for a failure. This is to used for
* the exit code of the process
MuError mu_config_execute (MuConfig *conf);
* count the number of non-option parameters
* @param opts a MuConfig struct
* @return the number of non-option parameters, or 0 in case of error
size_t mu_config_param_num (MuConfig *conf);
* determine MuMsgOptions for command line args
* @param opts a MuConfig struct
* @return the corresponding MuMsgOptions
MuMsgOptions mu_config_get_msg_options (MuConfig *opts);
* print help text for the current command
* @param cmd the command to show help for
void mu_config_show_help (MuConfigCmd cmd);
#endif /*__MU_CONFIG_H__*/