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2022-06-09 00:39:34 +03:00

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** Copyright (C) 2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __MU_STORE_HH__
#define __MU_STORE_HH__
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
#include <ctime>
#include "mu-contacts-cache.hh"
#include <xapian.h>
#include <utils/mu-utils.hh>
#include <index/mu-indexer.hh>
#include <mu-query-results.hh>
#include <utils/mu-utils.hh>
#include <utils/mu-option.hh>
#include <message/mu-message.hh>
namespace Mu {
class Store {
using Id = Xapian::docid; /**< Id for a message in the store */
static constexpr Id InvalidId = 0; /**< Invalid store id */
* Configuration options.
* @param path
* @param readonly
enum struct Options {
None = 0, /**< No specific options */
Writable = 1 << 0, /**< Open in writable mode */
AutoUpgrade = 1 << 1, /**< automatically re-initialize
* versions do not match */
* Make a store for an existing document database
* @param path path to the database
* @param options startup options
* A store or an error.
static Result<Store> make(const std::string& path,
Options opts=Options::None) noexcept try {
return Ok(Store{path, opts});
} catch (const Mu::Error& me) {
return Err(me);
catch (...) {
return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "failed to create store");
struct Config {
size_t max_message_size{};
/**< maximum size (in bytes) for a message, or 0 for default */
size_t batch_size{};
/**< size of batches before committing, or 0 for default */
* Construct a store for a not-yet-existing document database
* @param path path to the database
* @param maildir maildir to use for this store
* @param personal_addresses addresses that should be recognized as
* 'personal' for identifying personal messages.
* @param config a configuration object
static Result<Store> make_new(const std::string& path,
const std::string& maildir,
const StringVec& personal_addresses,
const Config& conf) noexcept try {
return Ok(Store(path, maildir, personal_addresses, conf));
} catch (const Mu::Error& me) {
return Err(me);
catch (...) {
return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "failed to create new store");
* Move CTOR
* Store properties
struct Properties {
std::string database_path; /**< Full path to the Xapian database */
std::string schema_version; /**< Database schema version */
std::time_t created; /**< database creation time */
bool read_only; /**< Is the database opened read-only? */
size_t batch_size; /**< Maximum database transaction batch size */
bool in_memory; /**< Is this an in-memory database (for testing)?*/
std::string root_maildir; /**< Absolute path to the top-level maildir */
StringVec personal_addresses; /**< Personal e-mail addresses */
size_t max_message_size; /**< Maximus allowed message size */
* Get properties about this store.
* @return the metadata
const Properties& properties() const;
* Store statistics. Unlike the properties, these can change
* during the lifetime of a store.
struct Statistics {
size_t size; /**< number of messages in store */
::time_t last_change; /**< last time any update happened */
::time_t last_index; /**< last time an indexing op was performed */
* Get store statistics
* @return statistics
Statistics statistics() const;
* Get the ContactsCache object for this store
* @return the Contacts object
const ContactsCache& contacts_cache() const;
* Get the underlying Xapian database for this store.
* @return the database
const Xapian::Database& database() const;
* Get the Indexer associated with this store. It is an error to call
* this on a read-only store.
* @return the indexer.
Indexer& indexer();
* Run a query; see the `mu-query` man page for the syntax.
* Multi-threaded callers must acquire the lock and keep it
* at least as long as the return value.
* @param expr the search expression
* @param sortfieldid the sortfield-id. If the field is NONE, sort by DATE
* @param flags query flags
* @param maxnum maximum number of results to return. 0 for 'no limit'
* @return the query-results or an error.
std::mutex& lock() const;
Result<QueryResults> run_query(const std::string& expr,
Field::Id sortfield_id = Field::Id::Date,
QueryFlags flags = QueryFlags::None,
size_t maxnum = 0) const;
* run a Xapian query merely to count the number of matches; for the
* syntax, please refer to the mu-query manpage
* @param expr the search expression; use "" to match all messages
* @return the number of matches
size_t count_query(const std::string& expr = "") const;
* For debugging, get the internal string representation of the parsed
* query
* @param expr a xapian search expression
* @param xapian if true, show Xapian's internal representation,
* otherwise, mu's.
* @return the string representation of the query
std::string parse_query(const std::string& expr, bool xapian) const;
* Add a message to the store. When planning to write many messages,
* it's much faster to do so in a transaction. If so, set
* @in_transaction to true. When done with adding messages, call
* commit().
* @param path the message path.
* @param whether to bundle up to batch_size changes in a transaction
* @return the doc id of the added message or an error.
Result<Id> add_message(const std::string& path, bool use_transaction = false);
* Add a message to the store. When planning to write many messages,
* it's much faster to do so in a transaction. If so, set
* @in_transaction to true. When done with adding messages, call
* commit().
* @param msg a message
* @param whether to bundle up to batch_size changes in a transaction
* @return the doc id of the added message or an error.
Result<Id> add_message(Message& msg, bool use_transaction = false);
* Update a message in the store.
* @param msg a message
* @param id the id for this message
* @return Ok() or an error.
Result<Store::Id> update_message(Message& msg, Id id);
* Remove a message from the store. It will _not_ remove the message
* from the file system.
* @param path the message path.
* @return true if removing happened; false otherwise.
bool remove_message(const std::string& path);
* Remove a number if messages from the store. It will _not_ remove the
* message from the file system.
* @param ids vector with store ids for the message
void remove_messages(const std::vector<Id>& ids);
* Remove a message from the store. It will _not_ remove the message
* from the file system.
* @param id the store id for the message
void remove_message(Id id) { remove_messages({id}); }
* Find message in the store.
* @param id doc id for the message to find
* @return a message (if found) or Nothing
Option<Message> find_message(Id id) const;
* does a certain message exist in the store already?
* @param path the message path
* @return true if the message exists in the store, false otherwise
bool contains_message(const std::string& path) const;
* Move a message both in the filesystem and in the store.
* After a successful move, the message is updated.
* @param id the id for some message
* @param target_mdir the target maildir (if any)
* @param new_flags new flags (if any)
* @param change_name whether to change the name
* @return Result, either the moved message or some error.
Result<Message> move_message(Store::Id id,
Option<const std::string&> target_mdir = Nothing,
Option<Flags> new_flags = Nothing,
bool change_name = false);
* Prototype for the ForEachMessageFunc
* @param id :t store Id for the message
* @param path: the absolute path to the message
* @return true if for_each should continue; false to quit
using ForEachMessageFunc = std::function<bool(Id, const std::string&)>;
* Call @param func for each document in the store. This takes a lock on
* the store, so the func should _not_ call any other Store:: methods.
* @param func a Callable invoked for each message.
* @return the number of times func was invoked
size_t for_each_message_path(ForEachMessageFunc func) const;
* Prototype for the ForEachTermFunc
* @param term:
* @return true if for_each should continue; false to quit
using ForEachTermFunc = std::function<bool(const std::string&)>;
* Call @param func for each term for the given field in the store. This
* takes a lock on the store, so the func should _not_ call any other
* Store:: methods.
* @param id the field id
* @param func a Callable invoked for each message.
* @return the number of times func was invoked
size_t for_each_term(Field::Id id, ForEachTermFunc func) const;
* Get the store metadata for @p key
* @param key the metadata key
* @return the metadata value or empty for none.
std::string metadata(const std::string& key) const;
* Write metadata to the store.
* @param key key
* @param val value
void set_metadata(const std::string& key, const std::string& val);
* Get the timestamp for some message, or 0 if not found
* @param path the path
* @return the timestamp, or 0 if not found
time_t message_tstamp(const std::string& path) const;
* Get the timestamp for some directory
* @param path the path
* @return the timestamp, or 0 if not found
time_t dirstamp(const std::string& path) const;
* Set the timestamp for some directory
* @param path a filesystem path
* @param tstamp the timestamp for that path
void set_dirstamp(const std::string& path, time_t tstamp);
* Get the number of documents in the document database
* @return the number
std::size_t size() const;
* Is the database empty?
* @return true or false
bool empty() const;
* Commit the current batch of modifications to disk, opportunistically.
* If no transaction is underway, do nothing.
void commit();
* Get a reference to the private data. For internal use.
* @return private reference.
struct Private;
std::unique_ptr<Private>& priv() { return priv_; }
const std::unique_ptr<Private>& priv() const { return priv_; }
* Construct a store for an existing document database
* @param path path to the database
* @param options startup options
Store(const std::string& path, Options opts=Options::None);
* Construct a store for a not-yet-existing document database
* @param path path to the database
* @param maildir maildir to use for this store
* @param personal_addresses addresses that should be recognized as
* 'personal' for identifying personal messages.
* @param config a configuration object
Store(const std::string& path,
const std::string& maildir,
const StringVec& personal_addresses,
const Config& conf);
std::unique_ptr<Private> priv_;
} // namespace Mu
#endif /* __MU_STORE_HH__ */