mirror of https://github.com/djcb/mu.git synced 2024-07-02 08:21:06 +02:00
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema 86a641f748 mu-flags: use implied unread flag
and update tests.

Fixes #2409
2023-01-14 20:02:05 +02:00

393 lines
9.9 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef MU_FLAGS_HH__
#define MU_FLAGS_HH__
#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>
#include <utils/mu-utils.hh>
#include <utils/mu-option.hh>
namespace Mu {
enum struct Flags {
None = 0, /**< No flags */
* next 6 are seen in the file-info part of maildir message file
* names, ie., in a name like "1234345346:2,<fileinfo>",
* <fileinfo> consists of zero or more of the following
* characters (in ascii order)
Draft = 1 << 0, /**< A draft message */
Flagged = 1 << 1, /**< A flagged message */
Passed = 1 << 2, /**< A passed (forwarded) message */
Replied = 1 << 3, /**< A replied message */
Seen = 1 << 4, /**< A seen (read) message */
Trashed = 1 << 5, /**< A trashed message */
* decides on cur/ or new/ in the maildir
New = 1 << 6, /**< A new message */
* content flags -- not visible in the filename, but used for
* searching
Signed = 1 << 7, /**< Cryptographically signed */
Encrypted = 1 << 8, /**< Encrypted */
HasAttachment = 1 << 9, /**< Has an attachment */
Unread = 1 << 10, /**< Unread; pseudo-flag, only for queries, so we can
* search for flag:unread, which is equivalent to
* 'flag:new OR NOT flag:seen' */
* other content flags
MailingList = 1 << 11, /**< A mailing-list message */
Personal = 1 << 12, /**< A personal message (i.e., at least one of the
* contact fields contains a personal address) */
Calendar = 1 << 13, /**< A calendar invitation */
* <private>
_final_ = 1 << 14
* Message flags category
enum struct MessageFlagCategory {
None, /**< Nothing */
Mailfile, /**< Flag for a message file */
Maildir, /**< Flag for message file's location */
Content, /**< Message content flag */
Pseudo /**< Pseudo flag */
* Info about invidual message flags
struct MessageFlagInfo {
Flags flag; /**< The message flag */
char shortcut; /**< Shortcut character;
* tolower(shortcut) must be
* unique for all flags */
std::string_view name; /**< Name of the flag */
MessageFlagCategory category; /**< Flag category */
std::string_view description; /**< Description */
* Get the lower-case version of shortcut
* @return lower-case shortcut
constexpr char shortcut_lower() const {
return shortcut >= 'A' && shortcut <= 'Z' ?
shortcut + ('a' - 'A') : shortcut;
* Array of all flag information.
constexpr std::array<MessageFlagInfo, 14> AllMessageFlagInfos = {{
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Draft, 'D', "draft", MessageFlagCategory::Mailfile,
"Draft (in progress)"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Flagged, 'F', "flagged", MessageFlagCategory::Mailfile,
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Passed, 'P', "passed", MessageFlagCategory::Mailfile,
"Forwarded message"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Replied, 'R', "replied", MessageFlagCategory::Mailfile,
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Seen, 'S', "seen", MessageFlagCategory::Mailfile,
"Viewed at least once"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Trashed, 'T', "trashed", MessageFlagCategory::Mailfile,
"Marked for deletion"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::New, 'N', "new", MessageFlagCategory::Maildir,
"New message"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Signed, 'z', "signed", MessageFlagCategory::Content,
"Cryptographically signed"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Encrypted, 'x', "encrypted", MessageFlagCategory::Content,
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::HasAttachment,'a', "attach", MessageFlagCategory::Content,
"Has at least one attachment"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Unread, 'u', "unread", MessageFlagCategory::Pseudo,
"New or not seen message"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::MailingList, 'l', "list", MessageFlagCategory::Content,
"Mailing list message"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Personal, 'q', "personal", MessageFlagCategory::Content,
"Personal message"
MessageFlagInfo{Flags::Calendar, 'c', "calendar", MessageFlagCategory::Content,
"Calendar invitation"
* Invoke some callable Func for each flag info
* @param func some callable
template<typename Func>
constexpr void flag_infos_for_each(Func&& func)
for (auto&& info: AllMessageFlagInfos)
* Get flag info for some flag
* @param flag a singular flag
* @return the MessageFlagInfo, or Nothing in case of error.
constexpr const Option<MessageFlagInfo>
flag_info(Flags flag)
constexpr auto upper = static_cast<unsigned>(Flags::_final_);
const auto val = static_cast<unsigned>(flag);
if (__builtin_popcount(val) != 1 || val >= upper)
return Nothing;
return AllMessageFlagInfos[static_cast<unsigned>(__builtin_ctz(val))];
* Get flag info for some flag
* @param shortcut shortcut character
* @return the MessageFlagInfo
constexpr const Option<MessageFlagInfo>
flag_info(char shortcut)
for (auto&& info : AllMessageFlagInfos)
if (info.shortcut == shortcut)
return info;
return Nothing;
* Get flag info for some flag
* @param name of the message-flag.
* @return the MessageFlagInfo
constexpr const Option<MessageFlagInfo>
flag_info(std::string_view name)
for (auto&& info : AllMessageFlagInfos)
if (info.name == name)
return info;
return Nothing;
* 'unread' is a pseudo-flag that means 'new or not seen'
* @param flags
* @return flags with unread added or removed.
constexpr Flags
imply_unread(Flags flags)
/* unread is a pseudo flag equivalent to 'new or not seen' */
if (any_of(flags & Flags::New) || none_of(flags & Flags::Seen))
return flags | Flags::Unread;
return flags & ~Flags::Unread;
* There are two string-based expression types for flags:
* 1) 'absolute': replace the existing flags
* 2) 'delta' : flags as a delta of existing flags.
* Get the (OR'ed) flags corresponding to an expression.
* @param expr the expression (a sequence of flag shortcut characters)
* @param ignore_invalid if @true, ignore invalid flags, otherwise return
* nullopt if an invalid flag is encountered
* @return the (OR'ed) flags or Flags::None
constexpr Option<Flags>
flags_from_absolute_expr(std::string_view expr, bool ignore_invalid = false)
Flags flags{Flags::None};
for (auto&& kar : expr) {
if (const auto& info{flag_info(kar)}; !info) {
if (!ignore_invalid)
return Nothing;
} else
flags |= info->flag;
return imply_unread(flags);
* Calculate flags from existing flags and a delta expression
* Update @p flags with the flags in @p expr, where @p exprt consists of the the
* normal flag shortcut characters, prefixed with either '+' or '-', which means
* resp. "add this flag" or "remove this flag".
* So, e.g. "-N+S" would unset the NEW flag and set the SEEN flag, without
* affecting other flags.
* @param expr delta expression
* @param flags existing flags
* @param ignore_invalid if @true, ignore invalid flags, otherwise return
* nullopt if an invalid flag is encountered
* @return new flags, or nullopt in case of error
constexpr Option<Flags>
flags_from_delta_expr(std::string_view expr, Flags flags,
bool ignore_invalid = false)
if (expr.size() % 2 != 0)
return Nothing;
for (auto u = 0U; u != expr.size(); u += 2) {
if (const auto& info{flag_info(expr[u + 1])}; !info) {
if (!ignore_invalid)
return Nothing;
} else {
switch (expr[u]) {
case '+': flags |= info->flag; break;
case '-': flags &= ~info->flag; break;
if (!ignore_invalid)
return Nothing;
return imply_unread(flags);
* Calculate the flags from either 'absolute' or 'delta' expressions
* @param expr a flag expression, either 'delta' or 'absolute'
* @param flags optional: existing flags or none. Required for delta.
* @return either messages flags or Nothing in case of error.
constexpr Option<Flags>
flags_from_expr(std::string_view expr,
Option<Flags> flags = Nothing)
if (expr.empty())
return Nothing;
if (expr[0] == '+' || expr[0] == '-')
return flags_from_delta_expr(
expr, flags.value_or(Flags::None), true);
return flags_from_absolute_expr(expr, true);
* Filter out flags which are not in the given category
* @param flags flags
* @param cat category
* @return filter flags
constexpr Flags
flags_filter(Flags flags, MessageFlagCategory cat)
for (auto&& info : AllMessageFlagInfos)
if (info.category != cat)
flags &= ~info.flag;
return flags;
* Return flags, where flags = new_flags but with unmutable_flag in the
* result the same as in old_flags
* @param old_flags
* @param new_flags
* @param unmutable_flag
* @return
constexpr Flags
flags_keep_unmutable(Flags old_flags, Flags new_flags, Flags unmutable_flag)
if (any_of(old_flags & unmutable_flag))
return new_flags | unmutable_flag;
return new_flags & ~unmutable_flag;
* Get a string representation of flags
* @param flags flags
* @return string as a sequence of message-flag shortcuts
std::string to_string(Flags flags);
} // namespace Mu
#endif /* MU_FLAGS_HH__ */