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<title>mu - e-mail searching and indexing</title>
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<h2><a name="welcome">welcome to mu</a></h2>
<p>E-mail is the 'flow' in the work flow of many people. Consequently,
one spends a <em>lot</em> of time searching for old e-mails, to dig up
some important piece of information. With people having tens of
thousands of e-mails (or more), this is becoming harder and
harder. How to find that one e-mail in an evergrowing haystack?
<p>Enter <strong>mu</strong>. 'mu' is a set of command-line tools for
Linux/Unix that enable you to quickly find the e-mails you are looking
for, assuming that you store your e-mails in Maildirs (e-mail
<h3>how does it work?</h3>
<p>First there is <tt>mu index</tt> which fills a database with
information about all your e-mails; this may take a couple of minutes
the first time you do it, but after that it's a lot faster.
$ mu index
It tries to pick reasonable defaults, but you can of course specify
your own options. You can run <tt>mu index</tt> periodically to keep
your database up-to-date.
<p>After building the database, it's easy to search for messages. For example:
<i>get all mails about birds <b>and</b> bees</i> (and similar words)
$ mu find bird bee
if you want to find message with either one of those, you can do:
$ mu find 'bird OR bee'
<i>get all Smith's mails with 'capybara' in the subject line</i>
$ mu find from:smith subject:capybara
<i>get the mails in the archive folder where Mary was Cc'd</i>
$ mu find maildir:/archive cc:mary
<p>The way to express the searches may be a bit cryptic at first, but easy to
learn (in the author's humble opinion); the mu manpage discusses syntax and
usage, and contains examples.
<p>NOTE: while searching from the command-line is sometimes useful, mu is most
easily used when integrated with an e-mail program. The documentation includes
examples for integration with <em>mutt</em> and <em>Wanderlust</em>.
<p><strong>mu</strong> is <em>Free Software</em> (GPLv3), runs on
Unix/Linux-based systems, and uses the <a href="http://www.xapian.org"
>Xapian</a> text indexing engine. <strong>Important</strong>: for mu to work,
your mails must be stored in a set of <a
href="http://www.qmail.org/qmail-manual-html/man5/maildir.html" >maildirs</a>
<h2><a name="news" >news</a></h2>
<li>[2010-02-27] <strong>mu version 0.7</strong> released. Compared to the
beta version, there are few changes. The maildir-matching syntax now
contains a starting <tt>/</tt>, so <tt>~/Maildir/foo/bar/(cur|new)/msg</tt>
can be matched with <tt>m:/foo/bar</tt>. The top-level maildir can be
matched with <tt>m:/</tt>. Apart from that, there are so small cosmetic
fixes and documentation updates.
<li>[2010-02-11] <strong>mu version 0.7-beta</strong> released. A lot of changes:
<li>Automatic database scheme version check, notifies users when an upgrade
is needed</li>
<li>Adds the <tt>mu view</tt> command, to view mail message files</li>
<li>Removes the 10K match limit</li>
<li>Support for unattended upgrades - that is, the database can automatically
by upgraded (--autoupgrade). Also, the log file is automatically cleaned
when it gets too big (unless you use --nocleanup)</li>
<li>Search for a certain Maildir using the
<tt>maildir:</tt>,<tt>m:</tt> search prefixes. For
example, you can find all messages located in <tt>~/Maildir/foo/bar/(cur|new)/msg</tt>
with <tt>m:foo/bar</tt>. This replaces the search for path/p in 0.6</li>
<li>Fixes for reported issues #17 and #18</li>
<li>A test suite with a growing number of unit tests</li>
<li>Updated documentation</li>
<li>Many internal refactoring and other changes</li>
<p>This version has been tagged as <tt>v0.7-beta</tt> in repository, and must
be considered a code-complete preview of the upcoming release 0.7. Please
report any problems you encounter with it.</li>
<li>[2010-01-23] <strong>mu version 0.6</strong> released. Changes compared
to the beta version are:
<li>improved documentation, with more examples and more extensive
discussion of various technical aspects</li>
<li>some fixes, thanks to bug reports from beta-testers</li>
<li>added search for the the Message-Id field.</li>
There is a separate branch for 0.6 in the git repository (see below), HEAD
will become 0.7</li>
<li>[2010-01-16] <strong>mu version 0.6-beta</strong>. After some
hiatus in the release schedule, <tt>mu</tt> is back now! The new
version is a total overhaul of what was there before. It's smaller
and faster, and removes quite a bit of the (in the eyes of the
author) needless complexity.
It adds some new features that users asked for, such as a way to
exclude directories from indexing (simply put a file called
<tt>.noindex</tt> in it.
The queries are bit less featureful, the more useful parts will
slowly be added again in future versions.
Note, this is version 0.6-beta, the 'real' 0.6 will follow soon.</li>
<li>[2008-11-01] <strong>mu version 0.4</strong> released. This version adds
extensions to the query language and the ability to get statistics about the
messages that match some queries. <tt>mu-index</tt> is substantially faster.
Also, <tt>mu-msginfo</tt> has been extended. Small optimizations have been
done, and some bugs have been fixed. Finally, some GTK+-widgets have been
added; they are to be considered 'experimental'.</li>
<li>[2008-09-25] <strong>mu version 0.3</strong> released; this version adds
further signicant indexing speedups (esp. on <tt>ext3</tt>-file
systems). Added searching for relative dates ('3w' for 'three weeks ago');
search for message properties such as has-attachment/signed/encrypted;
search for message priority; updated documentation; define bookmarks for
search queries; more unit-tests.</li>
<li>[2008-09-10] <strong>mu version 0.2</strong> released; this version adds
supports for message-body searches (Xapian); indexing is much faster; added
Maildir++ support; sorting of results; added
<tt>mu-mkmdir</tt>/<tt>mu-msginfo</tt>. Improved documentation, unit
<li>[2008-08-25] <strong>mu version 0.1</strong> released</li>
<h2><a name="features" >features</a></h2>
<strong><tt>mu find</tt></strong>:
<li>search for sender and recipient; subject,message body text</li>
<li>output to stdout, or as maildirs with links to the original messages</li>
<strong><tt>mu index</tt></strong>:
<li>scan messages in recursive Maildirs, Maildir++ or separate files;</li>
<li>only changed messages are considered when re-indexing;</li>
<h2><a name="download" >download and license</a></h2>
You can download mu releases from their <a
href="http://code.google.com/p/mu0/downloads/list" >download page</a> (Google
Code). <tt>mu</tt> is released under the terms of the <a
href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html" >GNU General Public
License</a> (GPL), version 3 or later.
<h2><a name="repo">development</a></h2>
The mu source code is available <a href="http://gitorious.org/mu/mu-ng">in
Gitorious</a>; get it from there:
$ git clone git://gitorious.org/mu/mu-ng.git
This is the source code for future versions of mu; there are branches and tags
for released versions. If you're not planning on getting involved in the
development of mu, it is recommended you use the actual releases. The git
version, in particular the 'master' branch, may break at times.
<p>There is now also a <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/mu-discuss"
>mailing list</a> available.
<h2><a name="building">building and dependencies</a></h2>
<tt>mu</tt> uses <a href="http://spruce.sourceforge.net/gmime/" >GMime
2.4</a> and <a href="http://xapian.org" >Xapian</a>; you'll need to
have those installed to build <tt>mu</tt>. On Debian/Ubuntu, the
following should get you all you need:
<pre> # apt-get install libxapian-dev libgmime-2.4-dev </pre>
(obviously, you also need the normal build tools;
<tt>gcc</tt>/<tt>g++</tt>, <tt>make</tt> and friends).
<p>mu uses autotools, so building follows the normal
<tt>./configure</tt>/<tt>make</tt> pattern.
<p>This should work without any problems at least on recent Debian/Ubuntu, for
both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. If it does not work for your
distribution, please <a href="http://code.google.com/p/mu0/issues/list" >file
a bug</a> with all the error messages, relevant information about your system
etc. that you got.
<h2><img src="mu.png" align="right"><a name="contact" >contact</a></h2> If you
think you have found a bug, or you have a good idea for a feature, please put
them in the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/mu0/issues/list" >issue list</a>
(Google Code).
<p><tt>mu</tt> was designed and implemented by me, <strong>Dirk-Jan
C. Binnema</strong>, as a hobby project for my copious free time. It has no
relation to my employer.
<p>You can send e-mail to djcb-at-djcbsoftware-dot-nl.</td>
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&copy;2008-2010 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema
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