mirror of https://github.com/djcb/mu.git synced 2024-07-01 08:11:06 +02:00
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema 5fc8a8f83e store/query: access query only through store
Make Mu::Query only accessible through store, so we can lock the db for the
duration of a (full, multipass) query.
2022-01-30 14:52:41 +02:00

314 lines
11 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <mu-query.hh>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <xapian.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include "mu-msg-fields.h"
#include "mu-query-results.hh"
#include "mu-query-match-deciders.hh"
#include "mu-query-threads.hh"
#include <mu-xapian.hh>
using namespace Mu;
struct Query::Private {
Private(const Store& store)
: store_{store}, parser_{store_} {}
// New
// bool calculate_threads (Xapian::Enquire& enq, size maxnum);
make_enquire(const std::string& expr, MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid, QueryFlags qflags) const;
Xapian::Enquire make_related_enquire(const StringSet& thread_ids,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags) const;
Option<QueryResults> run_threaded(QueryResults&& qres,
Xapian::Enquire& enq,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t max_size) const;
Option<QueryResults> run_singular(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const;
Option<QueryResults> run_related(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const;
Option<QueryResults> run(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const;
size_t store_size() const
return store_.database().get_doccount();
const Store& store_;
const Parser parser_;
Query::Query(const Store& store)
: priv_{std::make_unique<Private>(store)} {}
Query::Query(Query&& other) = default;
Query::~Query() = default;
static Xapian::Enquire&
maybe_sort(Xapian::Enquire& enq, MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid, QueryFlags qflags)
if (sortfieldid != MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE)
any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::Descending));
return enq;
Query::Private::make_enquire(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags) const
Xapian::Enquire enq{store_.database()};
if (expr.empty() || expr == R"("")")
else {
WarningVec warns;
const auto tree{parser_.parse(expr, warns)};
for (auto&& w : warns)
g_warning("query warning: %s", to_string(w).c_str());
g_debug("qtree: %s", to_string(tree).c_str());
return maybe_sort(enq, sortfieldid, qflags);
Query::Private::make_related_enquire(const StringSet& thread_ids,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags) const
Xapian::Enquire enq{store_.database()};
static std::string pfx(1, mu_msg_field_xapian_prefix(MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_THREAD_ID));
std::vector<Xapian::Query> qvec;
for (auto&& t : thread_ids)
qvec.emplace_back(pfx + t);
Xapian::Query qr{Xapian::Query::OP_OR, qvec.begin(), qvec.end()};
return maybe_sort(enq, sortfieldid, qflags);
struct ThreadKeyMaker : public Xapian::KeyMaker {
ThreadKeyMaker(const QueryMatches& matches)
: match_info_(matches) {}
std::string operator()(const Xapian::Document& doc) const override
const auto it{match_info_.find(doc.get_docid())};
return (it == match_info_.end()) ? "" : it->second.thread_path;
const QueryMatches& match_info_;
Query::Private::run_threaded(QueryResults&& qres,
Xapian::Enquire& enq,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const
const auto descending{any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::Descending)};
calculate_threads(qres, descending);
ThreadKeyMaker key_maker{qres.query_matches()};
enq.set_sort_by_key(&key_maker, descending);
DeciderInfo minfo;
minfo.matches = qres.query_matches();
auto mset{enq.get_mset(0, maxnum, {}, make_thread_decider(qflags, minfo).get())};
return QueryResults{mset, std::move(qres.query_matches())};
Query::Private::run_singular(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const
// i.e. a query _without_ related messages, but still possibly
// with threading.
// In the threading case, the sortfield-id is ignored, we always sort by
// date (since threading the threading results are always by date.)
const auto singular_qflags{qflags | QueryFlags::Leader};
const auto threading{any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::Threading)};
DeciderInfo minfo{};
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wextra"
auto enq{make_enquire(expr, threading ? MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_DATE : sortfieldid, qflags)};
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wswitch-default"
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
auto mset{enq.get_mset(0, maxnum, {}, make_leader_decider(singular_qflags, minfo).get())};
auto qres{QueryResults{mset, std::move(minfo.matches)}};
return threading ? run_threaded(std::move(qres), enq, qflags, maxnum) : qres;
static Option<std::string>
opt_string(const Xapian::Document& doc, MuMsgFieldId id) noexcept
std::string val = xapian_try([&] { return doc.get_value(id); }, std::string{""});
if (val.empty())
return Nothing;
return Some(std::move(val));
Query::Private::run_related(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const
// i.e. a query _with_ related messages and possibly with threading.
// In the threading case, the sortfield-id is ignored, we always sort by
// date (since threading the threading results are always by date.);
// moreover, in either threaded or non-threaded case, we sort the first
// ("leader") query by date, i.e, we prefer the newest or oldest
// (descending) messages.
const auto leader_qflags{QueryFlags::Leader | qflags};
const auto threading{any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::Threading)};
// Run our first, "leader" query
DeciderInfo minfo{};
auto enq{make_enquire(expr, MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_DATE, leader_qflags)};
const auto mset{
enq.get_mset(0, maxnum, {}, make_leader_decider(leader_qflags, minfo).get())};
// Gather the thread-ids we found
for (auto it = mset.begin(); it != mset.end(); ++it) {
auto thread_id{opt_string(it.get_document(), MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_THREAD_ID)};
if (thread_id)
// Now, determine the "related query".
// In the threaded-case, we search among _all_ messages, since complete
// threads are preferred; no need to sort in that case since the search
// is unlimited and the sorting happens during threading.
auto r_enq{make_related_enquire(minfo.thread_ids,
threading ? MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE : sortfieldid,
const auto r_mset{r_enq.get_mset(0,
threading ? store_size() : maxnum,
make_related_decider(qflags, minfo).get())};
auto qres{QueryResults{r_mset, std::move(minfo.matches)}};
return threading ? run_threaded(std::move(qres), r_enq, qflags, maxnum) : qres;
Query::Private::run(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const
const auto eff_maxnum{maxnum == 0 ? store_size() : maxnum};
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wextra"
const auto eff_sortfield{sortfieldid == MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE ? MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_DATE
: sortfieldid};
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
if (any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::IncludeRelated))
return run_related(expr, eff_sortfield, qflags, eff_maxnum);
return run_singular(expr, eff_sortfield, qflags, eff_maxnum);
Query::run(const std::string& expr,
MuMsgFieldId sortfieldid,
QueryFlags qflags,
size_t maxnum) const
try {
// some flags are for internal use only.
g_return_val_if_fail(none_of(qflags & QueryFlags::Leader), Nothing);
StopWatch sw{format("ran query '%s'; related: %s; threads: %s; max-size: %zu",
any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::IncludeRelated) ? "yes" : "no",
any_of(qflags & QueryFlags::Threading) ? "yes" : "no",
return priv_->run(expr, sortfieldid, qflags, maxnum);
} catch (...) {
return Nothing;
Query::count(const std::string& expr) const
return xapian_try(
[&] {
const auto enq{priv_->make_enquire(expr, MU_MSG_FIELD_ID_NONE, {})};
auto mset{enq.get_mset(0, priv_->store_size())};
return mset.size();
Query::parse(const std::string& expr, bool xapian) const
WarningVec warns;
const auto tree{priv_->parser_.parse(expr, warns)};
for (auto&& w : warns)
g_warning("query warning: %s", to_string(w).c_str());
if (xapian)
return xapian_query(tree).get_description();
return to_string(tree);