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# Copyright (C) 2012 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
mu add <file> [<files>]
mu add is the command to add specific measage files to the database. Each of the
files must be specified with an absolute path.
mu cfind [options] [--format=<format>] [<pattern>]
mu cfind is the mu command to find contacts in the mu database and export them
for use in other programs.
<format> is one of:
mu extract [options] <file>
mu extract is the mu command to display and save message parts
(attachments), and open them with other tools.
mu find [options] <search expression>
mu find is the mu command for searching e-mail message that were
stored earlier using mu index(1).
Some examples:
# get all messages with 'bananas' in body, subject or recipient fields:
$ mu find bananas
# get all messages regarding bananas from John with an attachment:
$ mu find from:john flag:attach bananas
# get all messages with subject wombat in June 2009
$ mu find subject:wombat date:20090601..20090630
See the `mu-find' and `mu-easy' man-pages for more information.
mu help <command>
mu find is the mu command to get help about <command>, where <command>
is one of:
add - add message to database
cfind - find a contact
extract - extract parts/attachments from messages
find - query the message database
help - get help
index - index messages
mkdir - create a maildir
remove - remove a message from the database
script - run a script
server - start mu server
verify - verify signatures of a message
view - view a specific message
mu index [options]
mu index is the mu command for scanning the contents of Maildir
directories and storing the results in a Xapian database.The
data can then be queried using mu-find(1).
mu mkdir [options] <dir> [<dirs>]
mu mkdir is the mu command for creating Maildirs.It does not
use the mu database.
mu remove [options] <file> [<files>]
mu remove is the mu command to remove messages from the database.
mu server [options]
mu server starts a simple shell in which one can query and
manipulate the mu database.The output of the commands is terms
of Lisp symbolic expressions (s-exps).mu server is not meant for
use by humans; instead, it is designed specificallyfor the
mu4e e-mail client.
mu script [--script=<script>] [<pattern>] [-v] -- [script-options]
Without any parameter, list the available scripts. With <pattern>,
list only those scripts whose name or one-line description matches it.
With -v, give longer descriptions of each script.
With --script=<script>, run the script whose name is <script>; pass
any arguments to the script after the '--' double-dash.
Some examples:
List all available scripts (one-line descriptions):
$ mu script
List all available scripts matching 'month' (long descriptions):
$ mu script -v month
Run the 'msgs-per-month' script, and pass it the '--textonly' parameter:
$ mu script --script=msgs-per-month -- --textonly
(as mentioned, parameters to the script follow the '--')
mu verify [options] <msgfile>
mu verify is the mu command for verifying message signatures
(such as PGP/GPG signatures)and displaying information about them.
The command works on message files, and does not require
the message to be indexed in the database.
mu view [options] <file> [<files>]
mu view is the mu command for displaying e-mail message files. It
works on message files and does not require the message to be
indexed in the database.