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Dirk-Jan C. Binnema 283f3036a6 * update man pages
2010-09-05 21:20:46 +03:00

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.TH MU FIND 1 "September 2010" "User Manuals"
mu find \- search for e-mails in the
.B mu
.B mu find [options] <search expression>
\fBmu find\fR is the \fBmu\fR sub-command for searching e-mails there were
store earlier using
.BR mu-index(1)
The \fBfind\fR command starts a search for messages in the database that match
the search pattern.
The search pattern is taken as a command-line parameter. If the search
parameter consists of multiple parts (multiple command line parameters) they
are treated as if there were a logical \fBAND\fR between them.
If you want to make your own constructions (using \fBAND\fR, \fBOR\fR,
\fBNOT\fR etc., you have to put quotes around them so \fBmu\fR can consider
them as a unit; for example to find mails with oranges OR mandarins in the
subject-field, you'd use:
mu find 'subject:orange OR subject:mandarin'
\fBmu find\fR does not distinguish between uppercase or lowercase for search
\fBmu\fR relies on the Xapian database for its searching capabilities, so it
offers all the search functionality that Xapian offers; please refer to:
Note that queries are logged in \fI<mu-home>/mu.log\fR.
The basic way to search a message is to type some words matching it, as you
would do in an internet search engine. For example,
mu find monkey banana
will find all message that contain both 'monkey' and 'banana'. Matching is
case-insensitive and recognizes various forms of a word such as plurals; this
is all courtesy of Xapian.
\fBmu\fR also recognizes prefixes for specific fields in a messages; for
mu find subject:penguin
to find messages with have the word \fBpenguin\fR in the subject field. You
can abbreviate \fBsubject:\fR to just \fBs:\fR. Here is the full table of the
search fields and their abbreviations:
cc,c CC (Carbon-Copy) recipient
from,f Message sender
subject,s Message subject
to,t To: recipient
maildir,m Maildir
msgid,i Message-ID
The Maildir field describes the directory path starting \fBafter\fR the
Maildir-base path, and before the \fI/cur/\fR or \fI/new/\fR part. So for
example, if there's a message with the file name
\fI~/Maildir/lists/running/cur/1234.213:2,\fR, you could find it (and all the
other messages in the same maildir) with:
mu find maildir:/lists/running
Note the starting '/'. If you want to match mails in the 'root' maildir, you
can do with a single '/':
mu find maildir:/
.SS Find options
The \fBfind\fR-command has various options that influence the way \fBmu\fR
displays the results. If you don't specify anything, the defaults are
\fI\-\-fields="d f s"\fR, \fI\-\-sortfield=date\fR and \fI\-\-descending\fR.
\fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-fields\fR=\fI<fields>\fR
specifies a string that determines which fields are shown in the output. This
string consists of a number of characters (such as 's' for subject or 'f' for
from), which will replace with the actual field in the output. Fields that are
not known will be output as-is, allowing for some simple formatting.
For example:
mu find subject:snow --fields "d f s"
would list the date, subject and sender of all messages with 'snow' in the
their subject.
The table of replacement characters is superset of the list mentions for
search parameters:
t \fBt\fRo: recipient
c \fBc\fRc: (Carbon-Copy) recipient
d Sent \fBd\fRate of the message
f Message sender (\fBf\fRrom:)
g Message flags (fla\fBg\fRs)
l Full path to the message (\fBl\fRocation)
p Message \fBp\fRriority (high, normal, low)
s Message \fBs\fRubject
i Message-\fBi\fRd
m \fBm\fRaildir
The message-flags output is a string, consisting of zero or more of the
following characters.
D Draft Message
F Flagged
N New message (in new/ Maildir)
P Passed ('Handled')
R Replied
S Seen
T Marked for deletion
a Has attachment
s Signed message
x Encrypted message
Note that these are theoretical flags, which may or may not be actually in
\fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-sortfield\fR \fR=\fI<field>\fR and \fB\-z\fR, \fB\-\-descending\fR
specifies the field to sort the search results by, and the direction. The
following fields are supported:
cc,c CC (Carbon-Copy) recipient
date,d message sent date
from,f message sender
maildir,m maildir
msgid,i message id
prio,p message priority
subject,s message subject
to,t To:-recipient
Thus, for example, to sort messages by date, you could specify:
$ mu find fahrrad --fields "d f s" --sortfield=date --descending
Note, if you specify a sortfield, by default, they are sorted in descending
order (e.g., from lowest to highest). This is usually a good choice, but for
dates it may be more useful to sort in the opposite direction.
shows the Xapian query corresponding to your search terms. This is primarily
meant for for debugging purposes.
\fB\-k\fR, \fB\-\-summary\-len\fR=\fI<len>\fR
output a summary based on up to \fI\len\fR lines of the message. The default is
.B 0
, or no summary.
\fB\-\-linksdir\fR \fR=\fI<dir>\fR and \fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-clearlinks\fR
output the results as a maildir with symbolic links to the found
messages. This enables easy integration with mail-clients (see below for more
information). \fBmu\fR will create the maildir if it does not exist yet.
If you specify \fB\-\-clearlinks\fR, all existing symlinks will be cleared
from the target maildir; this allows for re-use of the same directory. An
alternative would be to delete the target directory before, but this has a big
chance of accidentaly removing something that should not be removed.
$ mu find grolsch --linksdir=~/Maildir/search --clearlinks
will store links to found messages in \fI~/Maildir/search\fR. If the directory
does not exist yet, it will be created.
Note: when \fBmu\fR creates a Maildir for these links, it automatically
inserts a \fI.noindex\fR file, to exclude the directory from \fBmu
.SS Example queries
Here are some simple examples of \fBmu\fR search queries; you can make many
more complicated queries using various logical operators, parentheses and so
on, but in the author's experience, it's usually faster to find a message with
a simple query just searching for some words.
Find all messages with both 'bee' and 'bird' (in any field)
$ mu find 'bee AND bird'
or shorter, because \fBAND\fR is implied:
$ mu find bee bird
Find all messages with either Frodo or Sam:
$ mu find 'Frodo OR Sam'
Find all messages with the 'wombat' as subject, and 'capibara' anywhere:
$ mu find subject:wombat capibara
Find all messages in the 'Archive' folder from Fred:
$ mu find from:fred maildir:Archive
.SS Integrating mu find with mail clients
For \fBmutt\fR you can use the following in your \fImuttrc\fR; pressing the F8
key will start a search, and F9 will take you to the results.
# mutt macros for mu
macro index <F8> "<shell-escape>mu find -c -l ~/Maildir/search " \
"mu find"
macro index <F9> "<change-folder-readonly>~/Maildir/search" \
"display mu find results"
If you use Wanderlust for \fBemacs\fR, the following definitons can be used;
typing 'Q' will start a query.
;; mu integration for Wanderlust
(defvar mu-wl-mu-program "mu")
(defvar mu-wl-search-folder "search")
(defun mu-wl-search ()
"search for messages with `mu', and jump to the results"
(let* ((muexpr (read-string "Find messages matching: "))
(sfldr (concat elmo-maildir-folder-path "/"
(cmdline (concat mu-wl-mu-program " find "
"--clearlinks --linksdir='" sfldr "' "
(= 0 (shell-command cmdline))))
(defun mu-wl-search-and-goto ()
"search and jump to the folder with the results"
(if (mu-wl-search)
(concat "." mu-wl-search-folder)
'force-update nil nil t)
(message "Query failed")))
Please report bugs if you find them:
.BR http://code.google.com/p/mu0/issues/list
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <djcb@djcbsoftware.nl>
.BR mu(1)
.BR mu-index(1)