mu4e-notifications: show notifications for new messages

Filter out the _same_ new messages.
This commit is contained in:
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema 2023-01-26 21:35:42 +02:00
parent abf0e259a2
commit d3966926a9
1 changed files with 41 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
"Function for determining if a notification is to be emitted.
If this is the case, the function should return non-nil.
The function must accept an optional single parameter, unused for
:type 'function
@ -32,53 +31,61 @@ now."
The function is invoked when we need to emit a new-mail
notification in some system-specific way. The function is invoked
when the query-items have been updated and
`mu4e-notification-filter' returns t.
`mu4e-notification-filter' returns non-nil.
The function must accept an optional single parameter, unused for
:type 'function
:group 'mu4e-notification)
(defvar mu4e--last-delta-unread 0
"Last notified number.")
(defvar mu4e--notification-id nil
"The last notification id, so we can replace it.")
(defun mu4e--default-notification-filter (&optional _)
"Return t if a notification should be shown.
This default implementation does so when there are more unread
messages since baseline for the favorite bookmark."
(when-let ((fav (mu4e-bookmark-favorite)))
(> (or (plist-get fav :delta-unread) 0) 0)))
(defvar mu4e--notification-id nil
"The last notification id, so we can replace it.")
This default implementation does so when the number of unread
messages changed since the last notification and it is greater
than zero."
(when-let* ((fav (mu4e-bookmark-favorite))
(delta-unread (plist-get fav :delta-unread)))
(when (and (> delta-unread 0)
(not (= delta-unread mu4e--last-delta-unread)))
(setq mu4e--last-delta-unread delta-unread) ;; update
t ;; do show notification
(defun mu4e--default-notification-function (&optional _)
"Default function for handling notifications.
The default implementation uses emacs' built-in dbus-notification
(when-let ((fav (mu4e-bookmark-favorite)))
(let* ((title "mu4e found new mail")
(delta-unread (or (plist-get fav :delta-unread) 0))
(body (format "%d new message%s in %s"
(if (= delta-unread 1) "" "s")
(plist-get fav :name))))
((fboundp 'notifications-notify)
;; notifactions available
(setq mu4e--notification-id
:title title
:body body
:app-name "mu4e@emacs"
:replaces-id mu4e--notification-id
;; a custom mu4e icon would be nice...
;; :app-icon (ignore-errors
;; (image-search-load-path
;; "gnus/gnus.png"))
:actions '("Show" "Favorite bookmark")
:on-action (lambda (_ _) (mu4e-jump-to-favorite)))))
;; ... TBI: other notifications ...
(t ;; last resort
(mu4e-message "%s: %s" title body))))))
(when-let* ((fav (mu4e-bookmark-favorite))
(title "mu4e found new mail")
(delta-unread (or (plist-get fav :delta-unread) 0))
(body (format "%d new message%s in %s"
(if (= delta-unread 1) "" "s")
(plist-get fav :name))))
((fboundp 'notifications-notify)
;; notifications available
(setq mu4e--notification-id
:title title
:body body
:app-name "mu4e@emacs"
:replaces-id mu4e--notification-id
;; a custom mu4e icon would be nice...
;; :app-icon (ignore-errors
;; (image-search-load-path
;; "gnus/gnus.png"))
:actions '("Show" "Favorite bookmark")
:on-action (lambda (_ _) (mu4e-jump-to-favorite)))))
;; ... TBI: other notifications ...
(t ;; last resort
(mu4e-message "%s: %s" title body)))))
(defun mu4e--notification ()
"Function called when the query items have been updated."