* mu-str.c: much improved mu_str_normalize_subject (to skip Re:, Fwd: etc. for sorting)

This commit is contained in:
djcb 2012-06-15 18:21:21 +03:00
parent 0c520ed8ea
commit b0fe9770e4
3 changed files with 42 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ tags:
@$(PMCCABE) `find -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc'` \
| grep -v mu-str-normalize.c \
| grep -v mu_str_subject_normalize \
| grep -v tests \
| sort -nr | awk '($$1 > 10)'
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ cc10:
@$(PMCCABE) -c `find -name '*.c' -o -name '*.cc'` \
| grep -v mu-str-normalize.c \
| grep -v mu_str_subject_normalize \
| grep -v config_options_group_find \
| grep -v tests \

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@ -347,22 +347,52 @@ mu_str_free_list (GSList *lst)
g_slist_free (lst);
/* this function is critical for sorting performance; therefore, no
* regexps, but just some good old c pointer magic */
const gchar*
mu_str_subject_normalize (const gchar* str)
gchar *last_colon;
const char* cur;
g_return_val_if_fail (str, NULL);
last_colon = g_strrstr (str, ":");
if (!last_colon)
return str;
else {
gchar *str;
str = last_colon + 1;
while (*str == ' ')
cur = str;
while (isspace(*cur)) ++cur; /* skip space */
/* starts with Re:? */
if (tolower(cur[0]) == 'r' && tolower(cur[1]) == 'e')
cur += 2;
/* starts with Fwd:? */
else if (tolower(cur[0]) == 'f' && tolower(cur[1]) == 'w' &&
tolower(cur[2]) == 'd')
cur += 3;
else /* nope, different string */
return str;
/* we're now past either 'Re' or 'Fwd'. Maybe there's a [<num>] now?
* ie., the Re[3]: foo case */
if (cur[0] == '[') { /* handle the Re[3]: case */
if (isdigit(cur[1])) {
do { ++cur; } while (isdigit(*cur));
if ( cur[0] != ']') {
return str; /* nope: no ending ']' */
} else /* skip ']' and space */
do { ++cur; } while (isspace(*cur));
} else /* nope: no number after '[' */
return str;
/* now, cur points past either 're' or 'fwd', possibly with
* [<num>]; check if it's really a prefix -- after re or fwd
* there should either a ':' and possibly some space */
if (cur[0] == ':') {
do { ++cur; } while (isspace(*cur));
/* note: there may still be another prefix, such as
* Re[2]: Fwd: foo */
return mu_str_subject_normalize (cur);
} else
return str; /* nope, it was not a prefix */

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@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ test_mu_str_subject_normalize (void)
{ "Re:test123", "test123" },
{ "Re: Fwd: test123", "test123" },
{ "Re[3]: Fwd: test123", "test123" },
{ "operation: mindcrime", "mindcrime" }, /*...*/
{ "operation: mindcrime", "operation: mindcrime" }, /*...*/
{ "", "" }