fmt: more update to use new fmt-based APIs

This commit is contained in:
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema 2023-07-06 12:22:50 +03:00
parent 91c5a9bac5
commit 82235b9d49
8 changed files with 141 additions and 182 deletions

View File

@ -686,32 +686,3 @@ Mu::fputs_encoded (const std::string& str, FILE *stream)
return (rv == EOF) ? false: true;
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 0)))
static bool
print_args (FILE *stream, const char *frm, va_list args)
char *str;
gboolean rv;
str = g_strdup_vprintf (frm, args);
rv = fputs_encoded (str, stream);
g_free (str);
return rv;
Mu::print_encoded (const char *frm, ...)
va_list args;
gboolean rv;
g_return_val_if_fail (frm, false);
va_start (args, frm);
rv = print_args (stdout, frm, args);
va_end (args);
return rv;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
** Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
** Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Dirk-Jan C. Binnema <>
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ inline void mu_printerrln(fmt::format_string<T...> frm, T&&... args) noexcept {
fmt::println(stderr, frm, std::forward<T>(args)...);
* Fprmatting
@ -197,22 +198,27 @@ static inline std::string join(const std::vector<std::string>& svec, char sepa)
bool fputs_encoded (const std::string& str, FILE *stream);
* print a formatted string (assumed to be in utf8-format) to stdout,
* print a fmt-style formatted string (assumed to be in utf8-format) to stdout,
* converted to the current locale
* @param a standard printf() format string, followed by a parameter list
* @param a standard fmt-style format string, followed by a parameter list
* @return true if printing worked, false otherwise
bool print_encoded (const char *frm, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(1,2);
static inline bool mu_print_encoded(fmt::format_string<T...> frm, T&&... args) noexcept {
return fputs_encoded(fmt::format(frm, std::forward<T>(args)...),
* Parse a date string to the corresponding time_t
* *
* @param date the date expressed a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS or any n... of the first
* characters, using the local timezone.
* @param first whether to fill out incomplete dates to the start or the end;
* ie. either 1972 -> 197201010000 or 1972 -> 197212312359
* characters, using the local timezone. Non-digits are ignored,
* so 2018-05-05 is equivalent to 20180505.
* @param first whether to fill out incomplete dates to the start (@true) or the
* end (@false); ie. either 1972 -> 197201010000 or 1972 -> 197212312359
* @return the corresponding time_t or Nothing if parsing failed.
@ -302,17 +308,15 @@ to_us(Duration d)
struct StopWatch {
using Clock = std::chrono::steady_clock;
StopWatch(const std::string name) : start_{Clock::now()}, name_{name} {}
~StopWatch() {
const auto us{static_cast<double>(to_us(Clock::now() - start_))};
if (us > 2000000)
g_debug("sw: %s: finished after %0.1f s", name_.c_str(), us / 1000000);
mu_debug("sw: {}: finished after {:.1f} s", name_, us / 1000000);
else if (us > 2000)
g_debug("sw: %s: finished after %0.1f ms", name_.c_str(), us / 1000);
mu_debug("sw: {}: finished after {:.1f} ms", name_, us / 1000);
g_debug("sw: %s: finished after %g us", name_.c_str(), us);
mu_debug("sw: {}: finished after {} us", name_, us);
Clock::time_point start_;
std::string name_;
@ -383,9 +387,9 @@ to_string_gchar(gchar*&& str)
* Lexicals Number are lexicographically sortable string representations
* of numbers. Start with 'g' + length of number in hex, followed by
* the ascii for the hex represntation. So,
* Lexnums are lexicographically sortable string representations of non-negative
* integers. Start with 'f' + length of hex-representation number, followed by
* the hex representation itself. So,
* 0 -> 'g0'
* 1 -> 'g1'
@ -476,54 +480,6 @@ void seq_for_each(const Sequence& seq, UnaryOp op) {
std::for_each(seq.cbegin(), seq.cend(), op);
* array of associated pair elements -- like an alist
* but based on std::array and thus can be constexpr
template<typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t N>
using AssocPairs = std::array<std::pair<T1, T2>, N>;
* Get the first value of the pair where the second element is @param s.
* @param p AssocPairs
* @param s some second pair value
* @return the matching first pair value, or Nothing if not found.
template<typename P>
constexpr Option<typename P::value_type::first_type>
to_first(const P& p, typename P::value_type::second_type s)
for (const auto& item: p)
if (item.second == s)
return item.first;
return Nothing;
* Get the second value of the pair where the first element is @param f.
* @param p AssocPairs
* @param f some first pair value
* @return the matching second pair value, or Nothing if not found.
template<typename P>
constexpr Option<typename P::value_type::second_type>
to_second(const P& p, typename P::value_type::first_type f)
for (const auto& item: p)
if (item.first == f)
return item.second;
return Nothing;
* Convert string view in something printable with %.*s
#define STR_V(sv__) static_cast<int>((sv__).size()), (sv__).data()
struct MaybeAnsi {
explicit MaybeAnsi(bool use_color) : color_{use_color} {}
@ -555,7 +511,8 @@ struct MaybeAnsi {
std::string ansi(Color c, bool fg = true) const
return color_ ? format("\x1b[%dm", static_cast<int>(c) + (fg ? 0 : 10)) : "";
return color_ ? mu_format("\x1b[{}m",
static_cast<int>(c) + (fg ? 0 : 10)) : "";
const bool color_;
@ -574,12 +531,10 @@ private:
#define MU_TO_NUM(ET, ELM) std::underlying_type_t<ET>(ELM)
#define MU_TO_ENUM(ET, NUM) static_cast<ET>(NUM)
constexpr ET operator&(ET e1, ET e2) \
{ \
constexpr ET operator&(ET e1, ET e2) { \
return MU_TO_ENUM(ET, MU_TO_NUM(ET, e1) & MU_TO_NUM(ET, e2)); \
} \
constexpr ET operator|(ET e1, ET e2) \
{ \
constexpr ET operator|(ET e1, ET e2) { \
return MU_TO_ENUM(ET, MU_TO_NUM(ET, e1) | MU_TO_NUM(ET, e2)); \
} \
constexpr ET operator~(ET e) { return MU_TO_ENUM(ET, ~(MU_TO_NUM(ET, e))); } \

View File

@ -282,35 +282,6 @@ test_locale_workaround()
enum struct TestEnum { A, B, C };
constexpr AssocPairs<TestEnum, std::string_view, 3>
test_epairs = {{
{TestEnum::A, "a"},
{TestEnum::B, "b"},
{TestEnum::C, "c"},
static constexpr Option<std::string_view>
to_name(TestEnum te)
return to_second(test_epairs, te);
static constexpr Option<TestEnum>
to_type(std::string_view name)
return to_first(test_epairs, name);
static void
assert_equal(to_name(TestEnum::A).value(), "a");
g_assert_true(to_type("c").value() == TestEnum::C);
static void
@ -353,7 +324,6 @@ main(int argc, char* argv[])
g_test_add_func("/utils/define-bitmap", test_define_bitmap);
g_test_add_func("/utils/to-from-lexnum", test_to_from_lexnum);
g_test_add_func("/utils/locale-workaround", test_locale_workaround);
g_test_add_func("/utils/enum-pairs", test_enum_pairs);
return g_test_run();

View File

@ -112,14 +112,10 @@ output_plain(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts)
const auto col2{opts.nocolor ? "" : MU_COLOR_GREEN};
const auto coldef{opts.nocolor ? "" : MU_COLOR_DEFAULT};
contact->name.empty() ? "" : " ",
col1, contact->name, coldef,
contact->name.empty() ? "" : " ",
col2, contact->email, coldef);
static void
@ -129,8 +125,8 @@ output_mutt_alias(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts)
const auto nick{guess_nick(*contact)};
print_encoded("alias %s %s <%s>\n", nick.c_str(),
contact->name.c_str(), contact->email.c_str());
mu_print_encoded("alias {} {} <{}>\n", nick, contact->name, contact->email);
static void
@ -139,12 +135,8 @@ output_mutt_address_book(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts
if (itype == ItemType::Header)
mu_print ("Matching addresses in the mu database:\n");
if (!contact)
if (contact)
mu_print_encoded("{}\t{}\t\n", contact->email, contact->name);
static void
@ -155,10 +147,8 @@ output_wanderlust(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts)
auto nick=guess_nick(*contact);
print_encoded("%s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
mu_print_encoded("{} \"{}\" \"{}\"\n", contact->email, nick, contact->name);
static void
@ -167,9 +157,8 @@ output_org_contact(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts)
if (!contact || contact->name.empty())
print_encoded("* %s\n:PROPERTIES:\n:EMAIL: %s\n:END:\n\n",
mu_print_encoded("* {}\n:PROPERTIES:\n:EMAIL: {}\n:END:\n\n",
contact->name, contact->email);
static void
@ -196,9 +185,9 @@ output_csv(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts)
if (!contact)
contact->name.empty() ? "" : Mu::quote(contact->name).c_str(),
contact->name.empty() ? "" : Mu::quote(contact->name),
static void
@ -211,22 +200,22 @@ output_json(ItemType itype, OptContact contact, const Options& opts)
mu_println (" {{");
const std::string name = contact->name.empty() ? "null" : Mu::quote(contact->name);
" \"email\" : \"%s\",\n"
" \"name\" : %s,\n"
" \"display\" : %s,\n"
" \"last-seen\" : %" PRId64 ",\n"
" \"last-seen-iso\" : \"%s\",\n"
" \"personal\" : %s,\n"
" \"frequency\" : %zu\n",
" \"email\" : \"{}\",\n"
" \"name\" : {},\n"
" \"display\" : {},\n"
" \"last-seen\" : {},\n"
" \"last-seen-iso\" : \"{}\",\n"
" \"personal\" : {},\n"
" \"frequency\" : {}\n",
time_to_string("%FT%TZ", contact->message_date, true/*utc*/).c_str(),
time_to_string("%FT%TZ", contact->message_date, true/*utc*/),
contact->personal ? "true" : "false",
mu_print (" }}");
mu_print(" }}");
if (itype == ItemType::Footer)

View File

@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ show_part(const MessagePart& part, size_t index, bool color)
/* /\* disposition *\/ */
print_encoded(" [%s]", part.is_attachment() ?
"attachment" : "inline");
mu_print_encoded(" [{}]", part.is_attachment() ? "attachment" : "inline");
/* size */
if (part.size() > 0) {

View File

@ -98,13 +98,6 @@ topic_fields(const Options& opts)
fields.add_row({"field-name", "alias", "short", "search",
"value", "sexp", "example query", "description"});
auto disp= [&](std::string_view sv)->std::string {
if (sv.empty())
return "";
return format("%.*s", STR_V(sv));
auto searchable=[&](const Field& field)->std::string {
if (field.is_boolean_term())
return "boolean";
@ -130,8 +123,8 @@ topic_fields(const Options& opts)
field.is_value() ? "yes" : "no",
field.include_in_sexp() ? "yes" : "no",

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ body_or_summary(const Message& message, const Options& opts)
const auto summ{summarize(body->c_str(), *opts.view.summary_len)};
print_field("Summary", summ, color);
} else {
print_encoded("%s", body->c_str());
mu_print_encoded("{}", *body);
if (!g_str_has_suffix(body->c_str(), "\n"))

View File

@ -57,6 +57,53 @@ using namespace Mu;
* helpers
* array of associated pair elements -- like an alist
* but based on std::array and thus can be constexpr
template<typename T1, typename T2, std::size_t N>
using AssocPairs = std::array<std::pair<T1, T2>, N>;
* Get the first value of the pair where the second element is @param s.
* @param p AssocPairs
* @param s some second pair value
* @return the matching first pair value, or Nothing if not found.
template<typename P>
constexpr Option<typename P::value_type::first_type>
to_first(const P& p, typename P::value_type::second_type s)
for (const auto& item: p)
if (item.second == s)
return item.first;
return Nothing;
* Get the second value of the pair where the first element is @param f.
* @param p AssocPairs
* @param f some first pair value
* @return the matching second pair value, or Nothing if not found.
template<typename P>
constexpr Option<typename P::value_type::second_type>
to_second(const P& p, typename P::value_type::first_type f)
for (const auto& item: p)
if (item.first == f)
return item.second;
return Nothing;
* Options-specific array-bases type that maps some enum to a <name, description> pair
@ -316,7 +363,7 @@ sub_find(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts)
smap.emplace(std::string(1, field.shortcut),;
if (!sopts.empty())
sopts += ", ";
sopts += format("%.*s|%c", STR_V(, field.shortcut);
sopts += mu_format("{}|{}",, field.shortcut);
sub.add_option("--sortfield,-s", opts.find.sortfield,
@ -326,7 +373,8 @@ sub_find(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts)
sub.add_flag("--reverse,-z", opts.find.reverse, "Sort in descending order");
sub.add_flag("--reverse,-z", opts.find.reverse,
"Sort in descending order");
sub.add_option("--bookmark,-b", opts.find.bookmark,
"Use bookmarked query")
@ -347,7 +395,8 @@ sub_find(CLI::App& sub, Options& opts)
"Command to execute on message file")
sub.add_option("query", opts.find.query, "Search query pattern(s)")
sub.add_option("query", opts.find.query,
"Search query pattern(s)")
@ -792,12 +841,45 @@ test_ids()
enum struct TestEnum { A, B, C };
constexpr AssocPairs<TestEnum, std::string_view, 3>
test_epairs = {{
{TestEnum::A, "a"},
{TestEnum::B, "b"},
{TestEnum::C, "c"},
static constexpr Option<std::string_view>
to_name(TestEnum te)
return to_second(test_epairs, te);
static constexpr Option<TestEnum>
to_type(std::string_view name)
return to_first(test_epairs, name);
static void
assert_equal(to_name(TestEnum::A).value(), "a");
g_assert_true(to_type("c").value() == TestEnum::C);
main(int argc, char* argv[])
mu_test_init(&argc, &argv);
g_test_add_func("/options/ids", test_ids);
g_test_add_func("/option/enum-pairs", test_enum_pairs);
return g_test_run();