lib: xapian-db/store: simplify

No need for "pimpl" in xapian-db; keep it simple.
This commit is contained in:
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema 2023-07-09 23:17:08 +03:00
parent a32b924692
commit 0b4f7c4cbe
3 changed files with 44 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ remove_slash(const std::string& str)
struct Store::Private {
Private(const std::string& path, bool readonly):
xapian_db_{make_db(path, readonly ? XapianDb::Flavor::ReadOnly
: XapianDb::Flavor::Open)},
xapian_db_{XapianDb(path, readonly ? XapianDb::Flavor::ReadOnly
: XapianDb::Flavor::Open)},
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ struct Store::Private {
Private(const std::string& path, const std::string& root_maildir,
Option<const Config&> conf):
xapian_db_{make_db(path, XapianDb::Flavor::CreateOverwrite)},
xapian_db_{XapianDb(path, XapianDb::Flavor::CreateOverwrite)},
config_{make_config(xapian_db_, root_maildir, conf)},
@ -118,13 +118,6 @@ struct Store::Private {
XapianDb make_db(const std::string& path, XapianDb::Flavor flavor) {
if (auto&& res{XapianDb::make(path, flavor)}; res)
return std::move(res.value());
throw res.error();
Config make_config(XapianDb& xapian_db, const std::string& root_maildir,
Option<const Config&> conf) {

View File

@ -26,38 +26,13 @@
using namespace Mu;
struct XapianDb::Private {
using DbType = std::variant<Xapian::Database, Xapian::WritableDatabase>;
Private(Xapian::Database&& db, const std::string& path):
db_{std::move(db)}, path_{path} {}
Private(Xapian::WritableDatabase&& wdb, const std::string& path):
db_{std::move(wdb)}, path_{path} {}
DbType db_;
const std::string path_;
mutable std::mutex lock_;
XapianDb::XapianDb(Xapian::Database&& db, const std::string& path):
priv_{std::make_unique<Private>(std::move(db), path)}
XapianDb::XapianDb(Xapian::WritableDatabase&& wdb, const std::string& path):
priv_{std::make_unique<Private>(std::move(wdb), path)}
XapianDb::XapianDb(XapianDb&& rhs) = default;
XapianDb::~XapianDb() = default;
const Xapian::Database&
XapianDb::db() const
if (std::holds_alternative<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(priv_->db_))
return std::get<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(priv_->db_);
if (std::holds_alternative<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(db_))
return std::get<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(db_);
return std::get<Xapian::Database>(priv_->db_);
return std::get<Xapian::Database>(db_);
@ -65,25 +40,19 @@ XapianDb::wdb()
if (read_only())
throw std::runtime_error("database is read-only");
return std::get<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(priv_->db_);
return std::get<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(db_);
XapianDb::read_only() const
return !std::holds_alternative<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(priv_->db_);
return !std::holds_alternative<Xapian::WritableDatabase>(db_);
const std::string&
XapianDb::path() const
return priv_->path_;
XapianDb::lock() const
return priv_->lock_;
return path_;
@ -92,44 +61,44 @@ XapianDb::set_timestamp(const std::string_view key)
wdb().set_metadata(std::string{key}, mu_format("{}", ::time({})));
XapianDb::make(const std::string& db_path, Flavor flavor) noexcept try {
using Flavor = XapianDb::Flavor;
static std::string
make_path(const std::string& db_path, Flavor flavor)
if (flavor != Flavor::ReadOnly) {
/* we do our own flushing, set Xapian's internal one as
* the backstop*/
g_setenv("XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD", "500000", 1);
/* create path if needed */
if (g_mkdir_with_parents(db_path.c_str(), 0700) != 0)
return Err(Error::Code::File, "failed to create database dir {}: {}",
db_path, ::strerror(errno));
throw Error(Error::Code::File, "failed to create database dir {}: {}",
db_path, ::strerror(errno));
return db_path;
static XapianDb::DbType
make_db(const std::string& db_path, Flavor flavor)
switch (flavor) {
case Flavor::ReadOnly:
return Ok(XapianDb(Xapian::Database(db_path), db_path));
return Xapian::Database(db_path);
case Flavor::Open:
return Ok(XapianDb(Xapian::WritableDatabase(
db_path, Xapian::DB_OPEN), db_path));
case Flavor::CreateOverwrite: {
auto&& xdb{XapianDb(Xapian::WritableDatabase(
Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE), db_path)};
return Ok(std::move(xdb));
return Xapian::WritableDatabase(db_path, Xapian::DB_OPEN);
case Flavor::CreateOverwrite:
return Xapian::WritableDatabase(db_path, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE);
return Err(Error::Code::Internal, "invalid xapian options");
throw std::logic_error("unknown flavor");
} catch (const Xapian::DatabaseLockError& xde) {
return Err(Error::Code::StoreLock, "{}", xde.get_msg());
} catch (const Xapian::DatabaseError& xde) {
return Err(Error::Code::Store, "{}", xde.get_msg());
} catch (const Mu::Error& me) {
return Err(me);
} catch (...) {
return Err(Error::Code::Internal,
"something went wrong when opening store @ {}", db_path);
XapianDb::XapianDb(const std::string& db_path, Flavor flavor) :
path_(make_path(db_path, flavor)),
db_(make_db(path_,flavor)) {
if (flavor == Flavor::CreateOverwrite)

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ private:
* with just the things we need + locking + exception handling
class XapianDb: public MetadataIface {
#define DB_LOCKED std::unique_lock l{lock()}
#define DB_LOCKED std::unique_lock lock__{lock_};
* Type of database to create.
@ -174,15 +174,7 @@ public:
CreateOverwrite, /**< Create new or overwrite existing */
* Make a new Xapian Database wrapper object
* @param db_path path to the database
* @param flavor type of database to created
* @return a result; either a XapianDb or an Error.
static Result<XapianDb> make(const std::string& db_path, Flavor flavor) noexcept;
XapianDb(const std::string& db_path, Flavor flavor);
* Is the database read-only?
@ -364,6 +356,11 @@ public:
xapian_try([&]{ DB_LOCKED; return wdb().commit_transaction();});
using DbType = std::variant<Xapian::Database, Xapian::WritableDatabase>;
void set_timestamp(const std::string_view key);
* Get a reference to the underlying database
@ -378,26 +375,10 @@ public:
Xapian::WritableDatabase& wdb();
mutable std::mutex lock_;
std::string path_;
* Move CTOR
* @param rhs
XapianDb(XapianDb&& rhs);
XapianDb(Xapian::Database&& db, const std::string& path);
XapianDb(Xapian::WritableDatabase&& wdb, const std::string& path);
void set_timestamp(const std::string_view key);
std::mutex& lock() const;
struct Private;
std::unique_ptr<Private> priv_;
DbType db_;
} // namespace Mu