Port over evil-magit

This commit is contained in:
James Nguyen 2019-10-12 10:26:15 -07:00 committed by James N
parent 04df79eadc
commit eff6f710ef
5 changed files with 978 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
(package-file "evil-collection.el") (package-file "evil-collection.el")
(development (development
(depends-on "evil")
(depends-on "f") (depends-on "f")
(depends-on "ert-runner") (depends-on "ert-runner")
(depends-on "package-lint") (depends-on "package-lint")
(depends-on "annalist")) (depends-on "annalist")
(depends-on "magit"))

View File

@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
EMACS ?= emacs EMACS ?= emacs
CASK ?= cask
TESTPATH = -L ./test
.cask/$(shell $(EMACS) -Q --batch --eval '(princ emacs-version)')/elpa
compile: compile:
cask exec $(EMACS) -Q -batch \ $(CASK) exec $(EMACS) -Q -batch \
-L . \ -L . \
--eval '(setq evil-want-integration nil)' \ --eval '(setq evil-want-integration nil)' \
--eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t)' \ --eval '(setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t)' \
-f batch-byte-compile *.el modes/*/*.el -f batch-byte-compile *.el modes/*/*.el
lint: lint:
cask exec $(EMACS) -Q -batch \ $(CASK) exec $(EMACS) -Q -batch \
--eval "(require 'package)" \ --eval "(require 'package)" \
--eval "(push '(\"melpa\" . \"http://melpa.org/packages/\") package-archives)" \ --eval "(push '(\"melpa\" . \"http://melpa.org/packages/\") package-archives)" \
--eval "(package-initialize)" \ --eval "(package-initialize)" \
@ -18,7 +25,18 @@ lint:
--eval "(advice-add 'package-lint--check-version-regexp-list :around 'ignore)" \ --eval "(advice-add 'package-lint--check-version-regexp-list :around 'ignore)" \
-f package-lint-batch-and-exit *.el modes/*/*.el -f package-lint-batch-and-exit *.el modes/*/*.el
test: test: elpa
cask exec ert-runner $(CASK) exec $(EMACS) -Q -batch $(LOADPATH) $(TESTPATH) \
-l evil-collection-test.el -l evil-collection-magit-tests.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
.PHONY: compile lint test magit-test: elpa
$(CASK) exec $(EMACS) -Q -batch $(LOADPATH) $(TESTPATH) \
-l evil-collection-magit-tests.el -f ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit
elpa: $(ELPA_DIR)
$(ELPA_DIR): Cask
$(CASK) install
mkdir -p $(ELPA_DIR)
touch $@
.PHONY: compile lint test elpa

modes/magit/README.org Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* Black magic
This library configures Magit and Evil to play well with each other. For some
background see [[https://github.com/justbur/evil-magit/issues/1][Issue #1]].
*Note*: I intend to track the latest commits to the master branch of the [[https://github.com/magit/magit][magit
repo]], meaning the keybindings here are potentially ahead of the last stable
release of magit. Once the code in evil-collection-magit stabilizes, I may switch to
primarily tracking the stable release of magit and secondarily track the latest
commits to master. Any help is welcomed.
* Recent Changes (most recent first)
1. [2019-09-04] Don't use =evil-next-visual-line= and
=evil=previous-visual-line=. See [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-magit/issues/70][Issue #70]].
1. [2019-06-16] Added =evil-collection-magit-stage-untracked-file-with-intent= at
=I=. See [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-magit/issues/67][Issue #67]].
2. [2019-02-15] Added =forge-dispatch= at =@=.
3. [2018-05-22] Added =evil-collection-magit-use-z-for-folds=. See docstring for more
4. [2018-03-13] Added basic evil support for =magit-list-repositories=.
5. [2016-07-27] Moved submodules popup to ' and added the new subtree popup at
". This is not mnemonic in any way but easy to reach and keeps the two keys
6. [2016-03-24] Moved =magit-diff-less-context= to = to fix conflict with
moved revert.
7. [2016-03-21] Moved revert commands from =o= and =O= to =-= and
=_=. Rationale is that you are subtracting a commit. This makes room for
=o= and =O= to be reset and the new reset popup command. Think of resetting
to an "old" state. =¯\_(ツ)_/¯=
8. Added =evil-collection-magit-want-horizontal-movement=. Use =h= and =l= for movement
like vim, moving =h= to =H=, =l= to =L=, and =L= to =C-l=.
9. Added =evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode= on =C-t=. This is a quick way to enter
text mode in a magit buffer, which allows arbitrary movement, copying, etc.
Use =C-t= to return to the previous magit mode.
10. When =evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank= is non nil, =C-w= will prefix the evil
window switching functions from magit buffers.
11. =evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank= is now the default. It has worked well for me so
far, and I've had good feedback, but please let me know if you see issues.
You can use the original behavior with =(setq evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank
nil)=. See the table below for a summary of differences.
* Installation and Use
Evil and Magit are both required. After requiring those packages, the following
will setup the new key bindings for you.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; optional: this is the evil state that evil-collection-magit will use
;; (setq evil-collection-magit-state 'normal)
;; optional: disable additional bindings for yanking text
;; (setq evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank nil)
#+END_SRC emacs-lisp
** Note on Evil usage
This package assumes that you either use the global variant of evil mode (e.g.,
through =(evil-mode 1)=), or at least have =evil-local-mode= (the local variant)
enabled in the magit buffers you want these bindings to take effect in. When
evil is disabled in a magit buffer, this package will not affect the default key
bindings (with one minor exception).
** Note on =evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank=
=evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank= enables evil's visual state for linewise selection,
and as a consequnce =y= will yank text from the buffer.
With this enabled which it is by default evil-collection-magit uses =v= and =V= to select
by line. Selection in magit occurs linewise, so this choice is to avoid
confusion that might arise if someone thought they could stage part of a line
with =v= for example.
** Text mode
Text mode can be toggled with =evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode= (triggered with
=C-t= or =\=). This takes nearly any magit buffer out of the related magit mode
and puts it into =text-mode=. This allows free movement in the buffer using the
standard evil movement and selection commands, making it easy to for example
copy arbitrary text in the buffer. It also effectively prevents magit keys from
shadowing evil ones, so =f= runs =evil-find-char= instead of
=magit-fetch-popup=, allowing all vim related movement commands to be used in
magit buffers. You can think of this if you like as another state for evil-collection-magit
to be in.
Several requests have been made to allow selecting and copying arbitrary text in
the magit buffers, but there are many conflicts between evil bindings and magit
bindings and there is no elegant solution to this problem in my opinion. Text
mode is the best that I have come up with.
* Key Bindings
The basic key binding scheme for evil-collection-magit (EM) is described in the following
tables. Blank columns indicate that the key is carried over from the left.
| Category | Default | EM w/o yank opt | w/ yank opt (default) | w/ horiz move | w/ folds |
| cherry pick | =a/A= | | | | |
| branch | =b= | | | | |
| bisect | =B= | | | | |
| commit | =c= | | | | |
| diff | =d/D= | | | | |
| ediff | =e/E= | | | | |
| fetch | =f= | | | | |
| pull | =F= | | | | |
| refresh | =g= | =gr/gR= (=g= in popup) | | | |
| help | =h/?= | | | =H/?= | |
| ignore | =i/I= | | | | |
| intent to stage | =I= | | | | |
| jump | =j= | =g= | | | |
| delete | =k= | =x= | | | |
| untrack | =K= | =X= | | | |
| log | =l/L= | | | =L/C-l= | |
| merge | =m= | | | | |
| remote | =M= | | | | |
| next section | =n= | =C-j= | | | |
| next section sibling | =M-n= | =gj= or =]= | | | |
| submodule | =o= | ' | | | |
| subtree | =O= | " | | | |
| prev section | =p= | =C-k= | | | |
| prev section sibling | =M-p= | =gk= or =[= | | | |
| push | =P= | =P= or =p= | | | |
| quit | =q= | =q= or =ESC= | | | |
| rebase | =r= | | | | |
| rename | =R= | | | | |
| stage | =s/S= | | | | |
| tag | =t= | | | | |
| notes | =T= | | | | |
| unstage | =u/U= | | | | |
| revert | =v/V= | =-/_= | | | |
| am | =w= | | | | |
| patch | =W= | | | | |
| reset | =x/X= | =o/O= | | | |
| show-refs | =y= | | =yr= (=y= in popup) | | |
| cherry | =Y= | | | | |
| stash | =z/Z= | | | | =Z= |
| git-cmd | =:= | =¦= | | | |
| run | =!= | | | | |
| forge | =@= | | | | |
| diff less/more context | =-/+= | = / + | | | |
| copy section info | =C-w= | | =ys= | | |
| copy buffer info | =M-w= | | =yb= | | |
** New Commands
| Command | EM w/o yank opt | EM w/ yank opt (default) | w/ horiz move |
| evil-goto-line | =G= | | |
| evil-next-visual-line | =j= | | |
| evil-previous-visual-line | =k= | | |
| evil-backward-char | under =M-x= | | =h= |
| evil-forward-char | under =M-x= | | =l= |
| evil-search-next | =n= | | |
| evil-search-previous | =N= | | |
| set-mark-command | =v= or =V= | =C-SPC= | |
| evil-visual-line | under =M-x= | =v= or =V= | |
| evil-ex | =:= | | |
| evil-search-forward | =/= | | |
| evil-scroll-page-up | =C-b= | | |
| evil-scroll-down | =C-d= | | |
| evil-scroll-page-down | =C-f= | | |
| evil-scroll-up | =C-u= (if =C-u= scrolls) | | |
| evil-emacs-state | =C-z= | | |
| evil-yank-line | under =M-x= | =yy= | |
| evil-window-map | under =M-x= | =C-w= | |
| evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode | =C-t/\= | | |
Any other bindings are meant to be consistent with these.
Use =evil-collection-magit-revert= to revert changes made by evil-collection-magit to the default
evil+magit behavior.
** To add other common evil commands
Some may want =?= to search backward instead of launching the popup which is
also bound to =h=. To get this behavior, add the following line after
=(evil-collection-init)= in your configuration.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(evil-define-key evil-collection-magit-state magit-mode-map "?" 'evil-search-backward)
Most (but not all) magit bindings are in =magit-mode-map=, so other commands can
be bound in this way too.
** To remove commands
Typically, to prevent evil-collection-magit from overriding the default behavior with evil
and magit loaded, you should bind the respective key to =nil= after loading
evil-collection-magit. For example, to make =escape= behave as default:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(evil-define-key* evil-collection-magit-state magit-mode-map [escape] nil)
* Known Conflicts
These are the third-party packages that conflict with these bindings and will
probably need to be disabled in magit buffers for evil-collection-magit to work properly.
1. [[https://github.com/hlissner/evil-snipe][evil-snipe]]
2. [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/evil-escape][evil-escape]] with [[https://github.com/justbur/evil-magit/issues/4][certain escape sequences]]
* Disclaimer
Given the complexity of magit key bindings combined with the complexity of git
itself, it is possible that there are some rough edges where the current binding
is not the expected one in a buffer. It will be very helpful for you to report
any such instances.

View File

@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
;;; evil-collection-magit.el --- Bindings for `magit' -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;;; evil-collection-magit.el --- Evil-based key bindings for magit
;; Copyright (C) 2018 James Nguyen ;; Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Justin Burkett
;; Author: James Nguyen <james@jojojames.com> ;; Author: Justin Burkett <justin@burkett.cc>
;; Maintainer: James Nguyen <james@jojojames.com> ;; Maintainer: Justin Burkett <justin@burkett.cc>
;; James Nguyen <james@jojojames.com>
;; Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz> ;; Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (evil "1.2.3") (magit "2.6.0"))
;; Version: 0.0.1 ;; Homepage: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1")) ;; Version: 0.4.1
;; Keywords: evil, emacs, tools
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
;; (at your option) any later version. ;; option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;; see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary: ;;; Commentary:
;;; Bindings for `magit'
;;; This file is to work around an issue described in ;; This library configures Magit and Evil to play well with each
;;; https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/108 ;; other. For some background see https://github.com/magit/evil-magit/issues/1.
;;; Ideally this file is only temporary and should be removed once
;;; #108 is resolved. ;; See the README at
;; https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/tree/master/modes/magit
;; for a table describing the key binding changes.
;;; Code: ;;; Code:
(require 'evil-collection) (require 'evil-collection)
(require 'magit nil t) (require 'magit nil t)
@ -39,13 +42,616 @@
(defconst evil-collection-magit-maps '(magit-blame-mode-map (defconst evil-collection-magit-maps '(magit-blame-mode-map
magit-blame-read-only-mode-map)) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map))
(defcustom evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank t
"When non nil, replace \"y\" for `magit-show-refs-popup' with
\"yy\" for `evil-yank-line', `ys' `magit-copy-section-value',
\"yb\" for `magit-copy-buffer-revision' and \"yr\" for
`magit-show-refs-popup'. This keeps \"y\" for
`magit-show-refs-popup' in the help
popup (`magit-dispatch-popup'). Default is t."
:group 'magit
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom evil-collection-magit-want-horizontal-movement nil
"When non nil, use \"h\" and \"l\" for horizontal movement in
most magit buffers. The old \"h\" for help is moved to \"H\" and
similarly for the old \"l\" for the log popup. The old \"L\" is
then put on \"C-l\"."
:group 'magit
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom evil-collection-magit-use-z-for-folds nil
"When non nil, use \"z\" as a prefix for common vim fold commands, such as
- z1 Reset visibility to level 1 for all sections
- z2 Reset visibility to level 2 for all sections
- z3 Reset visibility to level 3 for all sections
- z4 Reset visibility to level 4 for all sections
- za Toggle a section
- zo Show section
- zO Show sections recursively
- zc Hide section
- zC Hide sections recursively
- zr Same as z4.
When this option is enabled, the stash popup is available on \"Z\"."
:group 'magit
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom evil-collection-magit-state (if evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank 'normal 'motion)
"State to use for most magit buffers."
:group 'magit
:type 'symbol)
;; without this set-mark-command activates visual-state which is just annoying
;; and introduces possible bugs
(defun evil-collection-magit-remove-visual-activate-hook ()
(when (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)
(remove-hook 'activate-mark-hook 'evil-visual-activate-hook t)))
(add-hook 'evil-local-mode-hook 'evil-collection-magit-remove-visual-activate-hook)
(defun evil-collection-magit-maybe-deactivate-mark ()
"Deactivate mark if region is active. Used for ESC binding."
(when (region-active-p) (deactivate-mark)))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-emacs-to-default-state-modes
"Modes that should be in the default evil state")
(defvar evil-collection-magit-emacs-to-evil-collection-magit-state-modes
"Modes that switch from emacs state to `evil-collection-magit-state'")
(defvar evil-collection-magit-default-to-evil-collection-magit-state-modes
"Modes that switch from default state to `evil-collection-magit-state'")
(defvar evil-collection-magit-untouched-modes
;; TODO do something here
"Modes whose evil states are unchanged")
(defvar evil-collection-magit-ignored-modes
;; gh
;; git-gutter
"Currently ignored modes. They are collected here for testing
(defun evil-collection-magit-set-initial-states ()
"Set the initial state for relevant modes."
(dolist (mode (append evil-collection-magit-emacs-to-evil-collection-magit-state-modes
(evil-set-initial-state mode evil-collection-magit-state))
(dolist (mode evil-collection-magit-emacs-to-default-state-modes)
(evil-set-initial-state mode evil-default-state)))
(defun evil-collection-magit-revert-initial-states ()
"Revert the initial state for modes to their values before
evil-collection-magit was loaded."
(dolist (mode (append evil-collection-magit-emacs-to-evil-collection-magit-state-modes
(evil-set-initial-state mode 'emacs))
(dolist (mode evil-collection-magit-default-to-evil-collection-magit-state-modes)
(evil-set-initial-state mode evil-default-state)))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-section-maps
;; new ones that I haven't looked at yet
;; FIXME: deal with new bindings in this one
"All magit section maps. For testing purposes only at the
;; Old way of excluding newlines
;; (when evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank
;; (dolist (map evil-collection-magit-section-maps)
;; (when (and map (keymapp (symbol-value map)))
;; (map-keymap
;; (lambda (_ def)
;; (when (commandp def)
;; (evil-set-command-property def :exclude-newline t)))
;; (symbol-value map)))))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-in-visual-pre-command)
(defun evil-collection-magit--around-visual-pre-command (orig-func &rest args)
(let ((evil-collection-magit-in-visual-pre-command t))
(apply orig-func args)))
(defun evil-collection-magit--filter-args-visual-expand-region (arglist)
;; pretend that the command has the :exclude-newline property by rewriting the
;; EXCLUDE-NEWLINE arg to this function
(cons (and (bound-and-true-p evil-collection-magit-in-visual-pre-command)
(null (car arglist))
(eq (evil-visual-type) 'line)
(derived-mode-p 'magit-mode))
;; shouldn't be necessary, but this will prevent it from failing if an
;; arg is added.
(cdr arglist)))
(when (and (fboundp 'advice-add) evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank)
(advice-add 'evil-visual-pre-command
:around #'evil-collection-magit--around-visual-pre-command)
(advice-add 'evil-visual-expand-region
:filter-args #'evil-collection-magit--filter-args-visual-expand-region))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-mode-map-bindings
(let ((states (if evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank
`(,evil-collection-magit-state visual)
`((,states magit-mode-map "g")
(,states magit-mode-map "C-j" magit-section-forward "n")
(,states magit-mode-map "gj" magit-section-forward-sibling "M-n")
(,states magit-mode-map "]" magit-section-forward-sibling "M-n")
(,states magit-mode-map "C-k" magit-section-backward "p")
(,states magit-mode-map "gk" magit-section-backward-sibling "M-p")
(,states magit-mode-map "[" magit-section-backward-sibling "M-p")
(,states magit-mode-map "gr" magit-refresh "g")
(,states magit-mode-map "gR" magit-refresh-all "G")
(,states magit-mode-map "x" magit-delete-thing "k")
(,states magit-mode-map "X" magit-file-untrack "K")
(,states magit-mode-map "-" magit-revert-no-commit "v")
(,states magit-mode-map "_" magit-revert "V")
(,states magit-mode-map "p" magit-push "P")
(,states magit-mode-map "o" magit-reset-quickly "x")
(,states magit-mode-map "O" magit-reset "X")
(,states magit-mode-map "|" magit-git-command ":")
(,states magit-mode-map "'" magit-submodule "o")
(,states magit-mode-map "\"" magit-subtree "O")
(,states magit-mode-map "=" magit-diff-less-context "-")
(,states magit-mode-map "@" forge-dispatch)
(,states magit-mode-map "j" evil-next-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "k" evil-previous-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "gg" evil-goto-first-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "G" evil-goto-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "C-d" evil-scroll-down)
(,states magit-mode-map "C-f" evil-scroll-page-down)
(,states magit-mode-map "C-b" evil-scroll-page-up)
(,states magit-mode-map ":" evil-ex)
;; these are to fix the priority of the log mode map and the magit mode map
;; FIXME: Conflict between this and revert. Revert seems more important here
;; (,states magit-log-mode-map "-" magit-log-half-commit-limit "-")
(,states magit-log-mode-map "=" magit-log-toggle-commit-limit "=")
(,states magit-mode-map "S-SPC" magit-diff-show-or-scroll-up "SPC")
(,states magit-mode-map "S-DEL" magit-diff-show-or-scroll-down "DEL")
((,evil-collection-magit-state) magit-mode-map "C-z" evil-emacs-state)
((,evil-collection-magit-state) magit-mode-map "<escape>" magit-mode-bury-buffer))
(if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search)
`((,states magit-mode-map "/" evil-ex-search-forward)
(,states magit-mode-map "n" evil-ex-search-next)
(,states magit-mode-map "N" evil-ex-search-previous))
`((,states magit-mode-map "/" evil-search-forward)
(,states magit-mode-map "n" evil-search-next)
(,states magit-mode-map "N" evil-search-previous)))
`((,states magit-status-mode-map "gz" magit-jump-to-stashes "jz")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gt" magit-jump-to-tracked "jt")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gn" magit-jump-to-untracked "jn")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gu" magit-jump-to-unstaged "ju")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gs" magit-jump-to-staged "js")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gfu" magit-jump-to-unpulled-from-upstream "jfu")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gfp" magit-jump-to-unpulled-from-pushremote "jfp")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gpu" magit-jump-to-unpushed-to-upstream "jpu")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gpp" magit-jump-to-unpushed-to-pushremote "jpp")
(,states magit-status-mode-map "gh" magit-section-up "^")
(,states magit-diff-mode-map "gj" magit-section-forward)
(,states magit-diff-mode-map "gd" magit-jump-to-diffstat-or-diff "j")
;; NOTE This is now transient-map and the binding is C-g.
;; ((emacs) magit-popup-mode-map "<escape>" "q")
(when evil-collection-magit-want-horizontal-movement
`((,states magit-mode-map "H" magit-dispatch "h")
(,states magit-mode-map "L" magit-log "l")
(,states magit-mode-map "C-l" magit-log-refresh "L")
(,states magit-mode-map "h" evil-backward-char)
(,states magit-mode-map "l" evil-forward-char)))
(when evil-want-C-u-scroll
`((,states magit-mode-map "C-u" evil-scroll-up)))
(if evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank
`((,states magit-mode-map "v" evil-visual-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "V" evil-visual-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "C-w" evil-window-map)
(,states magit-mode-map "y")
(,states magit-mode-map "yy" evil-yank-line)
(,states magit-mode-map "yr" magit-show-refs "y")
(,states magit-mode-map "ys" magit-copy-section-value "C-w")
(,states magit-mode-map "yb" magit-copy-buffer-revision "M-w")
((visual) magit-mode-map "y" evil-yank))
`((,states magit-mode-map "v" set-mark-command)
(,states magit-mode-map "V" set-mark-command)
(,states magit-mode-map "<escape>" evil-collection-magit-maybe-deactivate-mark)))
(when evil-collection-magit-use-z-for-folds
`((,states magit-mode-map "z")
(,states magit-mode-map "z1" magit-section-show-level-1-all)
(,states magit-mode-map "z2" magit-section-show-level-2-all)
(,states magit-mode-map "z3" magit-section-show-level-3-all)
(,states magit-mode-map "z4" magit-section-show-level-4-all)
(,states magit-mode-map "za" magit-section-toggle)
(,states magit-mode-map "zc" magit-section-hide)
(,states magit-mode-map "zC" magit-section-hide-children)
(,states magit-mode-map "zo" magit-section-show)
(,states magit-mode-map "zO" magit-section-show-children)
(,states magit-mode-map "zr" magit-section-show-level-4-all)))))
"evil-collection-magit bindings for major modes. Each element of this list
takes the form
ORIG-KEY is only used for testing purposes, and
denotes the original magit key for this command.")
(dolist (binding evil-collection-magit-mode-map-bindings)
(when binding
(dolist (state (nth 0 binding))
state (nth 1 binding) (nth 2 binding) (nth 3 binding)))))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-minor-mode-map-bindings
`(((,evil-collection-magit-state visual) magit-blob-mode-map "gj" magit-blob-next "n")
((,evil-collection-magit-state visual) magit-blob-mode-map "gk" magit-blob-previous "p")
((,evil-collection-magit-state visual) git-commit-mode-map "gk" git-commit-prev-message "M-p")
((,evil-collection-magit-state visual) git-commit-mode-map "gj" git-commit-next-message "M-n")
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "j" evil-next-line)
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "C-j" magit-blame-next-chunk "n")
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "gj" magit-blame-next-chunk "n")
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "gJ" magit-blame-next-chunk-same-commit "N")
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "k" evil-previous-line)
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "C-k" magit-blame-previous-chunk "p")
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "gk" magit-blame-previous-chunk "p")
((normal) magit-blame-read-only-mode-map "gK" magit-blame-previous-chunk-same-commit "P"))
"evil-collection-magit bindings for minor modes. Each element of
this list takes the form
ORIG-KEY is only used for testing purposes, and
denotes the original magit key for this command.")
(dolist (binding evil-collection-magit-minor-mode-map-bindings)
(when binding
(dolist (state (nth 0 binding))
;; TODO: Maybe switch to `evil-define-minor-mode-key'
state (nth 1 binding) (nth 2 binding) (nth 3 binding)))))
;; Make relevant maps into overriding maps so that they shadow the global evil
;; maps by default
(dolist (map (list magit-mode-map
(evil-make-overriding-map map (if evil-collection-magit-use-y-for-yank
(evil-make-overriding-map magit-blame-read-only-mode-map 'normal)
(eval-after-load 'magit-gh-pulls
`(evil-make-overriding-map magit-gh-pulls-mode-map ',evil-collection-magit-state))
;; Need to refresh evil keymaps when blame mode is entered.
(add-hook 'magit-blame-mode-hook 'evil-normalize-keymaps)
(evil-set-initial-state 'magit-repolist-mode 'motion)
(evil-define-key 'motion magit-repolist-mode-map
(kbd "RET") 'magit-repolist-status
(kbd "gr") 'magit-list-repositories)
(add-hook 'magit-repolist-mode-hook 'evil-normalize-keymaps)
(evil-set-initial-state 'magit-submodule-list-mode 'motion)
(evil-define-key 'motion magit-submodule-list-mode-map
(kbd "RET") 'magit-repolist-status
(kbd "gr") 'magit-list-submodules)
(add-hook 'magit-submodule-list-mode-hook 'evil-normalize-keymaps)
(eval-after-load 'git-rebase
;; for the compiler
(defvar git-rebase-mode-map)
(defvar evil-collection-magit-rebase-commands-w-descriptions
;; nil in the first element means don't bind here
'(("p" git-rebase-pick "pick = use commit")
("r" git-rebase-reword "reword = use commit, but edit the commit message")
("e" git-rebase-edit "edit = use commit, but stop for amending")
("s" git-rebase-squash "squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit")
("f" git-rebase-fixup "fixup = like \"squash\", but discard this commit's log message")
("x" git-rebase-exec "exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell")
("d" git-rebase-kill-line "drop = remove commit" "k")
("u" git-rebase-undo "undo last change")
(nil with-editor-finish "tell Git to make it happen")
(nil with-editor-cancel "tell Git that you changed your mind, i.e. abort")
("k" evil-previous-line "move point to previous line" "p")
("j" evil-next-line "move point to next line" "n")
("M-k" git-rebase-move-line-up "move the commit at point up" "\M-p")
("M-j" git-rebase-move-line-down "move the commit at point down" "\M-n")
(nil git-rebase-show-commit "show the commit at point in another buffer")))
(dolist (cmd evil-collection-magit-rebase-commands-w-descriptions)
(when (car cmd)
(evil-collection-define-key evil-collection-magit-state 'git-rebase-mode-map
(car cmd) (nth 1 cmd))))
(evil-make-overriding-map git-rebase-mode-map evil-collection-magit-state)
(defun evil-collection-magit-add-rebase-messages ()
"Remove evil-state annotations and reformat git-rebase buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(state-regexp (format "<%s-state> " evil-collection-magit-state))
(aux-map (evil-get-auxiliary-keymap git-rebase-mode-map evil-collection-magit-state)))
(flush-lines "^#.+ = ")
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (and (boundp 'git-rebase-show-instructions)
(re-search-forward "^# Commands:\n" nil t))
(dolist (cmd evil-collection-magit-rebase-commands-w-descriptions)
(format "# %-8s %s\n"
(if (and (car cmd)
(eq (nth 1 cmd)
(lookup-key aux-map (kbd (car cmd)))))
(car cmd)
state-regexp ""
(format "\\[%s]" (nth 1 cmd)))))
(nth 2 cmd)))))))))
(remove-hook 'git-rebase-mode-hook 'git-rebase-mode-show-keybindings)
(add-hook 'git-rebase-mode-hook 'evil-collection-magit-add-rebase-messages t)))
;; section maps: evil's auxiliary maps don't work here, because these maps are
;; text overlays
(defun evil-collection-magit-stage-untracked-file-with-intent ()
"Call `magit-stage-untracked' with optional arg."
(when (and (derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)
(eq (magit-diff-type) 'untracked))
(magit-stage-untracked t)))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-original-section-bindings
`((,(copy-keymap magit-file-section-map) "\C-j" magit-diff-visit-file-worktree)
(,(copy-keymap magit-hunk-section-map) "\C-j" magit-diff-visit-file-worktree))
"For testing purposes only. The original magit keybindings that
evil-collection-magit affects.")
(defun evil-collection-magit-adjust-section-bindings ()
"Revert changed bindings in section maps generated by evil-collection-magit"
(define-key magit-file-section-map "I"
(define-key magit-file-section-map "\C-j" nil) ; breaking change
(define-key magit-hunk-section-map "\C-j" nil)) ; breaking change
(defun evil-collection-magit-revert-section-bindings ()
"Revert changed bindings in section maps generated by evil-collection-magit"
(define-key magit-file-section-map "I" nil)
(define-key magit-file-section-map "\C-j" 'magit-diff-visit-file-worktree)
(define-key magit-hunk-section-map "\C-j" 'magit-diff-visit-file-worktree))
;; Popups
(defvar evil-collection-magit-dispatch-popup-backup
(copy-tree (get 'magit-dispatch 'transient--layout) t))
(defvar evil-collection-magit-popup-keys-changed nil)
(defvar evil-collection-magit-popup-changes
(when evil-collection-magit-use-z-for-folds
'((magit-dispatch "z" "Z" magit-stash)))
(when evil-collection-magit-want-horizontal-movement
'((magit-dispatch "L" "\C-l" magit-log-refresh)
(magit-dispatch "l" "L" magit-log)))
'((magit-branch "x" "X" magit-branch-reset)
(magit-branch "k" "x" magit-branch-delete)
(magit-dispatch "o" "'" magit-submodule)
(magit-dispatch "O" "\"" magit-subtree)
(magit-dispatch "V" "_" magit-revert)
(magit-dispatch "X" "O" magit-reset)
(magit-dispatch "v" "-" magit-reverse)
(magit-dispatch "k" "x" magit-discard)
(magit-remote "k" "x" magit-remote-remove)
(magit-revert "v" "o" magit-revert-no-commit)
;; FIXME: how to properly handle a popup with a key that appears twice (in
;; `define-transient-command' definition)? Currently we rely on:
;; 1. first call to `evil-collection-magit-change-popup-key' changes the first "V"
;; entry of `magit-revert' (the first entry in `define-transient-command'
;; definition of `magit-revert'), second call changes the second "V".
;; 2. the remapping here are in the same order as in `magit-revert'
;; definition
(magit-revert "V" "O" magit-revert-and-commit)
(magit-revert "V" "O" magit-sequencer-continue)
(magit-tag "k" "x" magit-tag-delete)))
"Changes to popup keys")
(defun evil-collection-magit-change-popup-key (popup from to &rest _args)
"Wrap `magit-change-popup-key'."
(transient-suffix-put popup from :key to))
(defun evil-collection-magit-adjust-popups ()
"Adjust popup keys to match evil-collection-magit."
(unless evil-collection-magit-popup-keys-changed
(dolist (change evil-collection-magit-popup-changes)
(apply #'evil-collection-magit-change-popup-key change))
(with-eval-after-load 'forge
(transient-remove-suffix 'magit-dispatch 'forge-dispatch)
(transient-append-suffix 'magit-dispatch "!"
'("@" "Forge" forge-dispatch)))
(setq evil-collection-magit-popup-keys-changed t)))
(defun evil-collection-magit-revert-popups ()
"Revert popup keys changed by evil-collection-magit."
(put 'magit-dispatch 'transient--layout evil-collection-magit-dispatch-popup-backup)
(when evil-collection-magit-popup-keys-changed
(dolist (change evil-collection-magit-popup-changes)
(nth 0 change) (nth 2 change) (nth 1 change)))
(with-eval-after-load 'forge
(transient-suffix-put 'magit-dispatch "@" :key "'"))
(setq evil-collection-magit-popup-keys-changed nil)))
(defun evil-collection-magit-init ()
"This function completes the setup of evil-collection-magit. It is called
automatically when evil-collection-magit-setup is called.. The only reason to use
this function is if you've called `evil-collection-magit-revert' and wish to
go back to evil-collection-magit behavior."
(defun evil-collection-magit-revert ()
"Revert changes by evil-collection-magit that affect default evil+magit behavior."
(message "evil-collection-magit reverted"))
(define-minor-mode evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-minor-mode
"Minor mode used to enabled toggle key in `text-mode' after
using `evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode'"
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(evil-define-key 'normal evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-minor-mode-map
"\C-t" 'evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode
"\\" 'evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode)
(evil-define-key evil-collection-magit-state magit-mode-map
"\C-t" 'evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode
"\\" 'evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode)
(defvar evil-collection-magit-last-mode nil
"Used to store last magit mode before entering text mode using
(defun evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode ()
"Switch to `text-mode' and back from magit buffers."
(cond ((derived-mode-p 'magit-mode)
(setq evil-collection-magit-last-mode major-mode)
(message "Switching to text-mode")
(evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-minor-mode 1)
((and (eq major-mode 'text-mode)
(functionp evil-collection-magit-last-mode))
(message "Switching to %s" evil-collection-magit-last-mode)
(evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-minor-mode -1)
(funcall evil-collection-magit-last-mode)
(evil-change-state evil-collection-magit-state))
(user-error "evil-collection-magit-toggle-text-mode unexpected state"))))
;;;###autoload ;;;###autoload
(defun evil-collection-magit-setup () (defun evil-collection-magit-setup ()
"Set up `evil' bindings for `magit'." "Set up `evil' bindings for `magit'."
;; This is to work around an issue described in
;; https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/108
;; Ideally this file is only temporary and should be removed once
;; #108 is resolved.
(evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'magit-blame-mode-map (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'magit-blame-mode-map
"q" 'magit-blame-quit) "q" 'magit-blame-quit)
(evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'magit-blame-read-only-mode-map (evil-collection-define-key 'normal 'magit-blame-read-only-mode-map
"q" 'magit-blame-quit)) "q" 'magit-blame-quit)
;;; evil-collection-magit.el ends soon
(provide 'evil-collection-magit) (provide 'evil-collection-magit)
;; Local Variables:
;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;; End:
;;; evil-collection-magit.el ends here ;;; evil-collection-magit.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
;;; evil-collection-magit-tests.el --- evil-based key bindings for magit
;; Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Justin Burkett
;; Author: Justin Burkett <justin@burkett.cc>
;; Homepage: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
;; option) any later version.
;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(require 'evil-collection)
(evil-collection-require 'magit)
(ert-deftest evil-collection-magit-mode-map-tests ()
"Test that original bindings in `evil-collection-magit-mode-map-bindings'
are correct."
(dolist (binding evil-collection-magit-mode-map-bindings)
(when (nth 4 binding)
(should (eq (lookup-key (symbol-value (nth 1 binding)) (kbd (nth 4 binding)))
(nth 3 binding)))))
(dolist (binding evil-collection-magit-minor-mode-map-bindings)
(when (nth 4 binding)
(should (eq (lookup-key (symbol-value (nth 1 binding)) (kbd (nth 4 binding)))
(nth 3 binding))))))
(ert-deftest evil-collection-magit-section-map-tests ()
"Test that original bindings in
`evil-collection-magit-original-section-bindings' are correct."
(dolist (binding evil-collection-magit-original-section-bindings)
(should (eq (lookup-key (nth 0 binding) (nth 1 binding))
(nth 2 binding)))))
;; (ert-deftest evil-collection-magit-popup-action-tests ()
;; "Test that bindings are as expected in popups."
;; (when evil-collection-magit-popup-keys-changed
;; (dolist (change evil-collection-magit-popup-changes)
;; (let ((alist (plist-get (symbol-value (nth 0 change)) (nth 1 change))))
;; (should
;; (eq (nth 2 (assoc (string-to-char (nth 3 change)) alist))
;; (nth 4 change)))))))
(defun evil-collection-magit-collect-magit-section-maps ()
(let (res)
(lambda (sym)
(when (string-match-p "^magit-.*-section-map$" (symbol-name sym))
(push sym res))))
(setq evil-collection-magit-section-maps-test (evil-collection-magit-collect-magit-section-maps))
;; (setq evil-collection-magit-commands-in-section-maps
;; (let (res)
;; (dolist (map evil-collection-magit-section-maps-test)
;; (when (and (boundp map) (keymapp (symbol-value map)))
;; (map-keymap
;; (lambda (_ def)
;; (when (commandp def)
;; (if res
;; (add-to-list 'res def)
;; (setq res (list def)))))
;; (symbol-value map))))
;; res))
(ert-deftest evil-collection-magit-section-maps-accounted-for ()
"Check that `evil-collection-magit-section-maps' includes all section-maps
we can find."
(dolist (map evil-collection-magit-section-maps-test)
(when (and (boundp map) (keymapp (symbol-value map)))
(should (memq map evil-collection-magit-section-maps)))))
(defun evil-collection-magit-collect-git-magit-modes ()
(let (res)
(lambda (sym)
(when (and (or (boundp sym)
(fboundp sym))
(string-match-p "^\\(git\\|magit\\)-.*-mode$" (symbol-name sym)))
(push sym res))))
(ert-deftest evil-collection-magit-all-modes-accounted-for ()
"Check that mode lists include all modes we can find."
(let ((modes (evil-collection-magit-collect-git-magit-modes))
(dolist (mode modes)
(when (boundp mode)
(should (memq mode
(ert-deftest evil-collection-magit-expand-region-arg-number ()
"Check that the number of args accepted by
`evil-visual-expand-region' does not change."
(should-not (evil-visual-expand-region))
(should-not (evil-visual-expand-region t))
(should-error (evil-visual-expand-region t t) :type
;;; evil-collection-magit-tests.el ends here