mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole.git synced 2024-07-07 16:30:54 +02:00

250 lines
8.5 KiB

import os
import pytest
import re
SETUPVARS_LOC = "/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf"
DNSMASQ_CONFIG_LOC = "/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf"
CMD_SETUP_FTL_CACHESIZE = ". bash_functions.sh ; setup_FTL_CacheSize"
CMD_SETUP_FTL_INTERFACE = ". bash_functions.sh ; setup_FTL_Interface"
CMD_SETUP_WEB_PASSWORD = ". bash_functions.sh ; setup_web_password"
def _cat(file):
return "cat {}".format(file)
def _grep(string, file):
return "grep -q '{}' {}".format(string, file)
("", True, "IPv4 and IPv6"),
('-e "IPv6=True"', True, "IPv4 and IPv6"),
('-e "IPv6=False"', False, "IPv4"),
('-e "IPv6=foobar"', False, "IPv4"),
def test_ipv6_not_true_removes_ipv6(
docker, slow, test_args, expected_ipv6, expected_stdout
"""When a user overrides IPv6=True they only get IPv4 listening webservers"""
IPV6_LINE = "use-ipv6.pl"
WEB_CONFIG = "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"
function = docker.run(". /usr/local/bin/bash_functions.sh ; setup_ipv4_ipv6")
assert "Using {}".format(expected_stdout) in function.stdout
if expected_stdout == "IPv4":
assert "IPv6" not in function.stdout
# On overlay2(?) docker sometimes writes to disk are slow enough to break some tests...
expected_ipv6_check = (
lambda: (
IPV6_LINE in docker.run("grep 'use-ipv6.pl' {}".format(WEB_CONFIG)).stdout
== expected_ipv6
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_args", ['-e "WEB_PORT=999"'])
def test_overrides_default_web_port(docker, slow, test_args):
"""When a --net=host user sets WEB_PORT to avoid synology's 80 default IPv4 and or IPv6 ports are updated"""
CONFIG_LINE = r"server.port\s*=\s*999"
WEB_CONFIG = "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"
function = docker.run(
". /usr/local/bin/bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_web_port /usr/local/bin/_startup.sh`"
assert " [i] Custom WEB_PORT set to 999" in function.stdout
assert (
" [i] Without proper router DNAT forwarding to, you may not get any blocked websites on ads"
in function.stdout
lambda: re.search(CONFIG_LINE, docker.run(_cat(WEB_CONFIG)).stdout) is not None
"WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used - LXXX is not an integer",
'-e WEB_PORT="1,000"',
"WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used - 1,000 is not an integer",
'-e WEB_PORT="99999"',
"WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used - 99999 is not within valid port range of 1-65535",
def test_bad_input_to_web_port(docker, test_args, expected_error):
function = docker.run(
". /usr/local/bin/bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_web_port /usr/local/bin/_startup.sh`"
assert expected_error in function.stdout
[('-e CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE="0"', "0"), ('-e CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE="20000"', "20000")],
def test_overrides_default_custom_cache_size(docker, slow, test_args, cache_size):
"""Changes the cache_size setting to increase or decrease the cache size for dnsmasq"""
CONFIG_LINE = r"cache-size\s*=\s*{}".format(cache_size)
function = docker.run(
"echo ${CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE};. ./usr/local/bin/bash_functions.sh; echo ${CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE}; eval `grep setup_FTL_CacheSize /usr/local/bin/_startup.sh`"
assert "Custom CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE set to {}".format(cache_size) in function.stdout
lambda: re.search(CONFIG_LINE, docker.run(_cat(DNSMASQ_CONFIG_LOC)).stdout)
is not None
'-e CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE="1,000"',
def test_bad_input_to_custom_cache_size(docker, slow, test_args):
CONFIG_LINE = r"cache-size\s*=\s*10000"
lambda: re.search(CONFIG_LINE, docker.run(_cat(DNSMASQ_CONFIG_LOC)).stdout)
is not None
'-e DNSSEC="true" -e CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE="0"',
def test_dnssec_enabled_with_custom_cache_size(docker, slow, test_args):
CONFIG_LINE = r"cache-size\s*=\s*10000"
lambda: re.search(CONFIG_LINE, docker.run(_cat(DNSMASQ_CONFIG_LOC)).stdout)
is not None
"args_env, expected_stdout, expected_config_line",
("", "binding to default interface: eth0", "PIHOLE_INTERFACE=eth0"),
'-e INTERFACE="br0"',
"binding to custom interface: br0",
def test_dns_interface_override_defaults(
docker, slow, args_env, expected_stdout, expected_config_line
"""When INTERFACE environment var is passed in, overwrite dnsmasq interface"""
function = docker.run(CMD_SETUP_FTL_INTERFACE)
assert expected_stdout in function.stdout
lambda: expected_config_line + "\n"
== docker.run('grep "^PIHOLE_INTERFACE" {}'.format(SETUPVARS_LOC)).stdout
expected_debian_lines = [
'"VIRTUAL_HOST" => ""',
'"PHP_ERROR_LOG" => "/var/log/lighttpd/error-pihole.log"',
[(expected_debian_lines, 1), (expected_debian_lines, 2)],
def test_debian_setup_php_env(docker, expected_lines, repeat_function):
"""confirm all expected output is there and nothing else"""
for _ in range(repeat_function):
". /usr/local/bin/bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_php_env /usr/local/bin/_startup.sh`"
for expected_line in expected_lines:
search_config_cmd = (
"grep -c '{}' /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/15-fastcgi-php.conf".format(
search_config_count = docker.run(search_config_cmd)
found_lines = int(search_config_count.stdout.rstrip("\n"))
if found_lines > 1:
assert (
), f"Found line {expected_line} times (more than once): {found_lines}"
def test_webpassword_random_generation(docker):
"""When a user sets webPassword env the admin password gets set to that"""
function = docker.run(CMD_SETUP_WEB_PASSWORD)
assert "assigning random password" in function.stdout.lower()
@pytest.mark.parametrize("entrypoint,cmd", [("--entrypoint=tail", "-f /dev/null")])
"-e WEBPASSWORD=login",
('-e WEBPASSWORD=""', False, ""),
def test_webpassword_env_assigns_password_to_file_or_removes_if_empty(
docker, args_env, secure, setupvars_hash
"""When a user sets webPassword env the admin password gets set or removed if empty"""
function = docker.run(CMD_SETUP_WEB_PASSWORD)
if secure:
assert "new password set" in function.stdout.lower()
assert docker.run(_grep(setupvars_hash, SETUPVARS_LOC)).rc == 0
assert "password removed" in function.stdout.lower()
assert docker.run(_grep("^WEBPASSWORD=$", SETUPVARS_LOC)).rc == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("entrypoint,cmd", [("--entrypoint=tail", "-f /dev/null")])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_args", ["-e WEBPASSWORD=login", '-e WEBPASSWORD=""'])
def test_env_always_updates_password(docker, args_env, test_args):
"""When a user sets the WEBPASSWORD environment variable, ensure it always sets the password"""
function = docker.run(CMD_SETUP_WEB_PASSWORD)
assert " [i] Assigning password defined by Environment Variable" in function.stdout
@pytest.mark.parametrize("entrypoint,cmd", [("--entrypoint=tail", "-f /dev/null")])
def test_setupvars_trumps_random_password_if_set(docker, args_env, test_args):
"""If a password is already set in setupvars, and no password is set in the environment variable, do not generate a random password"""
". /opt/pihole/utils.sh ; addOrEditKeyValPair {} WEBPASSWORD volumepass".format(
function = docker.run(CMD_SETUP_WEB_PASSWORD)
assert "Pre existing WEBPASSWORD found" in function.stdout
assert docker.run(_grep("WEBPASSWORD=volumepass", SETUPVARS_LOC)).rc == 0