mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole.git synced 2024-07-08 16:54:18 +02:00
Adam Hill d7fdb188ed remove resolv conf checks
Signed-off-by: Adam Hill <adam@diginc.us>
2020-05-26 10:45:48 -05:00

182 lines
9.4 KiB

import os
import pytest
import re
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_args,expected_ipv6,expected_stdout', [
('', True, 'IPv4 and IPv6'),
('-e "IPv6=True"', True, 'IPv4 and IPv6'),
('-e "IPv6=False"', False, 'IPv4'),
('-e "IPv6=foobar"', False, 'IPv4'),
def test_IPv6_not_True_removes_ipv6(Docker, Slow, test_args, expected_ipv6, expected_stdout):
''' When a user overrides IPv6=True they only get IPv4 listening webservers '''
IPV6_LINE = 'use-ipv6.pl'
WEB_CONFIG = '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; setup_ipv4_ipv6')
assert "Using {}".format(expected_stdout) in function.stdout
if expected_stdout == 'IPv4':
assert 'IPv6' not in function.stdout
# On overlay2(?) docker sometimes writes to disk are slow enough to break some tests...
expected_ipv6_check = lambda: (\
IPV6_LINE in Docker.run('grep \'use-ipv6.pl\' {}'.format(WEB_CONFIG)).stdout
) == expected_ipv6
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_args', ['-e "WEB_PORT=999"'])
def test_overrides_default_WEB_PORT(Docker, Slow, test_args):
''' When a --net=host user sets WEB_PORT to avoid synology's 80 default IPv4 and or IPv6 ports are updated'''
CONFIG_LINE = r'server.port\s*=\s*999'
WEB_CONFIG = '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_web_port /start.sh`')
assert "Custom WEB_PORT set to 999" in function.stdout
assert "INFO: Without proper router DNAT forwarding to, you may not get any blocked websites on ads" in function.stdout
Slow(lambda: re.search(CONFIG_LINE, Docker.run('cat {}'.format(WEB_CONFIG)).stdout) != None)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_args,expected_error', [
('-e WEB_PORT="LXXX"', 'WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used - LXXX is not an integer'),
('-e WEB_PORT="1,000"', 'WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used - 1,000 is not an integer'),
('-e WEB_PORT="99999"', 'WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used - 99999 is not within valid port range of 1-65535'),
def test_bad_input_to_WEB_PORT(Docker, test_args, expected_error):
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_web_port /start.sh`')
assert expected_error in function.stdout
# DNS Environment Variable behavior in combinations of modified pihole LTE settings
@pytest.mark.skip('broke, needs investigation in v5.0 beta')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args_env, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2', [
('', 'default DNS', '', '' ),
('-e DNS1=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e DNS1="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e DNS1="" -e DNS2="no"', 'custom DNS', '', None ),
('-e DNS2="no"', 'custom DNS', '', None ),
def test_override_default_servers_with_DNS_EnvVars(Docker, Slow, args_env, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2):
''' on first boot when DNS vars are NOT set explain default google DNS settings are used
or when DNS vars are set override the pihole DNS settings '''
assert Docker.run('test -f /.piholeFirstBoot').rc == 0
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep "^setup_dnsmasq " /start.sh`')
assert expected_stdout in function.stdout
expected_servers = 'server={}\n'.format(dns1) if dns2 == None else 'server={}\nserver={}\n'.format(dns1, dns2)
Slow(lambda: expected_servers == Docker.run('grep "^server=[^/]" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf').stdout)
#@pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get('CI') == 'true',
# reason="Can't get setupVar setup to work on travis")
@pytest.mark.skip('broke, needs investigation in v5.0 beta')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args_env, dns1, dns2, expected_stdout', [
('', '', '',
'Existing DNS servers used'),
('-e DNS1=""', '', '',
'Docker DNS variables not used\nExisting DNS servers used ( &'),
('-e DNS2=""', '', None,
'Docker DNS variables not used\nExisting DNS servers used ( & unset)'),
('-e DNS1="" -e DNS2=""', '', '',
'Docker DNS variables not used\nExisting DNS servers used ( &'),
def test_DNS_Envs_are_secondary_to_setupvars(Docker, Slow, args_env, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2):
''' on second boot when DNS vars are set just use pihole DNS settings
or when DNS vars and FORCE_DNS var are set override the pihole DNS settings '''
# Given we are not booting for the first time
assert Docker.run('rm /.piholeFirstBoot').rc == 0
# and a user already has custom pihole dns variables in setup vars
dns_count = 1
setupVars = '/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf'
Docker.run('sed -i "/^PIHOLE_DNS/ d" {}'.format(setupVars))
Docker.run('echo "PIHOLE_DNS_1={}" | tee -a {}'.format(dns1, setupVars))
if dns2:
Docker.run('echo "PIHOLE_DNS_2={}" | tee -a {}'.format(dns2, setupVars))
Docker.run('sync {}'.format(setupVars))
Slow(lambda: 'PIHOLE_DNS' in Docker.run('cat {}'.format(setupVars)).stdout)
# When we run setup dnsmasq during startup of the container
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep "^setup_dnsmasq " /start.sh`')
assert expected_stdout in function.stdout
# Then the servers are still what the user had customized if forced dnsmasq is not set
expected_servers = ['server={}'.format(dns1)]
if dns2:
Slow(lambda: Docker.run('grep "^server=[^/]" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf').stdout.strip().split('\n') == \
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args_env, expected_stdout, expected_config_line', [
('', 'binding to default interface: eth0', 'interface=eth0' ),
('-e INTERFACE="eth0"', 'binding to default interface: eth0', 'interface=eth0' ),
('-e INTERFACE="br0"', 'binding to custom interface: br0', 'interface=br0'),
def test_DNS_interface_override_defaults(Docker, Slow, args_env, expected_stdout, expected_config_line):
''' When INTERFACE environment var is passed in, overwrite dnsmasq interface '''
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep "^setup_dnsmasq " /start.sh`')
assert expected_stdout in function.stdout
Slow(lambda: expected_config_line + '\n' == Docker.run('grep "^interface" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf').stdout)
expected_debian_lines = [
'"VIRTUAL_HOST" => ""',
'"ServerIP" => ""',
'"PHP_ERROR_LOG" => "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log"'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('expected_lines,repeat_function', [
(expected_debian_lines, 1),
(expected_debian_lines, 2)
def test_debian_setup_php_env(Docker, expected_lines, repeat_function):
''' confirm all expected output is there and nothing else '''
stdout = ''
for i in range(repeat_function):
stdout = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_php_env /start.sh`').stdout
for expected_line in expected_lines:
search_config_cmd = "grep -c '{}' /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/15-fastcgi-php.conf".format(expected_line)
search_config_count = Docker.run(search_config_cmd)
found_lines = int(search_config_count.stdout.rstrip('\n'))
if found_lines > 1:
assert False, "Found line {} times (more than once): {}".format(expected_line)
def test_webPassword_random_generation(Docker):
''' When a user sets webPassword env the admin password gets set to that '''
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep generate_password /start.sh`')
assert 'assigning random password' in function.stdout.lower()
@pytest.mark.parametrize('entrypoint,cmd', [('--entrypoint=tail','-f /dev/null')])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args_env,secure,setupVarsHash', [
('-e ServerIP= -e WEBPASSWORD=login', True, 'WEBPASSWORD=6060d59351e8c2f48140f01b2c3f3b61652f396c53a5300ae239ebfbe7d5ff08'),
('-e ServerIP= -e WEBPASSWORD=""', False, ''),
def test_webPassword_env_assigns_password_to_file_or_removes_if_empty(Docker, args_env, secure, setupVarsHash):
''' When a user sets webPassword env the admin password gets set or removed if empty '''
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_web_password /start.sh`')
if secure:
assert 'new password set' in function.stdout.lower()
assert Docker.run('grep -q \'{}\' {}'.format(setupVarsHash, '/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf')).rc == 0
assert 'password removed' in function.stdout.lower()
assert Docker.run('grep -q \'^WEBPASSWORD=$\' /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf').rc == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('entrypoint,cmd', [('--entrypoint=tail','-f /dev/null')])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('test_args', ['-e WEBPASSWORD=login', '-e WEBPASSWORD=""'])
def test_webPassword_pre_existing_trumps_all_envs(Docker, args_env, test_args):
'''When a user setup webPassword in the volume prior to first container boot,
during prior container boot, the prior volume password is left intact / setup skipped'''
Docker.run('. /opt/pihole/webpage.sh ; add_setting WEBPASSWORD volumepass')
function = Docker.run('. /bash_functions.sh ; eval `grep setup_web_password /start.sh`')
assert '::: Pre existing WEBPASSWORD found' in function.stdout
assert Docker.run('grep -q \'{}\' {}'.format('WEBPASSWORD=volumepass', '/etc/pihole/setupVars.conf')).rc == 0