mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole.git synced 2024-06-26 19:25:31 +02:00

Pi-hole and Web versions update + new stuff

* New code in shell scripts required killing systemctl in images
* Added tests for the quick IPv6 env hack I made a while back
* Stopped requiring the need for update.sh to copy gravity for alpine
 * (moved modifications to dockerfile)
* One step closer to unified start script for both OS versions
* Optimzed some test code
This commit is contained in:
diginc 2016-10-20 22:36:55 -05:00
parent beb364dfce
commit c9468eaabd
15 changed files with 103 additions and 422 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f112893fee8496893687b460c85fefc1dfb88eac Subproject commit b270c6130b3fc1bb9a221d2ee7178169c64ccac1

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
v1.4.2 v1.4.3.1

View File

@ -13,13 +13,18 @@ RUN apk add --update \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
# Customized from submodules # Customized from submodules
COPY ./alpine/gravity.sh /usr/local/bin/ COPY ./pi-hole/gravity.sh /usr/local/bin/
COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/Scripts/* /usr/local/bin/
RUN sed -i 's|service dnsmasq \(re\)\{0,1\}start|dnsmasq -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d|g' \
/usr/local/bin/gravity.sh \
/usr/local/bin/whitelist.sh \
COPY ./alpine/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf COPY ./alpine/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
# Original upstream pihole code being used # Original upstream pihole code being used
COPY ./pi-hole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/ COPY ./pi-hole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/
COPY ./pi-hole/adlists.default /etc/.pihole/ COPY ./pi-hole/adlists.default /etc/.pihole/
COPY ./pi-hole/pihole /usr/local/bin/ COPY ./pi-hole/pihole /usr/local/bin/
COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/Scripts/* /usr/local/bin/
RUN mkdir -p /opt/ && ln -s /usr/local/bin /opt/pihole RUN mkdir -p /opt/ && ln -s /usr/local/bin /opt/pihole
COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/dnsmasq.conf.original /etc/dnsmasq.conf COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/dnsmasq.conf.original /etc/dnsmasq.conf
COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/01-pihole.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/ COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/01-pihole.conf /etc/dnsmasq.d/

View File

@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements
# (c) 2015 by Jacob Salmela
# Network-wide ad blocking via your Raspberry Pi
# http://pi-hole.net
# Compiles a list of ad-serving domains by downloading them from multiple sources
# Pi-hole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Run this script as root or under sudo
echo ":::"
if [[ $EUID -eq 0 ]];then
echo "::: You are root."
echo "::: sudo will be used."
# Check if it is actually installed
# If it isn't, exit because the install cannot complete
if [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ];then
export SUDO="sudo"
echo "::: Please install sudo or run this script as root."
exit 1
function helpFunc()
echo "::: Pull in domains from adlists"
echo ":::"
echo "::: Usage: pihole -g"
echo ":::"
echo "::: Options:"
echo "::: -f, --force Force lists to be downloaded, even if they don't need updating."
echo "::: -h, --help Show this help dialog"
exit 1
#Source the setupVars from install script for the IP
. /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf
#Remove the /* from the end of the IPv4addr.
# Variables for various stages of downloading and formatting the list
# After setting defaults, check if there's local overrides
if [[ -r ${piholeDir}/pihole.conf ]];then
echo "::: Local calibration requested..."
. ${piholeDir}/pihole.conf
# collapse - begin formation of pihole
function gravity_collapse() {
echo "::: Neutrino emissions detected..."
echo ":::"
#Decide if we're using a custom ad block list, or defaults.
if [ -f ${adListFile} ]; then
#custom file found, use this instead of default
echo -n "::: Custom adList file detected. Reading..."
while read -r line; do
#Do not read commented out or blank lines
if [[ ${line} = \#* ]] || [[ ! ${line} ]]; then
echo "" > /dev/null
done < ${adListFile}
echo " done!"
#no custom file found, use defaults!
echo -n "::: No custom adlist file detected, reading from default file..."
while read -r line; do
#Do not read commented out or blank lines
if [[ ${line} = \#* ]] || [[ ! ${line} ]]; then
echo "" > /dev/null
done < ${adListDefault}
echo " done!"
# Create the pihole resource directory if it doesn't exist. Future files will be stored here
if [[ -d ${piholeDir} ]];then
# Temporary hack to allow non-root access to pihole directory
# Will update later, needed for existing installs, new installs should
# create this directory as non-root
${SUDO} chmod 777 ${piholeDir}
echo ":::"
echo "::: Existing pihole directory found"
echo "::: Creating pihole directory..."
mkdir ${piholeDir}
${SUDO} chmod 777 ${piholeDir}
# patternCheck - check to see if curl downloaded any new files.
function gravity_patternCheck() {
# check if the patternbuffer is a non-zero length file
if [[ -s "$patternBuffer" ]];then
# Some of the blocklists are copyright, they need to be downloaded
# and stored as is. They can be processed for content after they
# have been saved.
cp "$patternBuffer" "$saveLocation"
echo " List updated, transport successful!"
# curl didn't download any host files, probably because of the date check
echo " No changes detected, transport skipped!"
# transport - curl the specified url with any needed command extentions
function gravity_transport() {
# tmp file, so we don't have to store the (long!) lists in RAM
if [[ -r ${saveLocation} ]]; then
# if domain has been saved, add file for date check to only download newer
heisenbergCompensator="-z $saveLocation"
# Silently curl url
curl -s -L ${cmd_ext} ${heisenbergCompensator} -A "$agent" ${url} > ${patternBuffer}
# Check for list updates
gravity_patternCheck "$patternBuffer"
# Cleanup
rm -f "$patternBuffer"
# spinup - main gravity function
function gravity_spinup() {
echo ":::"
# Loop through domain list. Download each one and remove commented lines (lines beginning with '# 'or '/') and # blank lines
for ((i = 0; i < "${#sources[@]}"; i++))
# Get just the domain from the URL
domain=$(echo "$url" | cut -d'/' -f3)
# Save the file as list.#.domain
echo -n "::: Getting $domain list..."
# Use a case statement to download lists that need special cURL commands
# to complete properly and reset the user agent when required
case "$domain" in
agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36'
cmd_ext="-e http://forum.xda-developers.com/"
cmd_ext="-d mimetype=plaintext -d hostformat=hosts"
# Default is a simple request
*) cmd_ext=""
gravity_transport "$url" "$cmd_ext" "$agent"
# Schwarzchild - aggregate domains to one list and add blacklisted domains
function gravity_Schwarzchild() {
echo "::: "
# Find all active domains and compile them into one file and remove CRs
echo -n "::: Aggregating list of domains..."
truncate -s 0 ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight}
for i in "${activeDomains[@]}"
cat "$i" | tr -d '\r' >> ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight}
echo " done!"
function gravity_Blacklist(){
# Append blacklist entries if they exist
echo -n "::: Running blacklist script to update HOSTS file...."
${blacklistScript} -f -nr -q > /dev/null
numBlacklisted=$(wc -l < "/etc/pihole/blacklist.txt")
plural=; [[ "$numBlacklisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s
echo " $numBlacklisted domain${plural} blacklisted!"
function gravity_Whitelist() {
echo ":::"
# Prevent our sources from being pulled into the hole
plural=; [[ "${sources[@]}" != "1" ]] && plural=s
echo -n "::: Adding ${#sources[@]} adlist source${plural} to the whitelist..."
for url in "${sources[@]}"
tmp=$(echo "$url" | awk -F '/' '{print $3}')
urls=("${urls[@]}" ${tmp})
echo " done!"
echo -n "::: Running whitelist script to update HOSTS file...."
${whitelistScript} -f -nr -q "${urls[@]}" > /dev/null
numWhitelisted=$(wc -l < "/etc/pihole/whitelist.txt")
plural=; [[ "$numWhitelisted" != "1" ]] && plural=s
echo " $numWhitelisted domain${plural} whitelisted!"
function gravity_unique() {
# Sort and remove duplicates
echo -n "::: Removing duplicate domains...."
sort -u ${piholeDir}/${supernova} > ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon}
echo " done!"
numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon})
echo "::: $numberOf unique domains trapped in the event horizon."
function gravity_hostFormat() {
# Format domain list as "192.168.x.x domain.com"
echo "::: Formatting domains into a HOSTS file..."
if [[ -f /etc/hostname ]]; then
elif [ -x "$(command -v hostname)" ]; then
hostname=$(hostname -f)
echo "::: Error: Unable to determine fully qualified domain name of host"
# If there is a value in the $piholeIPv6, then IPv6 will be used, so the awk command modified to create a line for both protocols
if [[ -n ${piholeIPv6} ]];then
# Add hostname and dummy domain to the top of gravity.list to make ping result return a friendlier looking domain! Also allows for an easy way to access the Pi-hole admin console (pi.hole/admin)
echo -e "$IPv4addr $hostname\n$piholeIPv6 $hostname\n$IPv4addr pi.hole\n$piholeIPv6 pi.hole" > ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}
cat ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon} | awk -v ipv4addr="$IPv4addr" -v ipv6addr="$piholeIPv6" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv4addr" "$0"\n"ipv6addr" "$0}' >> ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}
# Otherwise, just create gravity.list as normal using IPv4
# Add hostname and dummy domain to the top of gravity.list to make ping result return a friendlier looking domain! Also allows for an easy way to access the Pi-hole admin console (pi.hole/admin)
echo -e "$IPv4addr $hostname\n$IPv4addr pi.hole" > ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}
cat ${piholeDir}/${eventHorizon} | awk -v ipv4addr="$IPv4addr" '{sub(/\r$/,""); print ipv4addr" "$0}' >> ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc}
# Copy the file over as /etc/pihole/gravity.list so dnsmasq can use it
cp ${piholeDir}/${accretionDisc} ${adList}
# blackbody - remove any remnant files from script processes
function gravity_blackbody() {
# Loop through list files
for file in ${piholeDir}/*.${justDomainsExtension}
# If list is in active array then leave it (noop) else rm the list
if [[ " ${activeDomains[@]} " =~ ${file} ]]; then
rm -f "$file"
function gravity_advanced() {
# Remove comments and print only the domain name
# Most of the lists downloaded are already in hosts file format but the spacing/formating is not contigious
# This helps with that and makes it easier to read
# It also helps with debugging so each stage of the script can be researched more in depth
echo -n "::: Formatting list of domains to remove comments...."
#awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight} | sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > ${piholeDir}/${supernova}
#Above line does not correctly grab domains where comment is on the same line (e.g 'addomain.com #comment')
#Add additional awk command to read all lines up to a '#', and then continue as we were
cat ${piholeDir}/${matterAndLight} | awk -F'#' '{print $1}' | awk '($1 !~ /^#/) { if (NF>1) {print $2} else {print $1}}' | sed -nr -e 's/\.{2,}/./g' -e '/\./p' > ${piholeDir}/${supernova}
echo " done!"
numberOf=$(wc -l < ${piholeDir}/${supernova})
echo "::: $numberOf domains being pulled in by gravity..."
function gravity_reload() {
#Clear no longer needed files...
echo ":::"
echo -n "::: Cleaning up un-needed files..."
${SUDO} rm ${piholeDir}/pihole.*.txt
echo " done!"
# Reload hosts file
echo ":::"
echo -n "::: Refresh lists in dnsmasq..."
#ensure /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf is pointing at the correct list!
#First escape forward slashes in the path:
#Now replace the line in dnsmasq file
${SUDO} sed -i "s/^addn-hosts.*/addn-hosts=$adList/" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf
dnsmasqPid=$(pidof dnsmasq)
find "$piholeDir" -type f -exec ${SUDO} chmod 666 {} \;
if [[ ${dnsmasqPid} ]]; then
# service already running - reload config
${SUDO} killall -s HUP dnsmasq
# service not running, start it up
${SUDO} dnsmasq -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d
echo " done!"
for var in "$@"
case "$var" in
"-f" | "--force" ) forceGrav=true;;
"-h" | "--help" ) helpFunc;;
if [[ ${forceGrav} == true ]]; then
echo -n "::: Deleting exising list cache..."
${SUDO} rm /etc/pihole/list.*
echo " done!"
#Overwrite adlists.default from /etc/.pihole in case any changes have been made. Changes should be saved in /etc/adlists.list
${SUDO} cp /etc/.pihole/adlists.default /etc/pihole/adlists.default

View File

@ -12,15 +12,7 @@ validate_env
setup_saved_variables setup_saved_variables
setup_php_env setup_php_env
setup_dnsmasq "$DNS1" "$DNS2" setup_dnsmasq "$DNS1" "$DNS2"
# alpine unique currently
ip_versions="IPv4 and IPv6"
if [ "$IPv6" != "True" ] ; then
sed -i '/listen \[::\]:80;/ d' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
echo "Using $ip_versions"
test_configs test_configs
test_framework_stubbing test_framework_stubbing

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ validate_env() {
setup_saved_variables() { setup_saved_variables() {
# /tmp/piholeIP is the current override of auto-lookup in gravity.sh # /tmp/piholeIP is the current override of auto-lookup in gravity.sh
echo "$ServerIP" > /etc/pihole/piholeIP; echo "$ServerIP" > /etc/pihole/piholeIP;
echo "IPv4addr=$ServerIP" > /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf; echo "IPv4_address=$ServerIP" > /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf;
echo "piholeIPv6=$ServerIPv6" >> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf; echo "IPv6_address=$ServerIPv6" >> /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf;
} }
setup_dnsmasq() { setup_dnsmasq() {
@ -26,29 +26,30 @@ setup_dnsmasq() {
} }
setup_php_env() { setup_php_env() {
if [ ! -f /var/run/dockerpihole-firstboot ] ; then
case $IMAGE in case $IMAGE in
"debian") setup_php_env_debian ;; "debian") setup_php_env_debian ;;
"alpine") setup_php_env_alpine ;; "alpine") setup_php_env_alpine ;;
esac esac
touch /var/run/dockerpihole-firstboot
echo "Looks like you're restarting this container, skipping php env setup"
} }
setup_php_env_debian() { setup_php_env_debian() {
sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\\t\t\t\"ServerIP\" => \"${ServerIP}\"," $PHP_ENV_CONFIG
sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\\t\t\t\"PHP_ERROR_LOG\" => \"${PHP_ERROR_LOG}\"," $PHP_ENV_CONFIG
if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_HOST" ] ; then if [ -z "$VIRTUAL_HOST" ] ; then
fi; fi;
sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\\t\t\t\"VIRTUAL_HOST\" => \"${VIRTUAL_HOST}\"," $PHP_ENV_CONFIG local vhost_line="\t\t\t\"VIRTUAL_HOST\" => \"${VIRTUAL_HOST}\","
local serverip_line="\t\t\t\"ServerIP\" => \"${ServerIP}\","
local php_error_line="\t\t\t\"PHP_ERROR_LOG\" => \"${PHP_ERROR_LOG}\","
# idempotent line additions
grep -q "$vhost_line" $PHP_ENV_CONFIG || \
sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${vhost_line}" $PHP_ENV_CONFIG
grep -q "$serverip_line" $PHP_ENV_CONFIG || \
sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${serverip_line}" $PHP_ENV_CONFIG
grep -q "$php_error_line" $PHP_ENV_CONFIG || \
sed -i "/bin-environment/ a\\${php_error_line}" $PHP_ENV_CONFIG
echo "Added ENV to php:" echo "Added ENV to php:"
} }
setup_php_env_alpine() { setup_php_env_alpine() {
@ -66,6 +67,18 @@ setup_php_env_alpine() {
} }
setup_ipv4_ipv6() {
local ip_versions="IPv4 and IPv6"
if [ "$IPv6" != "True" ] ; then
case $IMAGE in
"debian") sed -i '/use-ipv6.pl/ d' /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf ;;
"alpine") sed -i '/listen \[::\]:80;/ d' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ;;
echo "Using $ip_versions"
test_configs() { test_configs() {
case $IMAGE in case $IMAGE in
"debian") test_configs_debian ;; "debian") test_configs_debian ;;
@ -96,5 +109,5 @@ test_configs_alpine() {
} }
test_framework_stubbing() { test_framework_stubbing() {
if [ -n "$PYTEST" ] ; then sed -i 's/^gravity_spinup/#donotcurl/g' `which gravity.sh`; fi; if [ -n "$PYTEST" ] ; then sed -i 's/^gravity_spinup$/#donotcurl/g' `which gravity.sh`; fi;
} }

View File

@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/pihole.sudo /etc/sudoers.d/pihole
COPY ./AdminLTE /var/www/html/admin COPY ./AdminLTE /var/www/html/admin
COPY ./AdminLTE_version.txt /etc/ COPY ./AdminLTE_version.txt /etc/
COPY ./pi-hole_version.txt /etc/ COPY ./pi-hole_version.txt /etc/
# Make pihole scripts fail searching for `systemctl`,
# which fails pretty miserably in docker compared to `service`
# For more info see docker/docker issue #7459
RUN mv `which systemctl` /bin/no_systemctl
ENV WEBLOGDIR /var/log/lighttpd ENV WEBLOGDIR /var/log/lighttpd
RUN mkdir -p /etc/pihole/ && \ RUN mkdir -p /etc/pihole/ && \
@ -58,6 +62,10 @@ ENV PHP_ERROR_LOG '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log'
COPY ./debian/start.sh / COPY ./debian/start.sh /
COPY ./common_start.sh / COPY ./common_start.sh /
# IPv6 disable flag for networks/devices that do not support it
# not fully supported in debian yet
ENV IPv6 True
EXPOSE 53 53/udp EXPOSE 53 53/udp

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ MAINTAINER adam@diginc.us <adam@diginc.us>
ENV IMAGE debian ENV IMAGE debian
ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini /tini ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini /tini
ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini.asc /tini.asc ADD https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/${TINI_VERSION}/tini.asc /tini.asc
RUN gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0527A9B7 \ RUN gpg --keyserver ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 0527A9B7 \
@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ COPY ./pi-hole/advanced/pihole.sudo /etc/sudoers.d/pihole
COPY ./AdminLTE /var/www/html/admin COPY ./AdminLTE /var/www/html/admin
COPY ./AdminLTE_version.txt /etc/ COPY ./AdminLTE_version.txt /etc/
COPY ./pi-hole_version.txt /etc/ COPY ./pi-hole_version.txt /etc/
# Make pihole scripts fail searching for `systemctl`,
# which fails pretty miserably in docker compared to `service`
# For more info see docker/docker issue #7459
RUN mv `which systemctl` /bin/no_systemctl
ENV WEBLOGDIR /var/log/lighttpd ENV WEBLOGDIR /var/log/lighttpd
RUN mkdir -p /etc/pihole/ && \ RUN mkdir -p /etc/pihole/ && \
@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ ENV PHP_ERROR_LOG '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log'
COPY ./debian/start.sh / COPY ./debian/start.sh /
COPY ./common_start.sh / COPY ./common_start.sh /
# IPV6 disable flag for networks/devices that do not support it # IPv6 disable flag for networks/devices that do not support it
# not fully supported in debian yet # not fully supported in debian yet
ENV IPv6 True ENV IPv6 True

debian/start.sh vendored
View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ validate_env
setup_saved_variables setup_saved_variables
setup_php_env setup_php_env
setup_dnsmasq "$DNS1" "$DNS2" setup_dnsmasq "$DNS1" "$DNS2"
test_configs test_configs
test_framework_stubbing test_framework_stubbing

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5966d76e9a8ebb5b65327d6ff861cafa86149c7a Subproject commit fc89851ce95b4ea059ed430e1ad514bdbb3605dd

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
V2.9.2 v2.9.4

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import pytest
import testinfra import testinfra
DEBUG = [] DEBUG = []
WEB_SERVER = { 'alpine': 'nginx', 'debian': 'lighttpd' }
check_output = testinfra.get_backend( check_output = testinfra.get_backend(
"local://" "local://"
@ -44,9 +45,8 @@ def tag(request):
return request.param return request.param
@pytest.fixture @pytest.fixture
@pytest.mark.parametrize('tag,webserver', [ ( 'alpine', 'nginx' ), ( 'debian', 'lighttpd' ) ])
def webserver(request, tag): def webserver(request, tag):
return webserver return WEB_SERVER[tag]
@pytest.fixture() @pytest.fixture()
def image(request, tag): def image(request, tag):
@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ def persist_tag(request):
@pytest.fixture(scope='session') @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
def persist_webserver(request, persist_tag): def persist_webserver(request, persist_tag):
web_dict = { 'alpine': 'nginx', 'debian': 'lighttpd' } return WEB_SERVER[persist_tag]
return web_dict[persist_tag]
@pytest.fixture(scope='session') @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
def persist_image(request, persist_tag): def persist_image(request, persist_tag):
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ def Dig(request):
''' separate container to link to pi-hole and perform lookups ''' ''' separate container to link to pi-hole and perform lookups '''
''' a docker pull is faster than running an install of dnsutils ''' ''' a docker pull is faster than running an install of dnsutils '''
def dig(docker_id): def dig(docker_id):
args = '--link {}:pihole'.format(docker_id) args = '--link {}:test_pihole'.format(docker_id)
image = 'azukiapp/dig' image = 'azukiapp/dig'
cmd = 'tail -f /dev/null' cmd = 'tail -f /dev/null'
dig_container = DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd) dig_container = DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ run_local = testinfra.get_backend(
@pytest.mark.parametrize("upstream,image,tag", [ @pytest.mark.parametrize("upstream,image,tag", [
( 'alpine:edge', 'alpine.docker', 'diginc/pi-hole:alpine' ), ( 'alpine:edge', 'alpine.docker', 'diginc/pi-hole:alpine' ),
( 'debian:jessie', 'debian.docker', 'diginc/pi-hole:debian' ), ( 'debian:jessie', 'debian.docker', 'diginc/pi-hole:debian' ),
( 'jsurf/rpi-raspbian', 'debian-armhf.docker', 'diginc/pi-hole-armhf:debian' ), ( 'jsurf/rpi-raspbian', 'debian-armhf.docker', 'diginc/pi-hole:arm' ),
]) ])
def test_build_pihole_image(upstream, image, tag): def test_build_pihole_image(upstream, image, tag):
run_local('docker pull {}'.format(upstream)) run_local('docker pull {}'.format(upstream))

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import time
''' Note, testinfra builtins don't seem fully compatible with ''' Note, testinfra builtins don't seem fully compatible with
docker containers (esp. alpine) stripped down nature ''' docker containers (esp. alpine) stripped down nature '''
WEB_CONFIG = { 'alpine': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'debian': '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf' }
IPV6_LINE = { 'alpine': 'listen \[::\]:80', 'debian': 'use-ipv6.pl' }
def test_pihole_default_run_command(Docker): def test_pihole_default_run_command(Docker):
expected_proc = '/sbin/tini -- /start.sh' expected_proc = '/sbin/tini -- /start.sh'
pgrep = 'pgrep -f "{}" | wc -l || echo 0'.format(expected_proc) pgrep = 'pgrep -f "{}" | wc -l || echo 0'.format(expected_proc)
@ -22,10 +25,45 @@ def test_ServerIP_missing_triggers_start_error(Docker):
assert start.rc == 1 assert start.rc == 1
assert error_msg in start.stdout assert error_msg in start.stdout
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args,expected_ipv6,expected_stdout', [
('-e ServerIP=""', True, 'IPv4 and IPv6'),
('-e ServerIP="" -e "IPv6=True"', True, 'IPv4 and IPv6'),
('-e ServerIP="" -e "IPv6=False"', False, 'IPv4'),
('-e ServerIP="" -e "IPv6=foobar"', False, 'IPv4'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', [ 'tail -f /dev/null' ])
def test_IPv6_not_True_removes_ipv6(Docker, tag, args, expected_ipv6, expected_stdout):
''' When a user overrides IPv6=True they only get IPv4 listening webservers '''
function = Docker.run('. /common_start.sh ; setup_ipv4_ipv6')
assert "Using {}".format(expected_stdout) in function.stdout
ipv6 = Docker.run('grep -q \'{}\' {}'.format(IPV6_LINE[tag], WEB_CONFIG[tag])).rc == 0
assert ipv6 == expected_ipv6
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2', [
('-e ServerIP=""', 'default DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS1=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS1="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', [ 'tail -f /dev/null' ])
def test_DNS_Envs_override_defaults(Docker, args, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2):
''' When DNS environment vars are passed in, they override default dns servers '''
function = Docker.run('. /common_start.sh ; eval `grep setup_dnsmasq /start.sh`')
assert expected_stdout in function.stdout
docker_dns_servers = Docker.run('grep "^server=" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf').stdout
expected_servers = 'server={}\nserver={}\n'.format(dns1, dns2)
assert expected_servers == docker_dns_servers
Persistent Docker container for testing service post start.sh
@pytest.fixture @pytest.fixture
def RunningPiHole(DockerPersist, Slow, persist_webserver): def RunningPiHole(DockerPersist, Slow, persist_webserver):
''' Persist a working docker-pi-hole to help speed up subsequent tests ''' ''' Persist a fully started docker-pi-hole to help speed up subsequent tests '''
Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep {}'.format(persist_webserver) ).rc == 0) Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep {}'.format(persist_webserver) ).rc == 0)
Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep dnsmasq').rc == 0)
return DockerPersist return DockerPersist
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hostname,expected_ip', [ @pytest.mark.parametrize('hostname,expected_ip', [
@ -34,7 +72,7 @@ def RunningPiHole(DockerPersist, Slow, persist_webserver):
('b.resolvers.Level3.net', '') ('b.resolvers.Level3.net', '')
]) ])
def test_dns_responses(RunningPiHole, hostname, expected_ip): def test_dns_responses(RunningPiHole, hostname, expected_ip):
dig_cmd = "dig +noall +answer {} @pihole | awk '{{ print $5 }}'".format(hostname) dig_cmd = "dig +time=1 +noall +answer {} @test_pihole | awk '{{ print $5 }}'".format(hostname)
lookup = RunningPiHole.dig.run(dig_cmd).stdout.rstrip('\n') lookup = RunningPiHole.dig.run(dig_cmd).stdout.rstrip('\n')
assert lookup == expected_ip assert lookup == expected_ip
@ -68,19 +106,3 @@ def test_admin_requests_load_as_expected(RunningPiHole, ip, url):
assert RunningPiHole.run('wc -l /tmp/curled_file ') > 10 assert RunningPiHole.run('wc -l /tmp/curled_file ') > 10
assert RunningPiHole.run('grep -q "Content-Security-Policy" /tmp/curled_file ').rc == 0 assert RunningPiHole.run('grep -q "Content-Security-Policy" /tmp/curled_file ').rc == 0
assert RunningPiHole.run('grep -q "js/pihole/footer.js" /tmp/curled_file ').rc == 0 assert RunningPiHole.run('grep -q "js/pihole/footer.js" /tmp/curled_file ').rc == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2', [
('-e ServerIP=""', 'default DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS1=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS1="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', [ 'tail -f /dev/null' ])
def test_DNS_Envs_override_defaults(Docker, args, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2):
''' When DNS environment vars are passed in, they override default dns servers '''
run_function = Docker.run('. /common_start.sh ; eval `grep setup_dnsmasq /start.sh`')
assert expected_stdout in run_function.stdout
docker_dns_servers = Docker.run('grep "^server=" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf').stdout
expected_servers = 'server={}\nserver={}\n'.format(dns1, dns2)
assert expected_servers == docker_dns_servers

View File

@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ git submodule foreach git pull origin master;
pushd pi-hole ; git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > ../pi-hole_version.txt ; popd ; pushd pi-hole ; git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > ../pi-hole_version.txt ; popd ;
pushd AdminLTE ; git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > ../AdminLTE_version.txt ; popd ; pushd AdminLTE ; git describe --tags --abbrev=0 > ../AdminLTE_version.txt ; popd ;
# Copy latest gravity and modify to not use `service` command
cp pi-hole/gravity.sh alpine/;
sed -i 's|service dnsmasq start|dnsmasq -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d|g' alpine/gravity.sh
# Copy latest crontab and modify to use docker exec commands # Copy latest crontab and modify to use docker exec commands
cron='./docker-pi-hole.cron' cron='./docker-pi-hole.cron'
cp -f pi-hole/advanced/pihole.cron ${cron}; cp -f pi-hole/advanced/pihole.cron ${cron};