!!!BREAKING!!! Use this as an oppurtunity to tidy up/uniform the environment variables. Most things can be set directly in pihole.toml these days, so will convert variables in the format of FTLCONF_key or FTLCONF_key_subkey etc into key or key.subkey respectively and apply them to the config

This also takes away a lot of the error handling - but that should likely be in FTL if anywhere, anyway. Vastly simplifies startup in docker

Signed-off-by: Adam Warner <me@adamwarner.co.uk>
This commit is contained in:
Adam Warner 2023-02-05 23:55:24 +00:00
parent 7d93b94a53
commit 4ec50469c7
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 33 additions and 262 deletions

View File

@ -96,46 +96,24 @@ There are other environment variables if you want to customize various things in
| -------- | ------- | ----- | ---------- |
| `TZ` | UTC | `<Timezone>` | Set your [timezone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones) to make sure logs rotate at local midnight instead of at UTC midnight.
| `WEBPASSWORD` | random | `<Admin password>` | http://pi.hole/admin password. Run `docker logs pihole \| grep random` to find your random pass.
| `FTLCONF_dns_upstreams` | `;` | IPs delimited by `;` | Upstream DNS server(s) for Pi-hole to forward queries to, separated by a semicolon <br/> (supports non-standard ports with `#[port number]`) e.g `;;` <br/> (supports [Docker service names and links](https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/) instead of IPs) e.g `upstream0;upstream1` where `upstream0` and `upstream1` are the service names of or links to docker services <br/> Note: The existence of this environment variable assumes this as the _sole_ management of upstream DNS. Upstream DNS added via the web interface will be overwritten on container restart/recreation |
| `FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4` | unset | `<Host's IP>` | Set to your server's LAN IP, used by web block modes.
### Optional Variables
| Variable | Default | Value | Description |
| -------- | ------- | ----- | ---------- |
| `PIHOLE_DNS_` | `;` | IPs delimited by `;` | Upstream DNS server(s) for Pi-hole to forward queries to, separated by a semicolon <br/> (supports non-standard ports with `#[port number]`) e.g `;;` <br/> (supports [Docker service names and links](https://docs.docker.com/compose/networking/) instead of IPs) e.g `upstream0;upstream1` where `upstream0` and `upstream1` are the service names of or links to docker services <br/> Note: The existence of this environment variable assumes this as the _sole_ management of upstream DNS. Upstream DNS added via the web interface will be overwritten on container restart/recreation |
| `DNSSEC` | `false` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable DNSSEC support |
| `DNS_BOGUS_PRIV` | `true` |`<"true"\|"false">`| Never forward reverse lookups for private ranges |
| `DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED` | `true` | `<"true"\|"false">`| Never forward non-FQDNs |
| `REV_SERVER` | `false` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable DNS conditional forwarding for device name resolution |
| `REV_SERVER_DOMAIN` | unset | Network Domain | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the domain of the local network router |
| `REV_SERVER_TARGET` | unset | Router's IP | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the IP of the local network router |
| `REV_SERVER_CIDR` | unset | Reverse DNS | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the reverse DNS zone (e.g. ``) |
| `DHCP_ACTIVE` | `false` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable DHCP server. Static DHCP leases can be configured with a custom `/etc/dnsmasq.d/04-pihole-static-dhcp.conf`
| `DHCP_START` | unset | `<Start IP>` | Start of the range of IP addresses to hand out by the DHCP server (mandatory if DHCP server is enabled).
| `DHCP_END` | unset | `<End IP>` | End of the range of IP addresses to hand out by the DHCP server (mandatory if DHCP server is enabled).
| `DHCP_ROUTER` | unset | `<Router's IP>` | Router (gateway) IP address sent by the DHCP server (mandatory if DHCP server is enabled).
| `DHCP_LEASETIME` | 24 | `<hours>` | DHCP lease time in hours.
| `PIHOLE_DOMAIN` | `lan` | `<domain>` | Domain name sent by the DHCP server.
| `DHCP_IPv6` | `false` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable DHCP server IPv6 support (SLAAC + RA).
| `DHCP_rapid_commit` | `false` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable DHCPv4 rapid commit (fast address assignment).
| `VIRTUAL_HOST` | `${HOSTNAME}` | `<Custom Hostname>` | What your web server 'virtual host' is, accessing admin through this Hostname/IP allows you to make changes to the whitelist / blacklists in addition to the default 'http://pi.hole/admin/' address
| `IPv6` | `true` | `<"true"\|"false">` | For unraid compatibility, strips out all the IPv6 configuration from DNS/Web services when false.
| `TEMPERATUREUNIT` | `c` | `<c\|k\|f>` | Set preferred temperature unit to `c`: Celsius, `k`: Kelvin, or `f` Fahrenheit units.<br/> Note: This only affects chronometer and PADD. The web interface's temperature unit is set on a per-browser basis in the UI settings
| `WEBUIBOXEDLAYOUT` | `boxed` | `<boxed\|traditional>` | Use boxed layout (helpful when working on large screens)
| `QUERY_LOGGING` | `true` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable query logging or not.
| `WEBTHEME` | `default-light` | `<"default-dark"\|"default-darker"\|"default-light"\|"default-auto"\|"lcars">`| User interface theme to use.
| `WEBPASSWORD_FILE`| unset | `<Docker secret path>` |Set an Admin password using [Docker secrets](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/secrets/). If `WEBPASSWORD` is set, `WEBPASSWORD_FILE` is ignored. If `WEBPASSWORD` is empty, and `WEBPASSWORD_FILE` is set to a valid readable file path, then `WEBPASSWORD` will be set to the contents of `WEBPASSWORD_FILE`.
### Advanced Variables
| Variable | Default | Value | Description |
| -------- | ------- | ----- | ---------- |
| `INTERFACE` | unset | `<NIC>` | The default works fine with our basic example docker run commands. If you're trying to use DHCP with `--net host` mode then you may have to customize this or DNSMASQ_LISTENING.
| `DNSMASQ_LISTENING` | unset | `<local\|all\|single>` | `local` listens on all local subnets, `all` permits listening on internet origin subnets in addition to local, `single` listens only on the interface specified.
| `WEB_PORT` | unset | `<PORT>` | **This will break the 'webpage blocked' functionality of Pi-hole** however it may help advanced setups like those running synology or `--net=host` docker argument. This guide explains how to restore webpage blocked functionality using a linux router DNAT rule: [Alternative Synology installation method](https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/alternative-synology-installation-method/5454?u=diginc)
| `WEB_BIND_ADDR` | unset | `<IP>` | Lighttpd's bind address. If left unset lighttpd will bind to every interface, except when running in host networking mode where it will use `FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4` instead.
| `SKIPGRAVITYONBOOT` | unset | `<unset\|1>` | Use this option to skip updating the Gravity Database when booting up the container. By default this environment variable is not set so the Gravity Database will be updated when the container starts up. Setting this environment variable to 1 (or anything) will cause the Gravity Database to not be updated when container starts up.
| `CORS_HOSTS` | unset | `<FQDNs delimited by ,>` | List of domains/subdomains on which CORS is allowed. Wildcards are not supported. Eg: `CORS_HOSTS: domain.com,home.domain.com,www.domain.com`.
| `CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE` | `10000` | Number | Set the cache size for dnsmasq. Useful for increasing the default cache size or to set it to 0. Note that when `DNSSEC` is "true", then this setting is ignored.
| `FTL_CMD` | `no-daemon` | `no-daemon -- <dnsmasq option>` | Customize the options with which dnsmasq gets started. e.g. `no-daemon -- --dns-forward-max 300` to increase max. number of concurrent dns queries on high load setups. |
| `FTLCONF_[SETTING]` | unset | As per documentation | Customize pihole-FTL.conf with settings described in the [FTLDNS Configuration page](https://docs.pi-hole.net/ftldns/configfile/). For example, to customize LOCAL_IPV4, ensure you have the `FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4` environment variable set.
@ -149,22 +127,6 @@ There are other environment variables if you want to customize various things in
| `WEB_GID` | `33` | Number | Overrides image's default www-data group id to match a host group id<br/>**IMPORTANT**: id must not already be in use inside the container! (Make sure it is different to `PIHOLE_GID` if you are using that, also)|
| `WEBLOGS_STDOUT` | 0 | 0&vert;1 | 0 logs to defined files, 1 redirect access and error logs to stdout |
## Deprecated environment variables:
While these may still work, they are likely to be removed in a future version. Where applicable, alternative variable names are indicated. Please review the table above for usage of the alternative variables
| Docker Environment Var. | Description | Replaced By |
| ----------------------- | ----------- | ----------- |
| `CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING` | Enable DNS conditional forwarding for device name resolution | `REV_SERVER`|
| `CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_IP` | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the IP of the local network router | `REV_SERVER_TARGET` |
| `CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_DOMAIN` | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the domain of the local network router | `REV_SERVER_DOMAIN` |
| `CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING_REVERSE` | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the reverse DNS of the local network router (e.g. `0.168.192.in-addr.arpa`) | `REV_SERVER_CIDR` |
| `DNS1` | Primary upstream DNS provider, default is google DNS | `PIHOLE_DNS_` |
| `DNS2` | Secondary upstream DNS provider, default is google DNS, `no` if only one DNS should used | `PIHOLE_DNS_` |
| `ServerIP` | Set to your server's LAN IP, used by web block modes and lighttpd bind address | `FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4` |
| `ServerIPv6` | **If you have a v6 network** set to your server's LAN IPv6 to block IPv6 ads fully | `FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6` |
| `FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4` | Set to your server's LAN IP, used by web block modes and lighttpd bind address | `FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4` |
| `FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6` | **If you have a v6 network** set to your server's LAN IPv6 to block IPv6 ads fully | `FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6` |
To use these env vars in docker run format style them like: `-e DNS1=`
Here is a rundown of other arguments for your docker-compose / docker run.

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ENV S6_KEEP_ENV 1
ENV FTL_CMD no-daemon

View File

@ -23,18 +23,14 @@ echo " [i] Starting docker specific checks & setup for docker pihole/pihole"
# Initial checks
# ===========================
validate_env || exit 1
# validate_env || exit 1
# Web interface setup
# ===========================
# setup_web_php_env
# Misc Setup
# ===========================
@ -42,19 +38,9 @@ setup_blocklists
# FTL setup
# ===========================
[[ -n "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" && ${DHCP_ACTIVE} == "true" ]] && echo "Setting DHCP server" && setup_FTL_dhcp
# apply_FTL_Configs_From_Env
# setup_FTL_User
setup_FTL_server || true
[ -n "${DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED}" ] && setFTLConfigValue dns.domainNeeded "$DNS_FQDN_REQUIRED"
[ -n "${DNSSEC}" ] && setFTLConfigValue dns.dnssec "$DNSSEC"
[ -n "${DNS_BOGUS_PRIV}" ] && setFTLConfigValue dns.bogusPriv "$DNS_BOGUS_PRIV"
# setup_FTL_User
[ -f /.piholeFirstBoot ] && rm /.piholeFirstBoot

View File

@ -4,14 +4,6 @@
# else it will get overridden itself when we source basic-install.sh
# Legacy Env Vars preserved for backwards compatibility - convert them to FTLCONF_ equivalents
[ -n "${ServerIP}" ] && echo "ServerIP is deprecated. Converting to FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4" && export "FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4"="$ServerIP"
[ -n "${ServerIPv6}" ] && echo "ServerIPv6 is deprecated. Converting to FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6" && export "FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6"="$ServerIPv6"
# Previously used FTLCONF_ equivalent has since been deprecated, also convert this one
[ -n "${FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4}" ] && echo "FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4 is deprecated. Converting to FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4" && export "FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4"="$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4"
[ -n "${FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6}" ] && echo "FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6 is deprecated. Converting to FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6" && export "FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6"="$FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR6"
# Some of the bash_functions use utilities from Pi-hole's utils.sh
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
@ -42,7 +34,7 @@ fix_capabilities() {
setcap ${CAP_STR:1}+ep "$(which pihole-FTL)" || ret=$?
if [[ $DHCP_READY == false ]] && [[ $DHCP_ACTIVE == true ]]; then
if [[ $DHCP_READY == false ]] && [[ $FTLCONF_dhcp_active == true ]]; then
# DHCP is requested but NET_ADMIN is not available.
echo "ERROR: DHCP requested but NET_ADMIN is not available. DHCP will not be started."
echo " Please add cap_net_admin to the container's capabilities or disable DHCP."
@ -80,8 +72,8 @@ ensure_basic_configuration() {
set -e
if [[ -z "${FTLCONF_MACVENDORDB:-}" ]]; then
# If FTLCONF_files_macvendor is not set
if [[ -z "${FTLCONF_files_macvendor:-}" ]]; then
# User is not passing in a custom location - so force FTL to use the file we moved to / during the build
setFTLConfigValue "files.macvendor" "/macvendor.db"
@ -89,30 +81,6 @@ ensure_basic_configuration() {
# setup_or_skip_gravity
validate_env() {
# Optional FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 is a valid IP
# nc won't throw any text based errors when it times out connecting to a valid IP, otherwise it complains about the DNS name being garbage
# if nc doesn't behave as we expect on a valid IP the routing table should be able to look it up and return a 0 retcode
if [[ "$(nc -4 -w1 -z "$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4" 53 2>&1)" != "" ]] && ! ip route get "$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4" > /dev/null ; then
echo "ERROR: FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 Environment variable ($FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv4 address"
exit 1
# Optional IPv6 is a valid address
if [[ -n "$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6" ]] ; then
if [[ "$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6" == 'kernel' ]] ; then
echo " [!] ERROR: You passed in IPv6 with a value of 'kernel', this maybe because you do not have IPv6 enabled on your network"
exit 1
if [[ "$(nc -6 -w1 -z "$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6" 53 2>&1)" != "" ]] && ! ip route get "$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6" > /dev/null ; then
echo " [!] ERROR: FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6 Environment variable ($FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv6 address"
echo " TIP: If your server is not IPv6 enabled just remove '-e FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV6' from your docker container"
exit 1
# Run DNSMASQ as root user to avoid SHM permission issues
if grep -r -q '^\s*user=' /etc/dnsmasq.* ; then
@ -125,77 +93,37 @@ setup_FTL_User(){
local interface="${INTERFACE:-eth0}"
# Set the interface for FTL to listen on
local interfaceType='default'
if [ "$interface" != 'eth0' ] ; then
echo " [i] FTL binding to $interfaceType interface: $interface"
setFTLConfigValue dns.interface "${interface}"
if [ -n "$DNSMASQ_LISTENING" ]; then
setFTLConfigValue dns.listeningMode "${DNSMASQ_LISTENING}"
setup_FTL_CacheSize() {
local warning=" [i] WARNING: CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE not used"
local dnsmasq_pihole_01_location="/etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf"
# Quietly exit early for empty or default
if [[ -z "${CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE}" || "${CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE}" == '10000' ]] ; then return ; fi
if [[ "${DNSSEC}" == "true" ]] ; then
echo "$warning - Cannot change cache size if DNSSEC is enabled"
if ! echo "$CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE" | grep -q '^[0-9]*$' ; then
echo "$warning - $CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE is not an integer"
local -i custom_cache_size="$CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE"
if (( custom_cache_size < 0 )); then
echo "$warning - $custom_cache_size is not a positive integer or zero"
echo " [i] Custom CUSTOM_CACHE_SIZE set to $custom_cache_size"
setFTLConfigValue dns.cacheSize "$custom_cache_size"
### TODO: This is going to need a major rework to support the new FTL config file.
# Get all exported environment variables starting with FTLCONF_ as a prefix and call the setFTLConfigValue
# function with the environment variable's suffix as the key. This allows applying any pihole-FTL.conf
# setting defined here: https://docs.pi-hole.net/ftldns/configfile/
echo ""
echo "==========Applying settings from environment variables=========="
source /opt/pihole/COL_TABLE
declare -px | grep FTLCONF_ | sed -E 's/declare -x FTLCONF_([^=]+)=\"(|.+)\"/\1 \2/' | while read -r name value
echo " [i] Applying pihole-FTL.conf setting $name=$value"
setFTLConfigValue "$name" "$value"
# Replace underscores wi1th dots in the name to match pihole-FTL expectiations
setup_FTL_dhcp() {
if [ -z "${DHCP_START}" ] || [ -z "${DHCP_END}" ] || [ -z "${DHCP_ROUTER}" ]; then
echo " [!] ERROR: Won't enable DHCP server because mandatory Environment variables are missing: DHCP_START, DHCP_END and/or DHCP_ROUTER"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.active false
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.active "${DHCP_ACTIVE}"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.start "${DHCP_START}"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.end "${DHCP_END}"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.router "${DHCP_ROUTER}"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.leasetime "${DHCP_LEASETIME}"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.ipv6 "${DHCP_IPv6}"
setFTLConfigValue dhcp.rapid_commit "${DHCP_rapid_commit}"
# Special handing for the value if the name is dns.upstreams
if [ "$name" == "dns.upstreams" ]; then
if [ "$name" == "dns.reply.host.overwrite.v4" ]; then
if $(setFTLConfigValue "${name}" "${value}" 2>&1); then
echo " ${TICK} Applied pihole-FTL setting $name=$value"
echo " ${CROSS} Error Applying pihole-FTL setting $name=$value"
echo "================================================================"
echo ""
@ -210,50 +138,6 @@ setup_FTL_query_logging(){
[ -n "${REV_SERVER}" ] && setFTLConfigValue "dnsmasq.rev_server.active" "$REV_SERVER"
[ -n "${REV_SERVER_DOMAIN}" ] && setFTLConfigValue "dnsmasq.rev_server.domain" "$REV_SERVER_DOMAIN"
[ -n "${REV_SERVER_TARGET}" ] && setFTLConfigValue "dnsmasq.rev_server.target" "$REV_SERVER_TARGET"
[ -n "${REV_SERVER_CIDR}" ] && setFTLConfigValue "dnsmasq.rev_server.cidr" "$REV_SERVER_CIDR"
if [ -z "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" ]; then
# For backward compatibility, if DNS1 and/or DNS2 are set, but PIHOLE_DNS_ is not, convert them to
# a semi-colon delimited string and store in PIHOLE_DNS_
# They are not used anywhere if PIHOLE_DNS_ is set already
[ -n "${DNS1}" ] && echo " [i] Converting DNS1 to PIHOLE_DNS_" && PIHOLE_DNS_="$DNS1"
[[ -n "${DNS2}" && "${DNS2}" != "no" ]] && echo " [i] Converting DNS2 to PIHOLE_DNS_" && PIHOLE_DNS_="$PIHOLE_DNS_;$DNS2"
# Parse the PIHOLE_DNS variable, if it exists, and apply upstream servers to Pi-hole config
if [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_}" ]; then
echo " [i] Setting DNS servers based on PIHOLE_DNS_ variable"
# Replace all semi-colons in PIHOLE_DNS_ with escaped double quote, comma, and escaped double quote
# This is to create a valid JSON array string
setFTLConfigValue dns.upstreams "[\"${PIHOLE_DNS_//;/\",\"}\"]"
# TODO: Discuss with @DL6ER if pihole-FTL should be modified to accept a semicolon delimited string for simplicity
# ALso noted during testing that FTL will fall over if an invalid hostname is passed into the array
# I have removed a lot of validation code from this side of things for now, but may be worth revisiting it. (and make it easier to read than it was)
# Environment variable has not been set, but there may be existing values in an existing pihole.toml
# if this is the case, we do not want to overwrite these with the defaults of and
# Pi-hole can run with only one upstream configured, so we will just check for one.
emptyTomlUpstreams="$(grep 'upstreams = \[ \]' /etc/pihole/pihole.toml || true)"
if [ -n "${emptyTomlUpstreams}" ]; then
echo " [i] Configuring default DNS servers:,"
setFTLConfigValue dns.upstreams "[\"\",\"\"]"
echo " [i] Existing DNS servers detected in pihole.toml. Leaving them alone"
# setup_FTL_ProcessDNSSettings(){
# # Commit settings to 01-pihole.conf
@ -263,44 +147,6 @@ setup_FTL_upstream_DNS(){
# }
setup_web_port() {
local warning=" [!] WARNING: Custom WEB_PORT not used"
# Quietly exit early for empty or default
if [[ -z "${WEB_PORT}" ]] ; then return ; fi
if ! echo "$WEB_PORT" | grep -q '^[0-9][0-9]*$' ; then
echo "$warning - $WEB_PORT is not an integer"
local -i web_port="$WEB_PORT"
if (( web_port < 1 || web_port > 65535 )); then
echo "$warning - $web_port is not within valid port range of 1-65535"
echo " [i] Custom WEB_PORT set to $web_port"
echo " [i] Without proper router DNAT forwarding to ${WEB_BIND_ADDR:-$FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4}:$web_port, you may not get any blocked websites on ads"
setFTLConfigValue webserver.port "$web_port"
# Parse the WEBTHEME variable, if it exists, and set the selected theme if it is one of the supported values.
# If an invalid theme name was supplied, setup WEBTHEME to use the default-light theme.
if [ -n "${WEBTHEME}" ]; then
case "${WEBTHEME}" in
"default-dark" | "default-darker" | "default-light" | "default-auto" | "lcars")
echo " [i] Setting Web Theme based on WEBTHEME variable, using value ${WEBTHEME}"
setFTLConfigValue webserver.interface.theme "${WEBTHEME}"
echo " [!] Invalid theme name supplied: ${WEBTHEME}, falling back to default-light."
setFTLConfigValue webserver.interface.theme "default-light"
load_web_password_secret() {
# If WEBPASSWORD is not set at all, attempt to read password from WEBPASSWORD_FILE,
# allowing secrets to be passed via docker secrets
@ -365,26 +211,3 @@ setup_blocklists() {
echo " [i] Blocklists (${adlistFile}) now set to:"
cat "${adlistFile}"
setup_web_temp_unit() {
# check if var is empty
if [[ "$UNIT" != "" ]] ; then
# check if we have valid units
if [[ "$UNIT" == "c" || "$UNIT" == "k" || $UNIT == "f" ]] ; then
pihole -a -"${UNIT}"
setup_web_layout() {
# check if var is empty
if [[ "$LO" != "" ]] ; then
# check if we have valid types boxed | traditional
if [[ "$LO" == "traditional" || "$LO" == "boxed" ]] ; then
setFTLConfigValue webserver.interface.boxed "$LO"