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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Dockerfile.py - generates and build dockerfiles
Dockerfile.py [--hub_tag=<tag>] [--arch=<arch> ...] [--debian=<version> ...] [-v] [-t] [--no-build] [--no-cache] [--fail-fast]
--no-build Skip building the docker images
--no-cache Build without using any cache data
--fail-fast Exit on first build error
--hub_tag=<tag> What the Docker Hub Image should be tagged as [default: None]
--arch=<arch> What Architecture(s) to build [default: amd64 armel armhf arm64]
--debian=<version> What debian version(s) to build [default: stretch buster bullseye]
-v Print docker's command output [default: False]
-t Print docker's build time [default: False]
from docopt import docopt
import os
import sys
import subprocess
from dotenv import dotenv_values
def build_dockerfiles(args) -> bool:
all_success = True
if args['-v']:
if args['--no-build']:
print(" ::: Skipping Dockerfile building")
return all_success
for arch in args['--arch']:
for debian_version in args['--debian']:
all_success = build('pihole', arch, debian_version, args['--hub_tag'], args['-t'], args['--no-cache'], args['-v']) and all_success
if not all_success and args['--fail-fast']:
return False
return all_success
def run_and_stream_command_output(command, environment_vars, verbose) -> bool:
print("Running", command)
build_result = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), env=environment_vars, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True)
if verbose:
while build_result.poll() is None:
for line in build_result.stdout:
print(line, end='')
if build_result.returncode != 0:
print(" ::: Error running".format(command))
return build_result.returncode == 0
def build(docker_repo: str, arch: str, debian_version: str, hub_tag: str, show_time: bool, no_cache: bool, verbose: bool) -> bool:
# remove the `pihole/pihole:` from hub_tag for use elsewhere
tag_name = hub_tag.split(":",1)[1]
create_tag = f'{docker_repo}:{tag_name}'
print(f' ::: Building {create_tag}')
time_arg = 'time' if show_time else ''
cache_arg = '--no-cache' if no_cache else ''
build_env = os.environ.copy()
build_env['PIHOLE_DOCKER_TAG'] = os.environ.get('GIT_TAG', None)
build_env['DEBIAN_VERSION'] = debian_version
build_command = f'{time_arg} docker-compose -f build.yml build {cache_arg} --pull {arch}'
print(f' ::: Building {arch} into {create_tag}')
success = run_and_stream_command_output(build_command, build_env, verbose)
if verbose:
print(build_command, '\n')
if success and hub_tag:
hub_tag_command = f'{time_arg} docker tag {create_tag} {hub_tag}'
print(f' ::: Tagging {create_tag} into {hub_tag}')
success = run_and_stream_command_output(hub_tag_command, build_env, verbose)
return success
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = docopt(__doc__, version='Dockerfile 1.1')
success = build_dockerfiles(args)
exit_code = 0 if success else 1