mirror of https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole.git synced 2024-07-08 16:54:18 +02:00

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import pytest
import testinfra
check_output = testinfra.get_backend(
def DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd, entrypoint=''):
assert 'docker' in check_output('id'), "Are you in the docker group?"
if 'pihole' in image:
args += " --dns --dns -v /dev/null:/etc/pihole/adlists.default -e PYTEST=1"
docker_run = "docker run -d {args} {entry} {image} {cmd}".format(args=args, entry=entrypoint, image=image, cmd=cmd)
print docker_run
docker_id = check_output(docker_run)
def teardown():
2017-05-05 05:37:26 +02:00
check_output("docker logs {}".format(docker_id))
check_output("docker rm -f {}".format(docker_id))
docker_container = testinfra.get_backend("docker://" + docker_id)
docker_container.id = docker_id
def run_bash(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
cmd = self.get_command(command, *args)
if self.user is not None:
out = self.run_local(
"docker exec -u %s %s /bin/bash -c %s",
self.user, self.name, cmd)
out = self.run_local(
"docker exec %s /bin/bash -c %s", self.name, cmd)
out.command = self.encode(cmd)
return out
funcType = type(docker_container.run)
docker_container.run = funcType(run_bash, docker_container, testinfra.backend.docker.DockerBackend)
return docker_container
def Docker(request, args, image, cmd, entrypoint):
''' One-off Docker container run '''
return DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd, entrypoint)
def DockerPersist(request, persist_args, persist_image, persist_cmd, Dig):
''' Persistent Docker container for multiple tests, instead of stopping container after one test '''
''' Uses DUP'd module scoped fixtures because smaller scoped fixtures won't mix with module scope '''
persistent_container = DockerGeneric(request, persist_args, persist_image, persist_cmd)
''' attach a dig conatiner for lookups '''
persistent_container.dig = Dig(persistent_container.id)
return persistent_container
def entrypoint():
return ''
def args(request):
return '-e ServerIP="" -e ServerIPv6="::1"'
@pytest.fixture(params=['amd64', 'armhf', 'aarch64'])
def arch(request):
return request.param
def version(request):
''' TODO: include from external .py that can be shared with Dockerfile.py / Tests / deploy scripts '''
return 'v4.1'
def tag(request, version, arch):
return '{}_{}'.format(version, arch)
def webserver(request, tag):
''' TODO: this is obvious without alpine+nginx as the alternative, remove fixture, hard code lighttpd in tests? '''
return 'lighttpd'
def image(request, tag):
image = 'pihole'
return '{}:{}'.format(image, tag)
def cmd(request):
return 'tail -f /dev/null'
2017-11-06 04:30:07 +01:00
@pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=['amd64'])
def persist_arch(request):
'''amd64 only, dnsmasq/pihole-FTL(?untested?) will not start under qemu-user-static :('''
return request.param
def persist_version(request):
''' TODO: include from external .py that can be shared with Dockerfile.py / Tests / deploy scripts '''
return 'v4.1'
def persist_args(request):
return '-e ServerIP="" -e ServerIPv6="::1"'
def persist_tag(request, persist_version, persist_arch):
return '{}_{}'.format(persist_version, persist_arch)
def persist_webserver(request, persist_tag):
''' TODO: this is obvious without alpine+nginx as the alternative, remove fixture, hard code lighttpd in tests? '''
return 'lighttpd'
def persist_image(request, persist_tag):
image = 'pihole'
2017-10-19 05:24:22 +02:00
return '{}:{}'.format(image, persist_tag)
def persist_cmd(request):
return 'tail -f /dev/null'
def Slow():
Run a slow check, check if the state is correct for `timeout` seconds.
import time
def slow(check, timeout=20):
timeout_at = time.time() + timeout
while True:
assert check()
except AssertionError, e:
if time.time() < timeout_at:
raise e
return slow
def Dig(request):
''' separate container to link to pi-hole and perform lookups '''
''' a docker pull is faster than running an install of dnsutils '''
def dig(docker_id):
args = '--link {}:test_pihole'.format(docker_id)
image = 'azukiapp/dig'
cmd = 'tail -f /dev/null'
dig_container = DockerGeneric(request, args, image, cmd)
return dig_container
return dig
Persistent Docker container for testing service post start.sh
def RunningPiHole(DockerPersist, Slow, persist_webserver):
''' Persist a fully started docker-pi-hole to help speed up subsequent tests '''
Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep pihole-FTL').rc == 0)
Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep lighttpd').rc == 0)
return DockerPersist