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import pytest
import time
''' conftest.py provides the defaults through fixtures '''
''' Note, testinfra builtins don't seem fully compatible with
docker containers (esp. alpine) stripped down nature '''
WEB_CONFIG = { 'alpine': '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'debian': '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf' }
IPV6_LINE = { 'alpine': 'listen \[::\]:80', 'debian': 'use-ipv6.pl' }
def test_pihole_default_run_command(Docker):
expected_proc = '/sbin/tini -- /start.sh'
pgrep = 'pgrep -f "{}" | wc -l || echo 0'.format(expected_proc)
find_proc = Docker.run(pgrep).stdout
if int(find_proc) < 1:
print Docker.run('ps -ef')
print "{} : {}".format(pgrep, find_proc)
assert False, '{}: Couldn\'t find proc {}'.format(tag, expected_proc)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args', [ '' ])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', [ 'tail -f /dev/null' ])
def test_ServerIP_missing_triggers_start_error(Docker):
''' When args to docker are empty start.sh exits saying ServerIP is required '''
start = Docker.run('/start.sh')
error_msg = "ERROR: To function correctly you must pass an environment variables of 'ServerIP' into the docker container"
assert start.rc == 1
assert error_msg in start.stdout
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args,expected_ipv6,expected_stdout', [
('-e ServerIP=""', True, 'IPv4 and IPv6'),
('-e ServerIP="" -e "IPv6=True"', True, 'IPv4 and IPv6'),
('-e ServerIP="" -e "IPv6=False"', False, 'IPv4'),
('-e ServerIP="" -e "IPv6=foobar"', False, 'IPv4'),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', [ 'tail -f /dev/null' ])
def test_IPv6_not_True_removes_ipv6(Docker, tag, args, expected_ipv6, expected_stdout):
''' When a user overrides IPv6=True they only get IPv4 listening webservers '''
function = Docker.run('. /common_start.sh ; setup_ipv4_ipv6')
assert "Using {}".format(expected_stdout) in function.stdout
ipv6 = Docker.run('grep -q \'{}\' {}'.format(IPV6_LINE[tag], WEB_CONFIG[tag])).rc == 0
assert ipv6 == expected_ipv6
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2', [
('-e ServerIP=""', 'default DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS1=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
('-e ServerIP="" -e DNS1="" -e DNS2=""', 'custom DNS', '', '' ),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', [ 'tail -f /dev/null' ])
def test_DNS_Envs_override_defaults(Docker, args, expected_stdout, dns1, dns2):
''' When DNS environment vars are passed in, they override default dns servers '''
function = Docker.run('. /common_start.sh ; eval `grep setup_dnsmasq /start.sh`')
assert expected_stdout in function.stdout
docker_dns_servers = Docker.run('grep "^server=" /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf').stdout
expected_servers = 'server={}\nserver={}\n'.format(dns1, dns2)
assert expected_servers == docker_dns_servers
Persistent Docker container for testing service post start.sh
def RunningPiHole(DockerPersist, Slow, persist_webserver):
''' Persist a fully started docker-pi-hole to help speed up subsequent tests '''
Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep {}'.format(persist_webserver) ).rc == 0)
Slow(lambda: DockerPersist.run('pgrep dnsmasq').rc == 0)
return DockerPersist
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hostname,expected_ip', [
('pi.hole', ''),
('google-public-dns-a.google.com', ''),
('b.resolvers.Level3.net', '')
def test_dns_responses(RunningPiHole, hostname, expected_ip):
dig_cmd = "dig +time=1 +noall +answer {} @test_pihole | awk '{{ print $5 }}'".format(hostname)
lookup = RunningPiHole.dig.run(dig_cmd).stdout.rstrip('\n')
assert lookup == expected_ip
def test_indecies_are_present(RunningPiHole):
File = RunningPiHole.get_module('File')
2016-09-08 03:39:01 +02:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ip', [ '', '[::]' ] )
@pytest.mark.parametrize('url', [ '/', '/index.html', '/any.html' ] )
2016-09-08 03:39:01 +02:00
def test_html_index_requests_load_as_expected(RunningPiHole, ip, url):
command = 'curl -s -o /tmp/curled_file -w "%{{http_code}}" http://{}{}'.format(ip, url)
http_rc = RunningPiHole.run(command)
assert RunningPiHole.run('md5sum /tmp/curled_file /var/www/html/pihole/index.html').rc == 0
assert int(http_rc.stdout) == 200
2016-09-08 03:39:01 +02:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ip', [ '', '[::]' ] )
@pytest.mark.parametrize('url', [ '/index.js', '/any.js'] )
2016-09-08 03:39:01 +02:00
def test_javascript_requests_load_as_expected(RunningPiHole, ip, url):
command = 'curl -s -o /tmp/curled_file -w "%{{http_code}}" http://{}{}'.format(ip, url)
http_rc = RunningPiHole.run(command)
assert RunningPiHole.run('md5sum /tmp/curled_file /var/www/html/pihole/index.js').rc == 0
assert int(http_rc.stdout) == 200
2016-09-08 03:39:01 +02:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ip', [ '', '[::]' ] )
@pytest.mark.parametrize('url', [ '/admin/', '/admin/index.php' ] )
2016-09-08 03:39:01 +02:00
def test_admin_requests_load_as_expected(RunningPiHole, ip, url):
command = 'curl -s -o /tmp/curled_file -w "%{{http_code}}" http://{}{}'.format(ip, url)
http_rc = RunningPiHole.run(command)
assert int(http_rc.stdout) == 200
assert RunningPiHole.run('wc -l /tmp/curled_file ') > 10
assert RunningPiHole.run('grep -q "Content-Security-Policy" /tmp/curled_file ').rc == 0
assert RunningPiHole.run('grep -q "js/pihole/footer.js" /tmp/curled_file ').rc == 0