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import pytest
import time
''' conftest.py provides the defaults through fixtures '''
''' Note, testinfra builtins don't seem fully compatible with
2018-01-04 03:09:47 +01:00
docker containers (esp. musl based OSs) stripped down nature '''
# If the test runs /start.sh, do not let s6 run it too! Kill entrypoint to avoid race condition/duplicated execution
@pytest.mark.parametrize('persist_entrypoint,persist_cmd,persist_args_env', [('--entrypoint=tail','-f /dev/null','')])
def test_ServerIP_missing_is_not_required_anymore(RunningPiHole):
''' When args to docker are empty start.sh exits saying ServerIP is required '''
start = Docker.run('/start.sh')
error_msg = "ERROR: To function correctly you must pass an environment variables of 'ServerIP' into the docker container"
assert start.rc == 1
assert error_msg in start.stdout
# If the test runs /start.sh, do not let s6 run it too! Kill entrypoint to avoid race condition/duplicated execution
@pytest.mark.parametrize('entrypoint,cmd', [('--entrypoint=tail','-f /dev/null')])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('args,error_msg,expect_rc', [
('-e ServerIP="1.2.3.z"', "ServerIP Environment variable (1.2.3.z) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv4 address",1),
('-e ServerIP="" -e ServerIPv6="1234:1234:1234:ZZZZ"', "Environment variable (1234:1234:1234:ZZZZ) doesn't appear to be a valid IPv6 address",1),
2018-01-05 05:30:40 +01:00
('-e ServerIP="" -e ServerIPv6="kernel"', "ERROR: You passed in IPv6 with a value of 'kernel'",1),
def test_ServerIP_invalid_IPs_triggers_exit_error(Docker, error_msg, expect_rc):
''' When args to docker are empty start.sh exits saying ServerIP is required '''
start = Docker.run('/start.sh')
assert start.rc == expect_rc
assert 'ERROR' in start.stdout
assert error_msg in start.stdout
@pytest.mark.parametrize('hostname,expected_ip', [
('pi.hole', ''),
('google-public-dns-a.google.com', ''),
('b.resolvers.Level3.net', '')
def test_dns_responses(RunningPiHole, hostname, expected_ip):
dig_cmd = "dig +time=1 +noall +answer {} @test_pihole | awk '{{ print $5 }}'".format(hostname)
lookup = RunningPiHole.dig.run(dig_cmd).stdout.rstrip('\n')
assert lookup == expected_ip
def test_indecies_are_present(RunningPiHole):
File = RunningPiHole.get_module('File')
2018-01-04 04:35:53 +01:00
def validate_curl(http_rc, expected_http_code, page_contents):
if int(http_rc.rc) != 0 or int(http_rc.stdout) != expected_http_code:
print('CURL return code: {}'.format(http_rc.rc))
print('CURL stdout: {}'.format(http_rc.stdout))
print('CURL stderr:{}'.format(http_rc.stderr))
print('CURL file:\n{}\n'.format(page_contents.encode('utf-8')))
2018-01-04 04:35:53 +01:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('addr', [ 'localhost' ] )
@pytest.mark.parametrize('url', [ '/admin/', '/admin/index.php' ] )
def test_admin_requests_load_as_expected(RunningPiHole, version, addr, url):
command = 'curl -L -s -o /tmp/curled_file -w "%{{http_code}}" http://{}{}'.format(addr, url)
http_rc = RunningPiHole.run(command)
page_contents = RunningPiHole.run('cat /tmp/curled_file ').stdout
2018-01-04 04:35:53 +01:00
expected_http_code = 200
2018-01-04 04:35:53 +01:00
validate_curl(http_rc, expected_http_code, page_contents)
assert http_rc.rc == 0
assert int(http_rc.stdout) == expected_http_code
for html_text in ['dns_queries_today', 'Content-Security-Policy',
# version removed, not showing up in footer of test env (fix me)
assert html_text in page_contents