
49 lines
860 B

name: "\U0001F389 Feature request"
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: '[FR]'
labels: area/enhancement, kind/feature request, meta/needs triage, priority/low
assignees: ''
# Feature Request
## Context
### Is your Feature Request related to a Problem?
### Describe the Solution you'd like
### Are you going to implement it?
<!-- Select one, remove the other and do not shorten the sentence -->
Yes, because I know the probability of someone else doing it is low and I can learn from it.
No, and I understand that it is highly likely no one will implement it. Furthermore, I understand that this issue will likely become stale and will be closed.
### What are you going to contribute??
## Additional context
### Alternatives you've considered
### Who will that Feature be useful to?
### What have you done already?