mirror of https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver.git synced 2024-07-07 16:41:06 +02:00
Brennan Kinney fb72f3ad52
ci(docs): Fail when build aborts from broken links (#2266)
Using `set -ex` will exit the script as soon as a non-zero exit code is returned, such as when the docker image fails building the docs due to `build --strict` catching broken links. This also removes the need for `|| exit` when changing directory.

This seems fine for a small script, but AFAIK an alternative fix is just adding `|| exit` to the end of the `docker run` command too? There appears to be advice [against adopting `-e` carelessly](http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/105), while others [encourage `-e`](http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/). I know that several maintainers here have preference towards `set -e` so I've kept the original PR solution.


- `-x` is used to improve command visibility when reviewing the workflow log output.
- `--name` isn't necessary, but was part of the original PR.
- I've chosen not to include `-o pipefail`, only because no pipes are used in this script.

* docs(fix): Fix broken links

* ci(docs): Added inline docs

Extra documentation context for maintainers to quickly grok what's going on.

* chore(docs): Minor typo fix by wernerfred

Added from their related PR by request.
2021-10-31 09:13:18 +13:00

7.3 KiB

Tutorials | Basic Installation

Setting up a Simple Mail-Server

This is a community contributed guide. Please let us know via a Github Issue if you're having any difficulty following the guide so that we can update it.

This guide is focused on only using SMTP ports (not POP3 and IMAP) with the intent to send received mail to another MTA service such as Gmail. It is not intended to have a MUA client (eg: Thunderbird) to retrieve mail directly from docker-mailserver via POP3/IMAP.

In this setup docker-mailserver is not intended to receive email externally, so no anti-spam or anti-virus software is needed, making the service lighter to run.

!!! warning "Open Relays"

Adding the docker network's gateway to the list of trusted hosts (_eg: using the `network` or `connected-networks` option_), can create an [**open relay**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_mail_relay). For instance [if IPv6 is enabled on the host machine, but not in Docker][github-issue-1405-comment].
  1. If you're running a version of docker-mailserver earlier than v10.2, you'll need to get setup.sh. Otherwise you can substitute ./setup.sh <command> with docker exec mailserver setup <command>.

  2. Pull the docker image: docker pull docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest.

  3. Create the file docker-compose.yml with a content like this:

    !!! example

     version: '3.8'
         image: docker.io/mailserver/docker-mailserver:latest
         container_name: mailserver
         hostname: mail
         # Change this to your domain, it is used for your email accounts (eg: user@example.com):
         domainname: example.com
           - "25:25"
           - "587:587"
           - "465:465"
           - ./docker-data/dms/mail-data/:/var/mail/
           - ./docker-data/dms/mail-state/:/var/mail-state/
           - ./docker-data/dms/mail-logs/:/var/log/mail/
           - ./docker-data/dms/config/:/tmp/docker-mailserver/
           # The "from" path will vary based on where your certs are locally:
           - ./docker-data/nginx-proxy/certs/:/etc/letsencrypt/
           - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
           - ENABLE_FAIL2BAN=1
           # Using letsencrypt for SSL/TLS certificates
           - SSL_TYPE=letsencrypt
           # Allow sending emails from other docker containers
           # Beware creating an Open Relay: https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/environment/#permit_docker
           - PERMIT_DOCKER=network
           # All env below are default settings:
           - DMS_DEBUG=0
           - ONE_DIR=1
           - ENABLE_POSTGREY=0
           - ENABLE_CLAMAV=0
           # You may want to enable this: https://docker-mailserver.github.io/docker-mailserver/edge/config/environment/#spoof_protection
           # See step 8 below, which demonstrates setup with enabled/disabled SPOOF_PROTECTION:
           - SPOOF_PROTECTION=0
           - NET_ADMIN # For Fail2Ban to work
           - SYS_PTRACE

    !!! note "Firewalled ports"

     You may need to open ports `25`, `587` and `465` on the firewall. For example, with the firewall `ufw`, run:
     ufw allow 25
     ufw allow 587
     ufw allow 465
  4. Configure your DNS service to use an MX record for the hostname (eg: mail) you configured in the previous step and add the SPF TXT record.

    If you manually manage the DNS zone file for the domain, it would look something like this:

    mail      IN  A
    ; mail-server for example.com
        3600  IN  MX  1  mail.example.com.
    ; Add SPF record
              IN TXT "v=spf1 mx ~all"

    Then don't forget to change the serial number and to restart the service.

  5. Generate DKIM keys for your domain via ./setup.sh config dkim.

    Copy the content of the file docker-data/dms/config/opendkim/keys/example.com/mail.txt and add it to your DNS records as a TXT like SPF was handled above.

    I use bind9 for managing my domains, so I just paste it on example.com.db:

    mail._domainkey IN      TXT     ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; "
            "iqq3bD/BVlwKRp5gH6TEYEmx8EBJUuDxrJhkWRUk2VDl1fqhVBy8A9O7Ah+85nMrlOHIFsTaYo9o6+cDJ6t1i6G1gu+bZD0d3/3bqGLPBQV9LyEL1Rona5V7TJBGg099NQkTz1IwIDAQAB" )  ; ----- DKIM key mail for example.com
  6. Get an SSL certificate, we have a guide for you here (Let's Encrypt is a popular service to get free SSL certificates).

  7. Start docker-mailserver and check the terminal output for any errors: docker-compose up.

  8. Create email accounts and aliases:

    !!! example "With SPOOF_PROTECTION=0"

     ./setup.sh email add admin@example.com passwd123
     ./setup.sh email add info@example.com passwd123
     ./setup.sh alias add admin@example.com external-account@gmail.com
     ./setup.sh alias add info@example.com external-account@gmail.com
     ./setup.sh email list
     ./setup.sh alias list
     Aliases make sure that any email that comes to these accounts is forwarded to your third-party email address (`external-account@gmail.com`), where they are retrieved (_eg: via third-party web or mobile app_), instead of connecting directly to `docker-mailserer` with POP3 / IMAP.

    !!! example "With SPOOF_PROTECTION=1"

     ./setup.sh email add admin.gmail@example.com passwd123
     ./setup.sh email add info.gmail@example.com passwd123
     ./setup.sh alias add admin@example.com admin.gmail@example.com
     ./setup.sh alias add info@example.com info.gmail@example.com
     ./setup.sh alias add admin.gmail@example.com external-account@gmail.com
     ./setup.sh alias add info.gmail@example.com external-account@gmail.com
     ./setup.sh email list
     ./setup.sh alias list
     This extra step is required to avoid the `553 5.7.1 Sender address rejected: not owned by user` error (_the accounts used for submitting mail to Gmail are `admin.gmail@example.com` and `info.gmail@example.com`_)
  9. Send some test emails to these addresses and make other tests. Once everything is working well, stop the container with ctrl+c and start it again as a daemon: docker-compose up -d.