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2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _setup_dhparam() {
local DH_SERVICE=$1
local DH_DEST=$2
local DH_CUSTOM='/tmp/docker-mailserver/dhparams.pem'
_log 'debug' "Setting up ${DH_SERVICE} dhparam"
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -f ${DH_CUSTOM} ]]; then # use custom supplied dh params (assumes they're probably insecure)
_log 'trace' "${DH_SERVICE} will use custom provided DH paramters"
_log 'warn' "Using self-generated dhparams is considered insecure - unless you know what you are doing, please remove '${DH_CUSTOM}'"
cp -f "${DH_CUSTOM}" "${DH_DEST}"
else # use official standardized dh params (provided via Dockerfile)
_log 'trace' "${DH_SERVICE} will use official standardized DH parameters (ffdhe4096)."
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _setup_ssl() {
_log 'debug' 'Setting up SSL'
local POSTFIX_CONFIG_MAIN='/etc/postfix/main.cf'
local POSTFIX_CONFIG_MASTER='/etc/postfix/master.cf'
local DOVECOT_CONFIG_SSL='/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf'
local TMP_DMS_TLS_PATH='/tmp/docker-mailserver/ssl' # config volume
local DMS_TLS_PATH='/etc/dms/tls'
mkdir -p "${DMS_TLS_PATH}"
# Primary certificate to serve for TLS
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _set_certificate() {
local DOVECOT_KEY=${1}
local DOVECOT_CERT=${1}
# If a 2nd param is provided, a separate key and cert was received instead of a fullkeychain
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -n ${2} ]]; then
local PRIVATE_KEY=$1
local CERT_CHAIN=$2
# Postfix configuration
# NOTE: `smtpd_tls_chain_files` expects private key defined before public cert chain
# Value can be a single PEM file, or a sequence of files; so long as the order is key->leaf->chain
sedfile -i -r "s|^(smtpd_tls_chain_files =).*|\1 ${POSTFIX_KEY_WITH_FULLCHAIN}|" "${POSTFIX_CONFIG_MAIN}"
# Dovecot configuration
sedfile -i -r \
-e "s|^(ssl_key =).*|\1 <${DOVECOT_KEY}|" \
-e "s|^(ssl_cert =).*|\1 <${DOVECOT_CERT}|" \
# Enables supporting two certificate types such as ECDSA with an RSA fallback
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _set_alt_certificate() {
local PRIVATE_KEY_ALT="${DMS_TLS_PATH}/fallback_key"
local CERT_CHAIN_ALT="${DMS_TLS_PATH}/fallback_cert"
chmod 600 "${PRIVATE_KEY_ALT}"
chmod 644 "${CERT_CHAIN_ALT}"
# Postfix configuration
# NOTE: This operation doesn't replace the line, it appends to the end of the line.
# Thus this method should only be used when this line has explicitly been replaced earlier in the script.
# Otherwise without `docker compose down` first, a `docker compose up` may
# persist previous container state and cause a failure in postfix configuration.
sedfile -i "s|^smtpd_tls_chain_files =.*|& ${PRIVATE_KEY_ALT} ${CERT_CHAIN_ALT}|" "${POSTFIX_CONFIG_MAIN}"
# Dovecot configuration
# Conditionally checks for `#`, in the event that internal container state is accidentally persisted,
# can be caused by: `docker compose up` run again after a `ctrl+c`, without running `docker compose down`
sedfile -i -r \
-e "s|^#?(ssl_alt_key =).*|\1 <${PRIVATE_KEY_ALT}|" \
-e "s|^#?(ssl_alt_cert =).*|\1 <${CERT_CHAIN_ALT}|" \
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _apply_tls_level() {
# Postfix configuration
sed -i -r \
-e "s|^(smtpd?_tls_mandatory_protocols =).*|\1 ${TLS_PROTOCOL_IGNORE}|" \
-e "s|^(smtpd?_tls_protocols =).*|\1 ${TLS_PROTOCOL_IGNORE}|" \
-e "s|^(tls_high_cipherlist =).*|\1 ${TLS_CIPHERS_ALLOW}|" \
# Dovecot configuration (secure by default though)
sed -i -r \
-e "s|^(ssl_min_protocol =).*|\1 ${TLS_PROTOCOL_MINIMUM}|" \
-e "s|^(ssl_cipher_list =).*|\1 ${TLS_CIPHERS_ALLOW}|" \
# 2020 feature intended for Traefik v2 support only:
# https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/1553
# Extracts files `key.pem` and `fullchain.pem`.
# `_extract_certs_from_acme` is located in `helpers/ssl.sh`
# NOTE: See the `SSL_TYPE=letsencrypt` case below for more details.
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _traefik_support() {
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -f /etc/letsencrypt/acme.json ]]; then
# Variable only intended for troubleshooting via debug output
# Conditional handling depends on the success of `_extract_certs_from_acme`,
# Failure tries the next fallback FQDN to try extract a certificate from.
# Subshell not used in conditional to ensure extraction log output is still captured
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -n ${SSL_DOMAIN} ]] && _extract_certs_from_acme "${SSL_DOMAIN}"; then
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
elif _extract_certs_from_acme "${HOSTNAME}"; then
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
elif _extract_certs_from_acme "${DOMAINNAME}"; then
_log 'warn' "letsencrypt (acme.json) failed to identify a certificate to extract"
_log 'trace' "letsencrypt (acme.json) extracted certificate using ${EXTRACTED_DOMAIN[0]}: '${EXTRACTED_DOMAIN[1]}'"
# TLS strength/level configuration
case "${TLS_LEVEL}" in
( "modern" )
local TLS_MODERN_IGNORE='!SSLv2,!SSLv3,!TLSv1,!TLSv1.1'
local TLS_MODERN_MIN='TLSv1.2'
_log 'debug' "TLS configured with 'modern' ciphers"
( "intermediate" )
_log 'debug' "TLS configured with 'intermediate' ciphers"
( * )
_log 'warn' "TLS_LEVEL '${TLS_LEVEL}' not valid"
# SSL certificate Configuration
# TODO: Refactor this feature, it's been extended multiple times for specific inputs/providers unnecessarily.
# NOTE: Some `SSL_TYPE` logic uses mounted certs/keys directly, some make an internal copy either retaining filename or renaming.
case "${SSL_TYPE}" in
( "letsencrypt" )
_log 'debug' "Configuring SSL using 'letsencrypt'"
# `docker-mailserver` will only use one certificate from an FQDN folder in `/etc/letsencrypt/live/`.
# We iterate the sequence [SSL_DOMAIN, HOSTNAME, DOMAINNAME] to find a matching FQDN folder.
# This same sequence is used for the Traefik `acme.json` certificate extraction process, which outputs the FQDN folder.
# eg: If HOSTNAME (mail.example.test) doesn't exist, try DOMAINNAME (example.test).
# SSL_DOMAIN if set will take priority and is generally expected to have a wildcard prefix.
# SSL_DOMAIN will have any wildcard prefix stripped for the output FQDN folder it is stored in.
# TODO: A wildcard cert needs to be provisioned via Traefik to validate if acme.json contains any other value for `main` or `sans` beyond the wildcard.
# NOTE: HOSTNAME is set via `helpers/dns.sh`, it is not the original system HOSTNAME ENV anymore.
# TODO: SSL_DOMAIN is Traefik specific, it no longer seems relevant and should be considered for removal.
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
# checks folders in /etc/letsencrypt/live to identify which one to implicitly use:
LETSENCRYPT_KEY=$(_find_letsencrypt_key "${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN}")
# Update relevant config for Postfix and Dovecot
_log 'trace' "Adding ${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN} SSL certificate to the postfix and dovecot configuration"
# LetsEncrypt `fullchain.pem` and `privkey.pem` contents are detailed here from CertBot:
# https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#where-are-my-certificates
# `key.pem` was added for `simp_le` support (2016): https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/pull/288
# `key.pem` is also a filename used by the `_extract_certs_from_acme` method (implemented for Traefik v2 only)
local PRIVATE_KEY="/etc/letsencrypt/live/${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN}/${LETSENCRYPT_KEY}.pem"
local CERT_CHAIN="/etc/letsencrypt/live/${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem"
_set_certificate "${PRIVATE_KEY}" "${CERT_CHAIN}"
_log 'trace' "SSL configured with 'letsencrypt' certificates"
( "custom" ) # (hard-coded path) Use a private key with full certificate chain all in a single PEM file.
_log 'debug' "Adding ${HOSTNAME} SSL certificate"
# NOTE: Dovecot works fine still as both values are bundled into the keychain
local COMBINED_PEM_NAME="${HOSTNAME}-full.pem"
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -f ${TMP_KEY_WITH_FULLCHAIN} ]]; then
chmod 600 "${KEY_WITH_FULLCHAIN}"
_set_certificate "${KEY_WITH_FULLCHAIN}"
_log 'trace' "SSL configured with 'CA signed/custom' certificates"
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__no_file "${TMP_KEY_WITH_FULLCHAIN}" "${SCOPE_SSL_TYPE}"
( "manual" ) # (dynamic path via ENV) Use separate private key and cert/chain files (should be PEM encoded)
_log 'debug' "Configuring certificates using key ${SSL_KEY_PATH} and cert ${SSL_CERT_PATH}"
# Source files are copied internally to these destinations:
local CERT_CHAIN="${DMS_TLS_PATH}/cert"
# Fail early:
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -z ${SSL_KEY_PATH} ]] && [[ -z ${SSL_CERT_PATH} ]]; then
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__no_env 'SSL_KEY_PATH or SSL_CERT_PATH' "${SCOPE_SSL_TYPE}"
if [[ -n ${SSL_ALT_KEY_PATH} ]] \
&& [[ -n ${SSL_ALT_CERT_PATH} ]] \
&& [[ ! -f ${SSL_ALT_KEY_PATH} ]] \
&& [[ ! -f ${SSL_ALT_CERT_PATH} ]]
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__no_file "(ALT) ${SSL_ALT_KEY_PATH} or ${SSL_ALT_CERT_PATH}" "${SCOPE_SSL_TYPE}"
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -f ${SSL_KEY_PATH} ]] && [[ -f ${SSL_CERT_PATH} ]]; then
chmod 600 "${PRIVATE_KEY}"
chmod 644 "${CERT_CHAIN}"
_set_certificate "${PRIVATE_KEY}" "${CERT_CHAIN}"
# Support for a fallback certificate, useful for hybrid/dual ECDSA + RSA certs
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -n ${SSL_ALT_KEY_PATH} ]] && [[ -n ${SSL_ALT_CERT_PATH} ]]; then
_log 'trace' "Configuring fallback certificates using key ${SSL_ALT_KEY_PATH} and cert ${SSL_ALT_CERT_PATH}"
_set_alt_certificate "${SSL_ALT_KEY_PATH}" "${SSL_ALT_CERT_PATH}"
# If the Dovecot settings for alt cert has been enabled (doesn't start with `#`),
# but required ENV var is missing, reset to disabled state:
sed -i -r \
-e 's|^(ssl_alt_key =).*|#\1 </path/to/alternative/key.pem|' \
-e 's|^(ssl_alt_cert =).*|#\1 </path/to/alternative/cert.pem|' \
_log 'trace' "SSL configured with 'Manual' certificates"
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__no_file "${SSL_KEY_PATH} or ${SSL_CERT_PATH}" "${SCOPE_SSL_TYPE}"
( "self-signed" ) # (hard-coded path) Use separate private key and cert/chain files (should be PEM encoded), expects self-signed CA
_log 'debug' "Adding ${HOSTNAME} SSL certificate"
local KEY_NAME="${HOSTNAME}-key.pem"
local CERT_NAME="${HOSTNAME}-cert.pem"
# Self-Signed source files:
local SS_CA_CERT="${TMP_DMS_TLS_PATH}/demoCA/cacert.pem"
# Source files are copied internally to these destinations:
local CA_CERT="${DMS_TLS_PATH}/cacert.pem"
if [[ -f ${SS_KEY} ]] \
&& [[ -f ${SS_CERT} ]] \
&& [[ -f ${SS_CA_CERT} ]]
cp "${SS_KEY}" "${PRIVATE_KEY}"
cp "${SS_CERT}" "${CERT_CHAIN}"
chmod 600 "${PRIVATE_KEY}"
chmod 644 "${CERT_CHAIN}"
_set_certificate "${PRIVATE_KEY}" "${CERT_CHAIN}"
cp "${SS_CA_CERT}" "${CA_CERT}"
chmod 644 "${CA_CERT}"
# Have Postfix trust the self-signed CA (which is not installed within the OS trust store)
sedfile -i -r "s|^#?(smtpd?_tls_CAfile =).*|\1 ${CA_CERT}|" "${POSTFIX_CONFIG_MAIN}"
# Part of the original `self-signed` support, unclear why this symlink was required?
# May have been to support the now removed `Courier` (Dovecot replaced it):
# https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver/commit/1fb3aeede8ac9707cc9ea11d603e3a7b33b5f8d5
# smtp_tls_CApath and smtpd_tls_CApath both point to /etc/ssl/certs
local PRIVATE_CA="/etc/ssl/certs/cacert-${HOSTNAME}.pem"
ln -s "${CA_CERT}" "${PRIVATE_CA}"
_log 'trace' "SSL configured with 'self-signed' certificates"
_dms_panic__no_file "${SS_KEY} or ${SS_CERT} or ${SS_CA_CERT}" "${SCOPE_SSL_TYPE}"
( '' ) # No SSL/TLS certificate used/required, plaintext auth permitted over insecure connections
_log 'warn' '!! INSECURE !! SSL configured with plain text access - DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT'
# Untested. Not officially supported.
# Postfix configuration:
# smtp_tls_security_level (default: 'may', amavis 'none' x2) | http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtp_tls_security_level
# '_setup_postfix_relay_hosts' also adds 'smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt'
# smtpd_tls_security_level (default: 'may', port 587 'encrypt') | http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtpd_tls_security_level
# smtpd_tls_auth_only (default not applied, 'no', implicitly 'yes' if security_level is 'encrypt')
# | http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtpd_tls_auth_only | http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html#server_tls_auth
# smtp_tls_wrappermode (default: not applied, 'no') | http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtp_tls_wrappermode
# smtpd_tls_wrappermode (default: 'yes' for service port 'submissions') | http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#smtpd_tls_wrappermode
# NOTE: Enabling wrappermode requires a security_level of 'encrypt' or stronger. Port 465 presently does not meet this condition.
# Postfix main.cf (base config):
sedfile -i -r \
-e "s|^#?(smtpd?_tls_security_level).*|\1 = none|" \
-e "s|^#?(smtpd_tls_auth_only).*|\1 = no|" \
# Postfix master.cf (per connection overrides):
# Disables implicit TLS on port 465 for inbound (smtpd) and outbound (smtp) traffic. Treats it as equivalent to port 25 SMTP with explicit STARTTLS.
# Inbound 465 (aka service port aliases: submissions) for Postfix to receive over implicit TLS (eg from MUA or functioning as a relay host).
# Outbound 465 as alternative to port 587 when sending to another MTA (with authentication), such as a relay service (eg SendGrid).
sedfile -i -r \
-e "/smtpd?_tls_security_level/s|=.*|=none|" \
-e '/smtpd?_tls_wrappermode/s|yes|no|' \
-e '/smtpd_tls_auth_only/s|yes|no|' \
# Dovecot configuration:
# https://doc.dovecot.org/configuration_manual/dovecot_ssl_configuration/
# > The plaintext authentication is always allowed (and SSL not required) for connections from localhost, as theyre assumed to be secure anyway.
# > This applies to all connections where the local and the remote IP addresses are equal.
# > Also IP ranges specified by login_trusted_networks setting are assumed to be secure.
# no => insecure auth allowed, yes (default) => plaintext auth only allowed over a secure connection (insecure connection acceptable for non-plaintext auth)
# no => disabled, yes => optional (secure connections not required), required (default) => mandatory (only secure connections allowed)
sed -i -r "s|^#?(disable_plaintext_auth =).*|\1 ${DISABLE_PLAINTEXT_AUTH}|" /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf
sed -i -r "s|^(ssl =).*|\1 ${DOVECOT_SSL_ENABLED}|" "${DOVECOT_CONFIG_SSL}"
( 'snakeoil' ) # This is a temporary workaround for testing only, using the insecure snakeoil cert.
# mail_privacy.bats and mail_with_ldap.bats both attempt to make a starttls connection with openssl,
# failing if SSL/TLS is not available.
( * ) # Unknown option, panic.
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__invalid_value 'SSL_TYPE' "${SCOPE_TLS_LEVEL}"
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
# Identify a valid letsencrypt FQDN folder to use.
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _find_letsencrypt_domain() {
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -n ${SSL_DOMAIN} ]] && [[ -e /etc/letsencrypt/live/$(_strip_wildcard_prefix "${SSL_DOMAIN}")/fullchain.pem ]]; then
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN=$(_strip_wildcard_prefix "${SSL_DOMAIN}")
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
elif [[ -e /etc/letsencrypt/live/${HOSTNAME}/fullchain.pem ]]; then
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
elif [[ -e /etc/letsencrypt/live/${DOMAINNAME}/fullchain.pem ]]; then
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
_log 'error' "Cannot find a valid DOMAIN for '/etc/letsencrypt/live/<DOMAIN>/', tried: '${SSL_DOMAIN}', '${HOSTNAME}', '${DOMAINNAME}'"
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__misconfigured 'LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN' '_find_letsencrypt_domain'
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
# Verify the FQDN folder also includes a valid private key (`privkey.pem` for Certbot, `key.pem` for extraction by Traefik)
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _find_letsencrypt_key() {
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -z ${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN} ]]; then
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__misconfigured 'LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN' '_find_letsencrypt_key'
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -e /etc/letsencrypt/live/${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN}/privkey.pem ]]; then
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
elif [[ -e /etc/letsencrypt/live/${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN}/key.pem ]]; then
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
_log 'error' "Cannot find key file ('privkey.pem' or 'key.pem') in '/etc/letsencrypt/live/${LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN}/'"
2023-03-06 10:06:50 +01:00
_dms_panic__misconfigured 'LETSENCRYPT_KEY' '_find_letsencrypt_key'
refactor: letsencrypt implicit location discovery (#2525) * chore: Extract letsencrypt logic into methods This allows other scripts to share the functionality to discover the correct letsencrypt folder from the 3 possible locations (where specific order is important). As these methods should now return a string value, the `return 1` after a panic is now dropped. * chore: Update comments The todo is resolved with this PR, `_setup_ssl` will be called by both cert conditional statements with purpose for each better documented to maintainers at the start of the logic block. * refactor: Defer most logic to helper/ssl.sh The loop is no longer required, extraction is delegated to `_setup_ssl` now. For the change event prevention, we retrieve the relevant FQDN via the new helper method, beyond that it's just indentation diff. `check-for-changes.sh` adjusted to allow locally scoped var declarations by wrapping a function. Presently no loop control flow is needed so this seems fine. Made it clear that `CHANGED` is local and `CHKSUM_FILE` is not. Panic scope doesn't require `SSL_TYPE` for context, it's clearly`letsencrypt`. * fix: Correctly match wildcard results Now that the service configs are properly updated, when the services restart they will return a cert with the SAN `DNS:*.example.test`, which is valid for `mail.example.test`, however the test function did not properly account for this in the regexp query. Resolved by truncating the left-most DNS label from FQDN and adding a third check to match a returned wildcard DNS result. Extracted out the common logic to create the regexp query and renamed the methods to communicate more clearly that they check the FQDN is supported, not necessarily explicitly listed by the cert. * tests(letsencrypt): Enable remaining tests These will now pass. Adjusted comments accordingly. Added an additional test on a fake FQDN that should still be valid to a wildcard cert (SNI validation in a proper setup would reject the connection afterwards). Co-authored-by: Georg Lauterbach <44545919+georglauterbach@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-04-18 12:52:50 +02:00
2023-05-26 01:01:41 +02:00
function _extract_certs_from_acme() {
local CERT_DOMAIN=${1}
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -z ${CERT_DOMAIN} ]]; then
_log 'warn' "_extract_certs_from_acme | CERT_DOMAIN is empty"
return 1
local KEY CERT
KEY=$(acme_extract.py /etc/letsencrypt/acme.json "${CERT_DOMAIN}" --key)
CERT=$(acme_extract.py /etc/letsencrypt/acme.json "${CERT_DOMAIN}" --cert)
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ -z ${KEY} ]] || [[ -z ${CERT} ]]; then
_log 'warn' "_extract_certs_from_acme | Unable to find key and/or cert for '${CERT_DOMAIN}' in '/etc/letsencrypt/acme.json'"
return 1
# Currently we advise SSL_DOMAIN for wildcard support using a `*.example.com` value,
# The filepath however should be `example.com`, avoiding the wildcard part:
2023-05-24 09:06:59 +02:00
if [[ ${SSL_DOMAIN} == "${CERT_DOMAIN}" ]]; then
CERT_DOMAIN=$(_strip_wildcard_prefix "${SSL_DOMAIN}")
mkdir -p "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${CERT_DOMAIN}/"
echo "${KEY}" | base64 -d > "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${CERT_DOMAIN}/key.pem" || exit 1
echo "${CERT}" | base64 -d > "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${CERT_DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem" || exit 1
_log 'trace' "_extract_certs_from_acme | Certificate successfully extracted for '${CERT_DOMAIN}'"
# Remove the `*.` prefix if it exists, else returns the input value
function _strip_wildcard_prefix {
[[ ${1} == "*."* ]] && echo "${1:2}" || echo "${1}"