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title: 'How we replaced Vagrant with devenv'
publish_date: '2024-03-10 13:20'
- NixOS
- Nix
- work
- Vagrant
- devenv
# How we replaced Vagrant with devenv
## What came before?
A few years ago we started using Vagrant with an Ubuntu virtual machine
(VM) as the basis of our development environment. It served us well at
the time, providing a good way to have the same environment as we had on
our servers and a reasonably reproducible environment for all
developers. It also integrated well with Ansible, which we adopted at
the same time, and started the era of "GitOps" in my workplace.
## Why switch?
As well as Vagrant has worked for us over the years, it has recently
started to feel old and slow. In particular, the shared folder was
becoming a problem as we started to work more with tools like Composer
and NPM, as it adds a lot of latency. We worked around this by moving
more of the code into the VM, but this caused other problems. The shared
folder wasn't case-sensitive, which occasionally caused problems when
the code was deployed to production. It was also very slow to re-create
or simply re-provision a VM, which caused friction during development.
So we started looking for alternatives.
## Why not containers?
Of course, containers came to mind very quickly as they are now the de
facto standard in the industry. I think containers can be very useful
for easily deploying and distributing applications. However, for
development I think they are not the right tool, they are just not nice
to use interactively. There are projects like
[distrobox]( that help with that, but containers
themselves aren't really designed for that. Also, the syntax of a
container file is a pain in the ass.
Our application is in many places what you would call legacy, so we are
not quite ready for containers anyway. As it turned out, this would also
be a problem with devenv, at least partially.
The good thing about Nix/devenv is that it doesn't prevent us from using
containers in the future. In fact, it is supported to build containers
directly from it.
## What about WSL?
For a few years now, Windows has supported something called the Windows
Subsystem for Linux (WSL). One idea was to use plain WSL to run the
services we needed for our projects. After a bit of research and
testing, it didn't really seem practical to install the services
directly into WSL, because the WSL environment is not that easy to
manage. Unlike Vagrant, where you can easily spin up multiple VMs, with
WSL you have to import and export them. However, during our testing we
found that WSL is a really nice base for other tools. We use Windows as
our operating system but have been thinking about moving to Linux,
mainly because we develop for Linux and all our tools are Linux based,
so using Linux as the operating system would make a lot of things a lot
easier. Due to time constraints we haven't been able to build this yet,
but WSL looks like a good middle ground and could prove to be a stepping
stone to full Linux notebooks.
## What else then?
I've been using [NixOS]( on all my personal systems
for just over three years now and it's served me very well so far. The
community is now really starting to take off and there is a lot of
development going on. For personal projects I played around with Nix
Flakes, normal Nix Shells and one day I discovered the
[]( project. All tools to help you develop
and/or package an application. Devenv looked very intriguing because it
looked similar to the module syntax I was already used to from NixOS.
This meant that you could, for example, enable a MySQL service by simply
adding this code:
``` nix
services.mysql.enable = true;
From my personal tests, devenv looked like a promising alternative to
our Vagrant setup. I introduced it to my workplace and was allowed to
build a proof of concept (PoC) to see if we hit any obvious roadblocks
that could kill the project.
## Building the proof of concept
To build the proof of concept and eventually our final environment, I
used an Ubuntu 22.04 VM inside WSL. I also installed Nix with flakes
enabled and [direnv]( Direnv is a simple but
powerful tool that automatically loads an environment when you enter a
directory. With it, we don't need to run any commands to activate the
environment, it just happens automagically when you switch to the
Devenv has its own files which you would normally use to configure the
environment. But normal flakes are also supported, and I chose to use
them because I thought it would be better to stay generic rather than
learn an additional format. Even if it was similar to a normal nix file.
Also, I have a vision to create additional packages from the flake, like
documentation, minified CSS, etc, and this might be easier with plain
flakes, but I honestly don't know for sure.
I can't share specific code, but in general our product is a web
application that uses
- MariaDB for database
- PHP-FPM for executing code
- Nginx as the web server
- Plus some additional packages for document generation and developer
The bootstrapping of the application is still done with Ansible because
the code already exists and we use it for our servers anyway. So it felt
wasteful to throw it away for something else, and in general it worked
quite well for what we were using it for.
## Problems during the proof of concept
Getting the basics up and running was fairly easy and quick. It required
some research, but overall it went well and even helped to deepen my
understanding of the tools we were already using.
The most difficult part was getting PHPStorm, the IDE our developers
use, to recognise the services within the environment. With editors like
Emacs or VSCode this is no problem at all, they both have extensions to
work with direnv and they work fine. The direnv extensions for PHPStorm
are not very good, but this seems to be a problem with the way PHPStorm
works, not the extensions themselves. We tried running PHPStorm directly
inside WSL and as part of devenv. While it worked technically and
detected all the services, it sometimes crashed in weird ways and WSL
GUI applications behave a bit strangely on Windows and don't feel very
integrated. Fortunately, a colleague found the
extension for PHPStorm and that solved most of our problems. To get
debugging to work, we had to change the config from localhost to for some reason.
So we now run PHPStorm on Windows, connected to WSL, with all the tools
running inside WSL.
The other big problem was WSL itself. I installed it on about 5 machines
and each time it was a bit different but we got it to work on all of
them. This surprised me as it is a tool that comes directly from
Microsoft, I expected it to "just work". We had our problems and bugs
with Virtualbox and Vagrant, but installation was always a breeze.
For me, the more interesting issues were with our application itself.
Because we weren't using a standard Ubuntu-based environment, but one
based on Nix, we discovered, and are still discovering, a lot of hidden
assumptions baked into our application. The thing about Nix is that it
gives an application exactly the dependencies defined for it, but only
those. The application is isolated from the other packages. The
advantage of this is that you know exactly what you need to run an
application, and you don't have collisions between dependencies if
another application needs a different version. Because of these
limitations, we discovered
- Missing configurations that are available by default on an Ubuntu
- Missing packages that we didn't specifically install on Ubuntu, but
that were present and used by our application.
- Hard-coded paths to binaries in \`/usr/bin/\`.
We also discovered many hard-coded paths where our application expected
to find itself. These were discovered because we were now running our
application in any directory we wanted. With Vagrant, we always mapped
the code to the same specific location. So even if the repository was in
a different place, to the application it always looked like it was in
the same place.
These application-related problems were a good thing, because solving
them made our application more robust and portable. We would have
discovered many of them if we had moved to containers. But with this
approach, we discovered even more because an Ubuntu-based container
would probably have provided the same or similar defaults as a normal
I had to package a few applications that weren't available in nixpkgs,
but they were quite easy to package and I will try to upstream them.
However, one of them is a proprietary third party application, so I may
not be able to.
## Going forward
After a few weeks of testing the PoC, we had a meeting to discuss the
testers' overall impressions and how we wanted to proceed. We didn't
find any critical problems, and the testers thought it worked so much
better that we decided to go ahead. In particular, the improved speed
was a big factor.
Unit tests weren't really faster, but browser response times were
improved by a factor of ten in some places. Our devenv setup now takes
about 3 minutes to rebuild the application from scratch, and less than 5
seconds to restart it and display the website after it was stopped.
For our final setup, we wanted a way to provide global tools and
configurations within the WSL so that every developer had the same
baseline to work with and all the tools available from the start. We
thought about using Ansible to bootstrap and standardise the WSL, but we
had a bit of a chicken and egg problem because we had to somehow install
Ansible in order to use it.
From my personal systems I knew about
[home-manager]( A tool
for installing user applications and configurations, I decided to use it
to set up the WSL. Since we already had Nix installed, it was very easy
to install home-manager. In addition, we don't have to write cleanup
tasks when we remove or move files as with Ansible, and we don't have to
deploy the configuration locally, home-manager can get its updates
remotely from a git repository. I implemented a systemd timer that pulls
and updates the home-manager configuration once at boot and then every
eight hours, ensuring that each developer's WSL is up to date. Since the
configuration provided by home-manager is read-only, I added some escape
hatches for our developers in case they have some personal
configurations they want to apply. However, the main idea is to find as
much common configuration as possible and make it available through Home
Once you have the Windows side of WSL ready to go, it is very easy to
set up a new development environment. I'm not a big fan of the cloud,
but the idea of Chromebooks, that you can throw them out the window, get
a new one and be up and running in a couple of minutes, always looked
very cool. Our setup now allows for that, at least partially. Hopefully
you pushed your code to the server first ;).
## Final thoughts
Personally, I'm very happy with this development because I see a lot of
potential in the Nix ecosystem. From my point of view as a
DevOps/systems person, it just makes a lot of sense. I'm excited to see
what we can do with it in the future, maybe one day we'll have fully
declarative NixOS systems instead of Ubuntu.
On the other hand, it is a bit scary to implement all this. Even though
Nix itself is quite old at this point[^1], it feels very young and new.
It is a bit of a niche application at the moment, although it is gaining
a lot of traction. I sometimes worry that I'm getting too excited about
this technology and wanting to use it everywhere I can. However, I hope
that my colleagues would hold me back if that were the case :).
Another concern is that we're moving away from our servers, as the
development environment and the servers are no longer the same, and this
could lead to instability. This is still a concern, but the long term
plan is to create containers from our nix-based setup and move the
servers closer to our development environment.
## Footnotes
[^1]: It started more than 20 years ago; Docker, by comparison, is only
ten years old.