2019-08-28 21:39:29 +02:00

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I started this project in order to have solution for keeping an inventory over my various servers and other network equipment.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Now decide if you want to develop fully locally or inside the docker container. Locally you'll use SQlite for the database and inside the Docker container you'll use Postgres for the database. For the moment there aren't any features implemented which require Postgres. However this might change in the future and SQlite is not supported for production.

Local Setup

  1. Run make local to create the virtual environment for development. You're now all set to start developing.

Docker Setup

  1. Run make to start the development server. You can access it at http://localhost:8000 . You're now all set to start developing.
    If you need to run migrations you can simply restart the Docker container.

Environment Variables

To customise the application in the Docker container you can use environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file. Currently the following variables are supported.

  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY the secret key is mandatory, otherwise the application doesn't run. Make sure that it is some long random string.
  • DJANGO_DEBUG settings this variable to any value enables the Django debug mode. Make sure that you don't set it on a production server.
  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE the path to the settings file to use in the container. This requires a dotet syntax. The default is network_inventory.settings.docker.


  • Create an Apache configuration
  • configure htaccess or something similar
  • extend the CSS
    • A more centered layout would be nice
    • Maybe some colours
  • include a RAID calculator
  • calculate the used space on a host Means calculate the size all the VMs would use if they were thick.
  • Move the lists to their own page. Since I have more devices than I thought it would provide a better overview than one big list.
  • Add a Counter to the RAM Modules
  • Create an abstract company class
  • Create Customer and a Manufacturer sub class Those two would be based on the company class. I'm currently not sure how I should handle the case where a company is both a customer and a manufacturer.
  • Create a NET category where a device can live in. This NET Category should display it's IP range, Subnet mask and show it's DHCP range if one is configured.
  • Create class DeviceInNet This class shows the relationship between the device and a NET. An attribute of a DeviceInNet should be an IP address.
  • Recreate the RM in The Dia RM is okay but not really that great. would give a better result.


For a detailed documentation of the source have a look at the documentation.