2019-06-10 20:59:46 +02:00

2.1 KiB


I started this project in order to have solution for keeping an inventory over my various servers and other network equipment.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run ./ to setup the docker container.
  3. Run docker-compose up to start the development server. You can access it at http://localhost:8000 . You're now all set to start developing.

If you need to run migrations you can create and apply them with the following two commands.

docker-compose run web python makemigrations inventory
docker-compose run web python migrate


  • Create an Apache configuration
  • configure htaccess or something similar
  • extend the CSS
    • A more centered layout would be nice
    • Maybe some colours
  • include a RAID calculator
  • calculate the used space on a host Means calculate the size all the VMs would use if they were thick.
  • Move the lists to their own page. Since I have more devices than I thought it would provide a better overview than one big list.
  • Add a Counter to the RAM Modules
  • Create an abstract company class
  • Create Customer and a Manufacturer sub class Those two would be based on the company class. I'm currently not sure how I should handle the case where a company is both a customer and a manufacturer.
  • Create a NET category where a device can live in. This NET Category should display it's IP range, Subnet mask and show it's DHCP range if one is configured.
  • Create class DeviceInNet This class shows the relationship between the device and a NET. An attribute of a DeviceInNet should be an IP address.
  • Recreate the RM in The Dia RM is okay but not really that great. would give a better result.


For a detailed documentation of the source have a look at the documentation.