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# network_inventory
I started this project in order to have solution for keeping an
inventory over my various servers and other network equipment.
## Production Setup
1. Clone the repository
2. Copy the `.env-example` file to `.env` and change the `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`
and `DJANGO_SECRET_KEY` variables to something secure.
3. Run `docker-compose up` and connect to http://localhost
## Development Setup
There are two ways to work on this project.
For the first one you will need to install the Nix package manager[^1].
Afterwards you can enter the development environment with `nix develop`.
For the other way you have to install poetry[^2] and then run `poetry shell` to
enter the virtual environment.
Please note that I will only use and test the first method.
After you've entered the development environment with either method you can
start the server with `make`. This will start a PostgreSQL database running
inside a docker container and start the Django development server.
You can then access it in the browser under the FQDN of your computer. E.g.
## Environment Variables
To customise the application in the Docker container you can use environment
variables in the docker-compose.yml file. Currently the following variables are
- **DJANGO_SECRET_KEY** the secret key is mandatory, otherwise the application
doesn't run. Make sure that it is some long random string.
- **DJANGO_DEBUG** settings this variable to any value enables the Django debug
mode. Make sure that you don't set it on a production server.
- **DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE** the path to the settings file to use in the
container. This requires a dotet syntax. The default is
## Documentation
Currently there isn't a lot of documentation present. I try to document my
thoughts and other related information in the [Notes