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Running the tests

To run the included tests, run the test file using the pytest module, replacing {exercise_name}:

$ python3 -m pytest {exercise_name}_test.py

Many IDE's and code editors have built-in support for using Pytest to run tests; check them out here.

For more information about running tests using pytest, checkout our Python testing guide.

Common pytest options

  • -v : enable verbose output.
  • -x : stop running tests on first failure.
  • --ff : run failures from previous test before running other test cases.

For other options, see python3 -m pytest -h.

Submitting your solution

You can submit your solution using the exercism submit word_count.py command. This command will upload your solution to the Exercism website and print the solution page's URL.

It's possible to submit an incomplete solution which allows you to:

  • See how others have completed the exercise
  • Request help from a mentor

Need to get help?

If you'd like help solving the exercise, check the following pages:

Should those resources not suffice, you could submit your (incomplete) solution to request mentoring.

Below are some resources for getting help if you run into trouble:

Additionally, StackOverflow is a good spot to search for your problem/question to see if it has been answered already. If not - you can always ask or answer someone else's question.