import re from ..utils import bug_reports_message, write_string class LazyLoadMetaClass(type): def __getattr__(cls, name): if '_real_class' not in cls.__dict__: write_string( 'WARNING: Falling back to normal extractor since lazy extractor ' f'{cls.__name__} does not have attribute {name}{bug_reports_message()}') return getattr(cls._get_real_class(), name) class LazyLoadExtractor(metaclass=LazyLoadMetaClass): _module = None _WORKING = True @classmethod def _get_real_class(cls): if '_real_class' not in cls.__dict__: mod = __import__(cls._module, fromlist=(cls.__name__,)) cls._real_class = getattr(mod, cls.__name__) return cls._real_class def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): real_cls = cls._get_real_class() instance = real_cls.__new__(real_cls) instance.__init__(*args, **kwargs) return instance