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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

pub extern crate pulldown_cmark;
pub extern crate serde_yaml;
extern crate lazy_static;
mod context;
mod frontmatter;
pub mod postprocessors;
mod references;
mod walker;
pub use context::Context;
pub use frontmatter::{Frontmatter, FrontmatterStrategy};
pub use walker::{vault_contents, WalkOptions};
use frontmatter::{frontmatter_from_str, frontmatter_to_str};
use pathdiff::diff_paths;
use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, AsciiSet, CONTROLS};
use pulldown_cmark::{CodeBlockKind, CowStr, Event, HeadingLevel, Options, Parser, Tag};
use pulldown_cmark_to_cmark::cmark_with_options;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use references::*;
use slug::slugify;
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str;
use unicode_normalization::UnicodeNormalization;
/// A series of markdown [Event]s that are generated while traversing an Obsidian markdown note.
pub type MarkdownEvents<'a> = Vec<Event<'a>>;
/// A post-processing function that is to be called after an Obsidian note has been fully parsed and
/// converted to regular markdown syntax.
/// Postprocessors are called in the order they've been added through [Exporter::add_postprocessor]
/// just before notes are written out to their final destination.
/// They may be used to achieve the following:
/// 1. Modify a note's [Context], for example to change the destination filename or update its [Frontmatter] (see [Context::frontmatter]).
/// 2. Change a note's contents by altering [MarkdownEvents].
/// 3. Prevent later postprocessors from running ([PostprocessorResult::StopHere]) or cause a note
/// to be skipped entirely ([PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote]).
/// # Postprocessors and embeds
/// Postprocessors normally run at the end of the export phase, once notes have been fully parsed.
/// This means that any embedded notes have been resolved and merged into the final note already.
/// In some cases it may be desirable to change the contents of these embedded notes *before* they
/// are inserted into the final document. This is possible through the use of
/// [Exporter::add_embed_postprocessor].
/// These "embed postprocessors" run much the same way as regular postprocessors, but they're run on
/// the note that is about to be embedded in another note. In addition:
/// - Changes to context carry over to later embed postprocessors, but are then discarded. This
/// means that changes to frontmatter do not propagate to the root note for example.
/// - [PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote] prevents the embedded note from being included (it's
/// replaced with a blank document) but doesn't affect the root note.
/// It's possible to pass the same functions to [Exporter::add_postprocessor] and
/// [Exporter::add_embed_postprocessor]. The [Context::note_depth] method may be used to determine
/// whether a note is a root note or an embedded note in this situation.
/// # Examples
/// ## Update frontmatter
/// This example shows how to make changes a note's frontmatter. In this case, the postprocessor is
/// defined inline as a closure.
/// ```
/// use obsidian_export::serde_yaml::Value;
/// use obsidian_export::{Exporter, PostprocessorResult};
/// # use std::path::PathBuf;
/// # use tempfile::TempDir;
/// # let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to make tempdir");
/// # let source = PathBuf::from("tests/testdata/input/postprocessors");
/// # let destination = tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
/// let mut exporter = Exporter::new(source, destination);
/// // add_postprocessor registers a new postprocessor. In this example we use a closure.
/// exporter.add_postprocessor(&|context, _events| {
/// // This is the key we'll insert into the frontmatter. In this case, the string "foo".
/// let key = Value::String("foo".to_string());
/// // This is the value we'll insert into the frontmatter. In this case, the string "bar".
/// let value = Value::String("baz".to_string());
/// // Frontmatter can be updated in-place, so we can call insert on it directly.
/// context.frontmatter.insert(key, value);
/// // This return value indicates processing should continue.
/// PostprocessorResult::Continue
/// });
/// exporter.run().unwrap();
/// ```
/// ## Change note contents
/// In this example a note's markdown content is changed by iterating over the [MarkdownEvents] and
/// changing the text when we encounter a [text element][Event::Text].
/// Instead of using a closure like above, this example shows how to use a separate function
/// definition.
/// ```
/// # use obsidian_export::{Context, Exporter, MarkdownEvents, PostprocessorResult};
/// # use pulldown_cmark::{CowStr, Event};
/// # use std::path::PathBuf;
/// # use tempfile::TempDir;
/// #
/// /// This postprocessor replaces any instance of "foo" with "bar" in the note body.
/// fn foo_to_bar(context: &mut Context, events: &mut MarkdownEvents) -> PostprocessorResult {
/// for event in events.iter_mut() {
/// if let Event::Text(text) = event {
/// *event = Event::Text(CowStr::from(text.replace("foo", "bar")))
/// }
/// }
/// PostprocessorResult::Continue
/// }
/// # let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to make tempdir");
/// # let source = PathBuf::from("tests/testdata/input/postprocessors");
/// # let destination = tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
/// # let mut exporter = Exporter::new(source, destination);
/// exporter.add_postprocessor(&foo_to_bar);
/// # exporter.run().unwrap();
/// ```
pub type Postprocessor =
dyn Fn(&mut Context, &mut MarkdownEvents) -> PostprocessorResult + Send + Sync;
type Result<T, E = ExportError> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
const PERCENTENCODE_CHARS: &AsciiSet = &CONTROLS.add(b' ').add(b'(').add(b')').add(b'%').add(b'?');
const NOTE_RECURSION_LIMIT: usize = 10;
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
/// ExportError represents all errors which may be returned when using this crate.
pub enum ExportError {
#[snafu(display("failed to read from '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when a read IO operation fails.
ReadError {
path: PathBuf,
source: std::io::Error,
#[snafu(display("failed to write to '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when a write IO operation fails.
WriteError {
path: PathBuf,
source: std::io::Error,
#[snafu(display("Encountered an error while trying to walk '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when an error is encountered while trying to walk a directory.
WalkDirError {
path: PathBuf,
source: ignore::Error,
#[snafu(display("No such file or directory: {}", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when an operation is requested on a file or directory which does not exist.
PathDoesNotExist { path: PathBuf },
#[snafu(display("Invalid character encoding encountered"))]
/// This error may occur when invalid UTF8 is encountered.
/// Currently, operations which assume UTF8 perform lossy encoding however.
CharacterEncodingError { source: str::Utf8Error },
#[snafu(display("Recursion limit exceeded"))]
/// This error occurs when embedded notes are too deeply nested or cause an infinite loop.
/// When this happens, `file_tree` contains a list of all the files which were processed
/// leading up to this error.
RecursionLimitExceeded { file_tree: Vec<PathBuf> },
#[snafu(display("Failed to export '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when a file fails to export successfully.
FileExportError {
path: PathBuf,
#[snafu(source(from(ExportError, Box::new)))]
source: Box<ExportError>,
#[snafu(display("Failed to decode YAML frontmatter in '{}'", path.display()))]
FrontMatterDecodeError {
path: PathBuf,
#[snafu(source(from(serde_yaml::Error, Box::new)))]
source: Box<serde_yaml::Error>,
#[snafu(display("Failed to encode YAML frontmatter for '{}'", path.display()))]
FrontMatterEncodeError {
path: PathBuf,
#[snafu(source(from(serde_yaml::Error, Box::new)))]
source: Box<serde_yaml::Error>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Emitted by [Postprocessor]s to signal the next action to take.
pub enum PostprocessorResult {
/// Continue with the next post-processor (if any).
/// Use this note, but don't run any more post-processors after this one.
/// Skip this note (don't export it) and don't run any more post-processors.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
/// Way to encode links
pub enum LinkStrategy {
/// URL encode links
/// Don't do anything to links
/// Exporter provides the main interface to this library.
/// Users are expected to create an Exporter using [`Exporter::new`], optionally followed by
/// customization using [`Exporter::frontmatter_strategy`] and [`Exporter::walk_options`].
/// After that, calling [`Exporter::run`] will start the export process.
pub struct Exporter<'a> {
root: PathBuf,
destination: PathBuf,
start_at: PathBuf,
frontmatter_strategy: FrontmatterStrategy,
link_strategy: LinkStrategy,
vault_contents: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
walk_options: WalkOptions<'a>,
process_embeds_recursively: bool,
postprocessors: Vec<&'a Postprocessor>,
embed_postprocessors: Vec<&'a Postprocessor>,
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Exporter<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("root", &self.root)
.field("destination", &self.destination)
.field("frontmatter_strategy", &self.frontmatter_strategy)
.field("link_strategy", &self.link_strategy)
.field("vault_contents", &self.vault_contents)
.field("walk_options", &self.walk_options)
&format!("<{} postprocessors active>", self.postprocessors.len()),
"<{} postprocessors active>",
impl<'a> Exporter<'a> {
/// Create a new exporter which reads notes from `root` and exports these to
/// `destination`.
pub fn new(root: PathBuf, destination: PathBuf) -> Exporter<'a> {
Exporter {
start_at: root.clone(),
frontmatter_strategy: FrontmatterStrategy::Auto,
link_strategy: LinkStrategy::UrlEncoded,
walk_options: WalkOptions::default(),
process_embeds_recursively: true,
vault_contents: None,
postprocessors: vec![],
embed_postprocessors: vec![],
/// Set a custom starting point for the export.
/// Normally all notes under `root` (except for notes excluded by ignore rules) will be exported.
/// When `start_at` is set, only notes under this path will be exported to the target destination.
pub fn start_at(&mut self, start_at: PathBuf) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.start_at = start_at;
/// Set the [`WalkOptions`] to be used for this exporter.
pub fn walk_options(&mut self, options: WalkOptions<'a>) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.walk_options = options;
/// Set the [`FrontmatterStrategy`] to be used for this exporter.
pub fn frontmatter_strategy(&mut self, strategy: FrontmatterStrategy) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.frontmatter_strategy = strategy;
/// Set the [`LinkStrategy`] to be used for this exporter.
pub fn link_strategy(&mut self, strategy: LinkStrategy) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.link_strategy = strategy;
/// Set the behavior when recursive embeds are encountered.
/// When `recursive` is true (the default), emdeds are always processed recursively. This may
/// lead to infinite recursion when note A embeds B, but B also embeds A.
/// (When this happens, [ExportError::RecursionLimitExceeded] will be returned by [Exporter::run]).
/// When `recursive` is false, if a note is encountered for a second time while processing the
/// original note, instead of embedding it again a link to the note is inserted instead.
pub fn process_embeds_recursively(&mut self, recursive: bool) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.process_embeds_recursively = recursive;
/// Append a function to the chain of [postprocessors][Postprocessor] to run on exported Obsidian Markdown notes.
pub fn add_postprocessor(&mut self, processor: &'a Postprocessor) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
/// Append a function to the chain of [postprocessors][Postprocessor] for embeds.
pub fn add_embed_postprocessor(&mut self, processor: &'a Postprocessor) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
/// Export notes using the settings configured on this exporter.
pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if !self.root.exists() {
return Err(ExportError::PathDoesNotExist {
path: self.root.clone(),
self.vault_contents = Some(vault_contents(
// When a single file is specified, just need to export that specific file instead of
// iterating over all discovered files. This also allows us to accept destination as either
// a file or a directory name.
if self.root.is_file() || self.start_at.is_file() {
let source_filename = self
.expect("File without a filename? How is that possible?")
let destination = match self.destination.is_dir() {
true => self.destination.join(String::from(source_filename)),
false => {
let parent = self.destination.parent().unwrap_or(&self.destination);
// Avoid recursively creating self.destination through the call to
// export_note when the parent directory doesn't exist.
if !parent.exists() {
return Err(ExportError::PathDoesNotExist {
path: parent.to_path_buf(),
return self.export_note(&self.start_at, &destination);
if !self.destination.exists() {
return Err(ExportError::PathDoesNotExist {
path: self.destination.clone(),
.filter(|file| file.starts_with(&self.start_at))
.try_for_each(|file| {
let relative_path = file
.expect("file should always be nested under root")
let destination = &self.destination.join(relative_path);
self.export_note(&file, destination)
fn export_note(&self, src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
match is_markdown_file(src) {
true => self.parse_and_export_obsidian_note(src, dest),
false => copy_file(src, dest),
.context(FileExportSnafu { path: src })
fn parse_and_export_obsidian_note(&self, src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let mut context = Context::new(src.to_path_buf(), dest.to_path_buf());
let (frontmatter, mut markdown_events) = self.parse_obsidian_note(src, &context)?;
context.frontmatter = frontmatter;
for func in &self.postprocessors {
match func(&mut context, &mut markdown_events) {
PostprocessorResult::StopHere => break,
PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote => return Ok(()),
PostprocessorResult::Continue => (),
let dest = context.destination;
let mut outfile = create_file(&dest)?;
let write_frontmatter = match self.frontmatter_strategy {
FrontmatterStrategy::Always => true,
FrontmatterStrategy::Never => false,
FrontmatterStrategy::Auto => !context.frontmatter.is_empty(),
if write_frontmatter {
let mut frontmatter_str = frontmatter_to_str(context.frontmatter)
.context(FrontMatterEncodeSnafu { path: src })?;
.context(WriteSnafu { path: &dest })?;
.context(WriteSnafu { path: &dest })?;
fn parse_obsidian_note<'b>(
path: &Path,
context: &Context,
) -> Result<(Frontmatter, MarkdownEvents<'b>)> {
if context.note_depth() > NOTE_RECURSION_LIMIT {
return Err(ExportError::RecursionLimitExceeded {
file_tree: context.file_tree(),
let content = fs::read_to_string(path).context(ReadSnafu { path })?;
let (frontmatter, content) =
matter::matter(&content).unwrap_or(("".to_string(), content.to_string()));
let frontmatter =
frontmatter_from_str(&frontmatter).context(FrontMatterDecodeSnafu { path })?;
let mut parser_options = Options::empty();
let mut ref_parser = RefParser::new();
let mut events = vec![];
// Most of the time, a reference triggers 5 events: [ or ![, [, <text>, ], ]
let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(5);
for event in Parser::new_ext(&content, parser_options) {
if ref_parser.state == RefParserState::Resetting {
events.append(&mut buffer);
match ref_parser.state {
RefParserState::NoState => {
match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("![")) => {
ref_parser.ref_type = Some(RefType::Embed);
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("[")) => {
ref_parser.ref_type = Some(RefType::Link);
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectSecondOpenBracket => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("[")) => {
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectRefText => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("]")) => {
Event::Text(text) => {
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectRefTextOrCloseBracket => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("]")) => {
Event::Text(text) => {
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectFinalCloseBracket => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("]")) => match ref_parser.ref_type {
Some(RefType::Link) => {
let mut elements = self.make_link_to_file(
events.append(&mut elements);
Some(RefType::Embed) => {
let mut elements = self.embed_file(
events.append(&mut elements);
None => panic!("In state ExpectFinalCloseBracket but ref_type is None"),
_ => {
RefParserState::Resetting => panic!("Reached Resetting state, but it should have been handled prior to this match block"),
if !buffer.is_empty() {
events.append(&mut buffer);
// Generate markdown elements for a file that is embedded within another note.
// - If the file being embedded is a note, it's content is included at the point of embed.
// - If the file is an image, an image tag is generated.
// - For other types of file, a regular link is created instead.
fn embed_file<'b>(
link_text: &'a str,
context: &'a Context,
) -> Result<MarkdownEvents<'b>> {
let note_ref = ObsidianNoteReference::from_str(link_text);
let path = match note_ref.file {
Some(file) => lookup_filename_in_vault(file, self.vault_contents.as_ref().unwrap()),
// If we have None file it is either to a section or id within the same file and thus
// the current embed logic will fail, recurssing until it reaches it's limit.
// For now we just bail early.
None => return Ok(self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, context)),
if path.is_none() {
// TODO: Extract into configurable function.
"Warning: Unable to find embedded note\n\tReference: '{}'\n\tSource: '{}'\n",
.unwrap_or_else(|| context.current_file().to_str().unwrap()),
return Ok(vec![]);
let path = path.unwrap();
let mut child_context = Context::from_parent(context, path);
let no_ext = OsString::new();
if !self.process_embeds_recursively && context.file_tree().contains(path) {
return Ok([
self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, &child_context),
let events = match path.extension().unwrap_or(&no_ext).to_str() {
Some("md") => {
let (frontmatter, mut events) = self.parse_obsidian_note(path, &child_context)?;
child_context.frontmatter = frontmatter;
if let Some(section) = note_ref.section {
events = reduce_to_section(events, section);
for func in &self.embed_postprocessors {
// Postprocessors running on embeds shouldn't be able to change frontmatter (or
// any other metadata), so we give them a clone of the context.
match func(&mut child_context, &mut events) {
PostprocessorResult::StopHere => break,
PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote => {
events = vec![];
PostprocessorResult::Continue => (),
Some("png") | Some("jpg") | Some("jpeg") | Some("gif") | Some("webp") | Some("svg") => {
self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, &child_context)
.map(|event| match event {
// make_link_to_file returns a link to a file. With this we turn the link
// into an image reference instead. Slightly hacky, but avoids needing
// to keep another utility function around for this, or introducing an
// extra parameter on make_link_to_file.
Event::Start(Tag::Link(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2)) => {
Event::End(Tag::Link(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2)) => {
_ => event,
_ => self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, &child_context),
fn make_link_to_file<'b, 'c>(
reference: ObsidianNoteReference<'b>,
context: &Context,
) -> MarkdownEvents<'c> {
let target_file = reference
.map(|file| lookup_filename_in_vault(file, self.vault_contents.as_ref().unwrap()))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Some(context.current_file()));
if target_file.is_none() {
// TODO: Extract into configurable function.
"Warning: Unable to find referenced note\n\tReference: '{}'\n\tSource: '{}'\n",
.unwrap_or_else(|| context.current_file().to_str().unwrap()),
return vec![
let target_file = target_file.unwrap();
// We use root_file() rather than current_file() here to make sure links are always
// relative to the outer-most note, which is the note which this content is inserted into
// in case of embedded notes.
let rel_link = diff_paths(
.expect("obsidian content files should always have a parent"),
.expect("should be able to build relative path when target file is found in vault");
let rel_link = rel_link.to_string_lossy();
let mut link = match self.link_strategy {
LinkStrategy::UrlEncoded => {
utf8_percent_encode(&rel_link, PERCENTENCODE_CHARS).to_string()
LinkStrategy::NoEncode => rel_link.to_string(), // pulldown_cmark automatically puts it into brackets
if let Some(section) = reference.section {
let link_tag = pulldown_cmark::Tag::Link(
/// Get the full path for the given filename when it's contained in vault_contents, taking into
/// account:
/// 1. Standard Obsidian note references not including a .md extension.
/// 2. Case-insensitive matching
/// 3. Unicode normalization rules using normalization form C
/// (https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization)
fn lookup_filename_in_vault<'a>(
filename: &str,
vault_contents: &'a [PathBuf],
) -> Option<&'a PathBuf> {
let filename = PathBuf::from(filename);
let filename_normalized = filename.to_string_lossy().nfc().collect::<String>();
vault_contents.iter().find(|path| {
let path_normalized_str = path.to_string_lossy().nfc().collect::<String>();
let path_normalized = PathBuf::from(&path_normalized_str);
let path_normalized_lowered = PathBuf::from(&path_normalized_str.to_lowercase());
// It would be convenient if we could just do `filename.set_extension("md")` at the start
// of this funtion so we don't need multiple separate + ".md" match cases here, however
// that would break with a reference of `[[Note.1]]` linking to `[[Note.1.md]]`.
|| path_normalized.ends_with(filename_normalized.clone() + ".md")
|| path_normalized_lowered.ends_with(filename_normalized.to_lowercase())
|| path_normalized_lowered.ends_with(filename_normalized.to_lowercase() + ".md")
fn render_mdevents_to_mdtext(markdown: MarkdownEvents) -> String {
let mut buffer = String::new();
&mut buffer,
.expect("formatting to string not expected to fail");
fn create_file(dest: &Path) -> Result<File> {
let file = File::create(dest)
.or_else(|err| {
if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound {
let parent = dest.parent().expect("file should have a parent directory");
.context(WriteSnafu { path: dest })?;
fn copy_file(src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
std::fs::copy(src, dest)
.or_else(|err| {
if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound {
let parent = dest.parent().expect("file should have a parent directory");
std::fs::copy(src, dest)
.context(WriteSnafu { path: dest })?;
fn is_markdown_file(file: &Path) -> bool {
let no_ext = OsString::new();
let ext = file.extension().unwrap_or(&no_ext).to_string_lossy();
ext == "md"
/// Reduce a given `MarkdownEvents` to just those elements which are children of the given section
/// (heading name).
fn reduce_to_section<'a, 'b>(events: MarkdownEvents<'a>, section: &'b str) -> MarkdownEvents<'a> {
let mut filtered_events = Vec::with_capacity(events.len());
let mut target_section_encountered = false;
let mut currently_in_target_section = false;
let mut section_level = HeadingLevel::H1;
let mut last_level = HeadingLevel::H1;
let mut last_tag_was_heading = false;
for event in events.into_iter() {
match event {
// FIXME: This should propagate fragment_identifier and classes.
Event::Start(Tag::Heading(level, _fragment_identifier, _classes)) => {
last_tag_was_heading = true;
last_level = level;
if currently_in_target_section && level <= section_level {
currently_in_target_section = false;
Event::Text(cowstr) => {
if !last_tag_was_heading {
last_tag_was_heading = false;
last_tag_was_heading = false;
if cowstr.to_string().to_lowercase() == section.to_lowercase() {
target_section_encountered = true;
currently_in_target_section = true;
section_level = last_level;
let current_event = filtered_events.pop().unwrap();
let heading_start_event = filtered_events.pop().unwrap();
_ => {}
if target_section_encountered && !currently_in_target_section {
return filtered_events;
fn event_to_owned<'a>(event: Event) -> Event<'a> {
match event {
Event::Start(tag) => Event::Start(tag_to_owned(tag)),
Event::End(tag) => Event::End(tag_to_owned(tag)),
Event::Text(cowstr) => Event::Text(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
Event::Code(cowstr) => Event::Code(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
Event::Html(cowstr) => Event::Html(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
Event::FootnoteReference(cowstr) => {
Event::SoftBreak => Event::SoftBreak,
Event::HardBreak => Event::HardBreak,
Event::Rule => Event::Rule,
Event::TaskListMarker(checked) => Event::TaskListMarker(checked),
fn tag_to_owned<'a>(tag: Tag) -> Tag<'a> {
match tag {
Tag::Paragraph => Tag::Paragraph,
Tag::Heading(level, _fragment_identifier, _classes) => {
// FIXME: This should propagate fragment_identifier and classes.
Tag::Heading(level, None, Vec::new())
Tag::BlockQuote => Tag::BlockQuote,
Tag::CodeBlock(codeblock_kind) => Tag::CodeBlock(codeblock_kind_to_owned(codeblock_kind)),
Tag::List(optional) => Tag::List(optional),
Tag::Item => Tag::Item,
Tag::FootnoteDefinition(cowstr) => {
Tag::Table(alignment_vector) => Tag::Table(alignment_vector),
Tag::TableHead => Tag::TableHead,
Tag::TableRow => Tag::TableRow,
Tag::TableCell => Tag::TableCell,
Tag::Emphasis => Tag::Emphasis,
Tag::Strong => Tag::Strong,
Tag::Strikethrough => Tag::Strikethrough,
Tag::Link(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2) => Tag::Link(
Tag::Image(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2) => Tag::Image(
fn codeblock_kind_to_owned<'a>(codeblock_kind: CodeBlockKind) -> CodeBlockKind<'a> {
match codeblock_kind {
CodeBlockKind::Indented => CodeBlockKind::Indented,
CodeBlockKind::Fenced(cowstr) => CodeBlockKind::Fenced(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use rstest::rstest;
lazy_static! {
static ref VAULT: Vec<std::path::PathBuf> = vec![
PathBuf::from("Note\u{E4}.md"), // Noteä.md, see also encodings() below
fn encodings() {
// Standard "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4)
// Encoded in UTF-8 as two bytes: 0xC3 0xA4
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(vec![0xC3, 0xA4]).unwrap(), "ä");
assert_eq!("\u{E4}", "ä");
// Basic (ASCII) lowercase a followed by Unicode Character “◌̈” (U+0308)
// Renders the same visual appearance but is encoded in UTF-8 as three bytes:
// 0x61 0xCC 0x88
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(vec![0x61, 0xCC, 0x88]).unwrap(), "");
assert_eq!("a\u{308}", "");
assert_eq!("\u{61}\u{308}", "");
// For more examples and a better explanation of this concept, see
// https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#aringExample
// Exact match
#[case("NoteA.md", "NoteA.md")]
#[case("NoteA", "NoteA.md")]
// Same note in subdir, exact match should find it
#[case("nested/NoteA.md", "nested/NoteA.md")]
#[case("nested/NoteA", "nested/NoteA.md")]
// Different extensions
#[case("Document.pdf", "Document.pdf")]
#[case("Note.1", "Note.1.md")]
#[case("Note.1.md", "Note.1.md")]
// Case-insensitive matches
#[case("notea.md", "NoteA.md")]
#[case("notea", "NoteA.md")]
#[case("NESTED/notea.md", "nested/NoteA.md")]
#[case("NESTED/notea", "nested/NoteA.md")]
// "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4)
#[case("Note\u{E4}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{E4}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
// Basic (ASCII) lowercase a followed by Unicode Character “◌̈” (U+0308)
// The UTF-8 encoding is different but it renders the same visual appearance as the case above,
// so we expect it to find the same file.
#[case("Note\u{61}\u{308}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{61}\u{308}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
// We should expect this to work with lowercasing as well, so NoteÄ should find Noteä
// NoteÄ where Ä = Single Ä (U+00C4)
#[case("Note\u{C4}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{C4}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
// NoteÄ where Ä = decomposed to A (U+0041)+ ◌̈ (U+0308)
#[case("Note\u{41}\u{308}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{41}\u{308}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
fn test_lookup_filename_in_vault(#[case] input: &str, #[case] expected: &str) {
let result = lookup_filename_in_vault(input, &VAULT);
println!("Test input: {:?}", input);
println!("Expecting: {:?}", expected);
println!("Got: {:?}", result.unwrap_or(&PathBuf::from("")));
assert_eq!(result, Some(&PathBuf::from(expected)))