## Usage The main interface of obsidian-export is the similarly-named `obsidian-export` CLI command. In it's most basic form, `obsidian-export` takes just two mandatory arguments, source and destination: obsidian-export ~/Knowledgebase /tmp/export This will export all of the files from `~/Knowledgebase` to `/tmp/export`, except for those listed in `.export-ignore` or `.gitignore`. ### Frontmatter By default, frontmatter is copied over "as-is". Some static site generators are picky about frontmatter and require it to be present. Some get tripped up when Markdown files don't have frontmatter but start with a list item or horizontal rule. In these cases, `--frontmatter=always` can be used to insert an empty frontmatter entry. To completely remove any frontmatter from exported notes, use `--frontmatter=never`.