
965 lines
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Raw Normal View History

pub extern crate pulldown_cmark;
pub extern crate serde_yaml;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
extern crate lazy_static;
mod context;
mod frontmatter;
pub mod postprocessors;
mod references;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
mod walker;
pub use context::Context;
pub use frontmatter::{Frontmatter, FrontmatterStrategy};
pub use walker::{vault_contents, WalkOptions};
use frontmatter::{frontmatter_from_str, frontmatter_to_str};
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
use pathdiff::diff_paths;
use percent_encoding::{utf8_percent_encode, AsciiSet, CONTROLS};
use pulldown_cmark::{CodeBlockKind, CowStr, Event, HeadingLevel, Options, Parser, Tag};
use pulldown_cmark_to_cmark::cmark_with_options;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
use rayon::prelude::*;
use references::*;
use slug::slugify;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fmt;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str;
New: apply unicode normalization while resolving notes The unicode standard allows for certain (visually) identical characters to be represented in different ways. For example the character ä may be represented as a single combined codepoint "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4) or by the combination of "Latin Small Letter A" (U+0061) followed by "Combining Diaeresis" (U+0308). When encoded with UTF-8, these are represented as respectively the two bytes 0xC3 0xA4, and the three bytes 0x61 0xCC 0x88. A user linking to notes with these characters in their titles would expect these two variants to link to the same file, given they are visually identical and have the exact same semantic meaning. The unicode standard defines a method to deconstruct and normalize these forms, so that a byte comparison on the normalized forms of these variants ends up comparing the same thing. This is called Unicode Normalization, defined in Unicode® Standard Annex #15 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/). The W3C Working Group has written an excellent explanation of the problems regarding string matching, and how unicode normalization helps with this process: https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization With this change, obsidian-export will perform unicode normalization (specifically the C (or NFC) normalization form) on all note titles while looking up link references, ensuring visually identical links are treated as being similar, even if they were encoded as different variants. A special thanks to Hans Raaf (@oderwat) for reporting and helping track down this issue. --- Closes #126
2022-11-19 16:34:17 +01:00
use unicode_normalization::UnicodeNormalization;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
/// A series of markdown [Event]s that are generated while traversing an Obsidian markdown note.
pub type MarkdownEvents<'a> = Vec<Event<'a>>;
/// A post-processing function that is to be called after an Obsidian note has been fully parsed and
/// converted to regular markdown syntax.
/// Postprocessors are called in the order they've been added through [Exporter::add_postprocessor]
/// just before notes are written out to their final destination.
/// They may be used to achieve the following:
/// 1. Modify a note's [Context], for example to change the destination filename or update its [Frontmatter] (see [Context::frontmatter]).
/// 2. Change a note's contents by altering [MarkdownEvents].
/// 3. Prevent later postprocessors from running ([PostprocessorResult::StopHere]) or cause a note
/// to be skipped entirely ([PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote]).
/// # Postprocessors and embeds
/// Postprocessors normally run at the end of the export phase, once notes have been fully parsed.
/// This means that any embedded notes have been resolved and merged into the final note already.
/// In some cases it may be desirable to change the contents of these embedded notes *before* they
/// are inserted into the final document. This is possible through the use of
/// [Exporter::add_embed_postprocessor].
/// These "embed postprocessors" run much the same way as regular postprocessors, but they're run on
/// the note that is about to be embedded in another note. In addition:
/// - Changes to context carry over to later embed postprocessors, but are then discarded. This
/// means that changes to frontmatter do not propagate to the root note for example.
/// - [PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote] prevents the embedded note from being included (it's
/// replaced with a blank document) but doesn't affect the root note.
/// It's possible to pass the same functions to [Exporter::add_postprocessor] and
/// [Exporter::add_embed_postprocessor]. The [Context::note_depth] method may be used to determine
/// whether a note is a root note or an embedded note in this situation.
/// # Examples
/// ## Update frontmatter
/// This example shows how to make changes a note's frontmatter. In this case, the postprocessor is
/// defined inline as a closure.
/// ```
/// use obsidian_export::serde_yaml::Value;
/// use obsidian_export::{Exporter, PostprocessorResult};
/// # use std::path::PathBuf;
/// # use tempfile::TempDir;
/// # let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to make tempdir");
/// # let source = PathBuf::from("tests/testdata/input/postprocessors");
/// # let destination = tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
/// let mut exporter = Exporter::new(source, destination);
/// // add_postprocessor registers a new postprocessor. In this example we use a closure.
/// exporter.add_postprocessor(&|context, _events| {
/// // This is the key we'll insert into the frontmatter. In this case, the string "foo".
/// let key = Value::String("foo".to_string());
/// // This is the value we'll insert into the frontmatter. In this case, the string "bar".
/// let value = Value::String("baz".to_string());
/// // Frontmatter can be updated in-place, so we can call insert on it directly.
/// context.frontmatter.insert(key, value);
/// // This return value indicates processing should continue.
/// PostprocessorResult::Continue
/// });
/// exporter.run().unwrap();
/// ```
/// ## Change note contents
/// In this example a note's markdown content is changed by iterating over the [MarkdownEvents] and
/// changing the text when we encounter a [text element][Event::Text].
/// Instead of using a closure like above, this example shows how to use a separate function
/// definition.
/// ```
/// # use obsidian_export::{Context, Exporter, MarkdownEvents, PostprocessorResult};
/// # use pulldown_cmark::{CowStr, Event};
/// # use std::path::PathBuf;
/// # use tempfile::TempDir;
/// #
/// /// This postprocessor replaces any instance of "foo" with "bar" in the note body.
/// fn foo_to_bar(context: &mut Context, events: &mut MarkdownEvents) -> PostprocessorResult {
/// for event in events.iter_mut() {
/// if let Event::Text(text) = event {
/// *event = Event::Text(CowStr::from(text.replace("foo", "bar")))
/// }
/// }
/// PostprocessorResult::Continue
/// }
/// # let tmp_dir = TempDir::new().expect("failed to make tempdir");
/// # let source = PathBuf::from("tests/testdata/input/postprocessors");
/// # let destination = tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf();
/// # let mut exporter = Exporter::new(source, destination);
/// exporter.add_postprocessor(&foo_to_bar);
/// # exporter.run().unwrap();
/// ```
pub type Postprocessor =
dyn Fn(&mut Context, &mut MarkdownEvents) -> PostprocessorResult + Send + Sync;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
type Result<T, E = ExportError> = std::result::Result<T, E>;
const PERCENTENCODE_CHARS: &AsciiSet = &CONTROLS.add(b' ').add(b'(').add(b')').add(b'%').add(b'?');
const NOTE_RECURSION_LIMIT: usize = 10;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
/// ExportError represents all errors which may be returned when using this crate.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
pub enum ExportError {
#[snafu(display("failed to read from '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when a read IO operation fails.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
ReadError {
path: PathBuf,
source: std::io::Error,
#[snafu(display("failed to write to '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when a write IO operation fails.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
WriteError {
path: PathBuf,
source: std::io::Error,
#[snafu(display("Encountered an error while trying to walk '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when an error is encountered while trying to walk a directory.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
WalkDirError {
path: PathBuf,
source: ignore::Error,
#[snafu(display("No such file or directory: {}", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when an operation is requested on a file or directory which does not exist.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
PathDoesNotExist { path: PathBuf },
#[snafu(display("Invalid character encoding encountered"))]
/// This error may occur when invalid UTF8 is encountered.
/// Currently, operations which assume UTF8 perform lossy encoding however.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
CharacterEncodingError { source: str::Utf8Error },
#[snafu(display("Recursion limit exceeded"))]
/// This error occurs when embedded notes are too deeply nested or cause an infinite loop.
/// When this happens, `file_tree` contains a list of all the files which were processed
/// leading up to this error.
RecursionLimitExceeded { file_tree: Vec<PathBuf> },
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
#[snafu(display("Failed to export '{}'", path.display()))]
/// This occurs when a file fails to export successfully.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
FileExportError {
path: PathBuf,
#[snafu(source(from(ExportError, Box::new)))]
source: Box<ExportError>,
#[snafu(display("Failed to decode YAML frontmatter in '{}'", path.display()))]
FrontMatterDecodeError {
path: PathBuf,
#[snafu(source(from(serde_yaml::Error, Box::new)))]
source: Box<serde_yaml::Error>,
#[snafu(display("Failed to encode YAML frontmatter for '{}'", path.display()))]
FrontMatterEncodeError {
path: PathBuf,
#[snafu(source(from(serde_yaml::Error, Box::new)))]
source: Box<serde_yaml::Error>,
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:18:27 +01:00
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// Emitted by [Postprocessor]s to signal the next action to take.
pub enum PostprocessorResult {
/// Continue with the next post-processor (if any).
/// Use this note, but don't run any more post-processors after this one.
/// Skip this note (don't export it) and don't run any more post-processors.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
/// Exporter provides the main interface to this library.
/// Users are expected to create an Exporter using [`Exporter::new`], optionally followed by
/// customization using [`Exporter::frontmatter_strategy`] and [`Exporter::walk_options`].
/// After that, calling [`Exporter::run`] will start the export process.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
pub struct Exporter<'a> {
root: PathBuf,
destination: PathBuf,
start_at: PathBuf,
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
frontmatter_strategy: FrontmatterStrategy,
vault_contents: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
walk_options: WalkOptions<'a>,
process_embeds_recursively: bool,
postprocessors: Vec<&'a Postprocessor>,
embed_postprocessors: Vec<&'a Postprocessor>,
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Exporter<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("root", &self.root)
.field("destination", &self.destination)
.field("frontmatter_strategy", &self.frontmatter_strategy)
.field("vault_contents", &self.vault_contents)
.field("walk_options", &self.walk_options)
&format!("<{} postprocessors active>", self.postprocessors.len()),
"<{} postprocessors active>",
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
impl<'a> Exporter<'a> {
/// Create a new exporter which reads notes from `root` and exports these to
/// `destination`.
pub fn new(root: PathBuf, destination: PathBuf) -> Exporter<'a> {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
Exporter {
start_at: root.clone(),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
frontmatter_strategy: FrontmatterStrategy::Auto,
walk_options: WalkOptions::default(),
process_embeds_recursively: true,
vault_contents: None,
postprocessors: vec![],
embed_postprocessors: vec![],
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
/// Set a custom starting point for the export.
/// Normally all notes under `root` (except for notes excluded by ignore rules) will be exported.
/// When `start_at` is set, only notes under this path will be exported to the target destination.
pub fn start_at(&mut self, start_at: PathBuf) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.start_at = start_at;
/// Set the [`WalkOptions`] to be used for this exporter.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
pub fn walk_options(&mut self, options: WalkOptions<'a>) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.walk_options = options;
/// Set the [`FrontmatterStrategy`] to be used for this exporter.
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
pub fn frontmatter_strategy(&mut self, strategy: FrontmatterStrategy) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.frontmatter_strategy = strategy;
/// Set the behavior when recursive embeds are encountered.
/// When `recursive` is true (the default), emdeds are always processed recursively. This may
/// lead to infinite recursion when note A embeds B, but B also embeds A.
/// (When this happens, [ExportError::RecursionLimitExceeded] will be returned by [Exporter::run]).
/// When `recursive` is false, if a note is encountered for a second time while processing the
/// original note, instead of embedding it again a link to the note is inserted instead.
pub fn process_embeds_recursively(&mut self, recursive: bool) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
self.process_embeds_recursively = recursive;
/// Append a function to the chain of [postprocessors][Postprocessor] to run on exported Obsidian Markdown notes.
pub fn add_postprocessor(&mut self, processor: &'a Postprocessor) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
/// Append a function to the chain of [postprocessors][Postprocessor] for embeds.
pub fn add_embed_postprocessor(&mut self, processor: &'a Postprocessor) -> &mut Exporter<'a> {
/// Export notes using the settings configured on this exporter.
pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
if !self.root.exists() {
return Err(ExportError::PathDoesNotExist {
path: self.root.clone(),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
self.vault_contents = Some(vault_contents(
// When a single file is specified, just need to export that specific file instead of
// iterating over all discovered files. This also allows us to accept destination as either
// a file or a directory name.
if self.root.is_file() || self.start_at.is_file() {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
let source_filename = self
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
.expect("File without a filename? How is that possible?")
let destination = match self.destination.is_dir() {
true => self.destination.join(String::from(source_filename)),
false => {
let parent = self.destination.parent().unwrap_or(&self.destination);
// Avoid recursively creating self.destination through the call to
// export_note when the parent directory doesn't exist.
if !parent.exists() {
return Err(ExportError::PathDoesNotExist {
path: parent.to_path_buf(),
return self.export_note(&self.start_at, &destination);
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
if !self.destination.exists() {
return Err(ExportError::PathDoesNotExist {
path: self.destination.clone(),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
.filter(|file| file.starts_with(&self.start_at))
.try_for_each(|file| {
let relative_path = file
.expect("file should always be nested under root")
let destination = &self.destination.join(&relative_path);
self.export_note(&file, destination)
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn export_note(&self, src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
match is_markdown_file(src) {
true => self.parse_and_export_obsidian_note(src, dest),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
false => copy_file(src, dest),
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
.context(FileExportSnafu { path: src })
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn parse_and_export_obsidian_note(&self, src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let mut context = Context::new(src.to_path_buf(), dest.to_path_buf());
let (frontmatter, mut markdown_events) = self.parse_obsidian_note(src, &context)?;
context.frontmatter = frontmatter;
for func in &self.postprocessors {
match func(&mut context, &mut markdown_events) {
PostprocessorResult::StopHere => break,
PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote => return Ok(()),
PostprocessorResult::Continue => (),
let dest = context.destination;
let mut outfile = create_file(&dest)?;
let write_frontmatter = match self.frontmatter_strategy {
FrontmatterStrategy::Always => true,
FrontmatterStrategy::Never => false,
FrontmatterStrategy::Auto => !context.frontmatter.is_empty(),
if write_frontmatter {
let mut frontmatter_str = frontmatter_to_str(context.frontmatter)
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
.context(FrontMatterEncodeSnafu { path: src })?;
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
.context(WriteSnafu { path: &dest })?;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
.context(WriteSnafu { path: &dest })?;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn parse_obsidian_note<'b>(
path: &Path,
context: &Context,
) -> Result<(Frontmatter, MarkdownEvents<'b>)> {
if context.note_depth() > NOTE_RECURSION_LIMIT {
return Err(ExportError::RecursionLimitExceeded {
file_tree: context.file_tree(),
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
let content = fs::read_to_string(path).context(ReadSnafu { path })?;
let (frontmatter, content) =
matter::matter(&content).unwrap_or(("".to_string(), content.to_string()));
let frontmatter =
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
frontmatter_from_str(&frontmatter).context(FrontMatterDecodeSnafu { path })?;
let mut parser_options = Options::empty();
let mut ref_parser = RefParser::new();
let mut events = vec![];
// Most of the time, a reference triggers 5 events: [ or ![, [, <text>, ], ]
let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(5);
for event in Parser::new_ext(&content, parser_options) {
if ref_parser.state == RefParserState::Resetting {
events.append(&mut buffer);
match ref_parser.state {
RefParserState::NoState => {
match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("![")) => {
ref_parser.ref_type = Some(RefType::Embed);
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("[")) => {
ref_parser.ref_type = Some(RefType::Link);
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectSecondOpenBracket => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("[")) => {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectRefText => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("]")) => {
Event::Text(text) => {
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectRefTextOrCloseBracket => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("]")) => {
Event::Text(text) => {
_ => {
RefParserState::ExpectFinalCloseBracket => match event {
Event::Text(CowStr::Borrowed("]")) => match ref_parser.ref_type {
Some(RefType::Link) => {
let mut elements = self.make_link_to_file(
events.append(&mut elements);
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
Some(RefType::Embed) => {
let mut elements = self.embed_file(
events.append(&mut elements);
None => panic!("In state ExpectFinalCloseBracket but ref_type is None"),
_ => {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
RefParserState::Resetting => panic!("Reached Resetting state, but it should have been handled prior to this match block"),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
if !buffer.is_empty() {
events.append(&mut buffer);
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
// Generate markdown elements for a file that is embedded within another note.
// - If the file being embedded is a note, it's content is included at the point of embed.
// - If the file is an image, an image tag is generated.
// - For other types of file, a regular link is created instead.
fn embed_file<'b>(
link_text: &'a str,
context: &'a Context,
) -> Result<MarkdownEvents<'b>> {
let note_ref = ObsidianNoteReference::from_str(link_text);
let path = match note_ref.file {
Some(file) => lookup_filename_in_vault(file, self.vault_contents.as_ref().unwrap()),
// If we have None file it is either to a section or id within the same file and thus
// the current embed logic will fail, recurssing until it reaches it's limit.
// For now we just bail early.
None => return Ok(self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, context)),
2021-02-03 18:45:33 +01:00
if path.is_none() {
// TODO: Extract into configurable function.
"Warning: Unable to find embedded note\n\tReference: '{}'\n\tSource: '{}'\n",
2021-02-03 18:45:33 +01:00
.unwrap_or_else(|| context.current_file().to_str().unwrap()),
return Ok(vec![]);
let path = path.unwrap();
let mut child_context = Context::from_parent(context, path);
let no_ext = OsString::new();
if !self.process_embeds_recursively && context.file_tree().contains(path) {
return Ok([
self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, &child_context),
let events = match path.extension().unwrap_or(&no_ext).to_str() {
Some("md") => {
let (frontmatter, mut events) = self.parse_obsidian_note(path, &child_context)?;
child_context.frontmatter = frontmatter;
if let Some(section) = note_ref.section {
events = reduce_to_section(events, section);
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
for func in &self.embed_postprocessors {
// Postprocessors running on embeds shouldn't be able to change frontmatter (or
// any other metadata), so we give them a clone of the context.
match func(&mut child_context, &mut events) {
PostprocessorResult::StopHere => break,
PostprocessorResult::StopAndSkipNote => {
events = vec![];
PostprocessorResult::Continue => (),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
Some("png") | Some("jpg") | Some("jpeg") | Some("gif") | Some("webp") | Some("svg") => {
self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, &child_context)
.map(|event| match event {
// make_link_to_file returns a link to a file. With this we turn the link
// into an image reference instead. Slightly hacky, but avoids needing
// to keep another utility function around for this, or introducing an
// extra parameter on make_link_to_file.
Event::Start(Tag::Link(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2)) => {
Event::End(Tag::Link(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2)) => {
_ => event,
_ => self.make_link_to_file(note_ref, &child_context),
fn make_link_to_file<'b, 'c>(
reference: ObsidianNoteReference<'b>,
context: &Context,
) -> MarkdownEvents<'c> {
2021-02-03 18:45:33 +01:00
let target_file = reference
.map(|file| lookup_filename_in_vault(file, self.vault_contents.as_ref().unwrap()))
2021-02-03 18:45:33 +01:00
.unwrap_or_else(|| Some(context.current_file()));
if target_file.is_none() {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
// TODO: Extract into configurable function.
"Warning: Unable to find referenced note\n\tReference: '{}'\n\tSource: '{}'\n",
2021-02-03 18:45:33 +01:00
.unwrap_or_else(|| context.current_file().to_str().unwrap()),
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
return vec![
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
let target_file = target_file.unwrap();
// We use root_file() rather than current_file() here to make sure links are always
// relative to the outer-most note, which is the note which this content is inserted into
// in case of embedded notes.
let rel_link = diff_paths(
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
.expect("obsidian content files should always have a parent"),
.expect("should be able to build relative path when target file is found in vault");
let rel_link = rel_link.to_string_lossy();
let mut link = utf8_percent_encode(&rel_link, PERCENTENCODE_CHARS).to_string();
if let Some(section) = reference.section {
let link_tag = pulldown_cmark::Tag::Link(
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
New: apply unicode normalization while resolving notes The unicode standard allows for certain (visually) identical characters to be represented in different ways. For example the character ä may be represented as a single combined codepoint "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4) or by the combination of "Latin Small Letter A" (U+0061) followed by "Combining Diaeresis" (U+0308). When encoded with UTF-8, these are represented as respectively the two bytes 0xC3 0xA4, and the three bytes 0x61 0xCC 0x88. A user linking to notes with these characters in their titles would expect these two variants to link to the same file, given they are visually identical and have the exact same semantic meaning. The unicode standard defines a method to deconstruct and normalize these forms, so that a byte comparison on the normalized forms of these variants ends up comparing the same thing. This is called Unicode Normalization, defined in Unicode® Standard Annex #15 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/). The W3C Working Group has written an excellent explanation of the problems regarding string matching, and how unicode normalization helps with this process: https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization With this change, obsidian-export will perform unicode normalization (specifically the C (or NFC) normalization form) on all note titles while looking up link references, ensuring visually identical links are treated as being similar, even if they were encoded as different variants. A special thanks to Hans Raaf (@oderwat) for reporting and helping track down this issue. --- Closes #126
2022-11-19 16:34:17 +01:00
/// Get the full path for the given filename when it's contained in vault_contents, taking into
/// account:
/// 1. Standard Obsidian note references not including a .md extension.
/// 2. Case-insensitive matching
/// 3. Unicode normalization rules using normalization form C
/// (https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization)
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn lookup_filename_in_vault<'a>(
filename: &str,
vault_contents: &'a [PathBuf],
) -> Option<&'a PathBuf> {
New: apply unicode normalization while resolving notes The unicode standard allows for certain (visually) identical characters to be represented in different ways. For example the character ä may be represented as a single combined codepoint "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4) or by the combination of "Latin Small Letter A" (U+0061) followed by "Combining Diaeresis" (U+0308). When encoded with UTF-8, these are represented as respectively the two bytes 0xC3 0xA4, and the three bytes 0x61 0xCC 0x88. A user linking to notes with these characters in their titles would expect these two variants to link to the same file, given they are visually identical and have the exact same semantic meaning. The unicode standard defines a method to deconstruct and normalize these forms, so that a byte comparison on the normalized forms of these variants ends up comparing the same thing. This is called Unicode Normalization, defined in Unicode® Standard Annex #15 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/). The W3C Working Group has written an excellent explanation of the problems regarding string matching, and how unicode normalization helps with this process: https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization With this change, obsidian-export will perform unicode normalization (specifically the C (or NFC) normalization form) on all note titles while looking up link references, ensuring visually identical links are treated as being similar, even if they were encoded as different variants. A special thanks to Hans Raaf (@oderwat) for reporting and helping track down this issue. --- Closes #126
2022-11-19 16:34:17 +01:00
let filename = PathBuf::from(filename);
let filename_normalized = filename.to_string_lossy().nfc().collect::<String>();
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
vault_contents.iter().find(|path| {
New: apply unicode normalization while resolving notes The unicode standard allows for certain (visually) identical characters to be represented in different ways. For example the character ä may be represented as a single combined codepoint "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4) or by the combination of "Latin Small Letter A" (U+0061) followed by "Combining Diaeresis" (U+0308). When encoded with UTF-8, these are represented as respectively the two bytes 0xC3 0xA4, and the three bytes 0x61 0xCC 0x88. A user linking to notes with these characters in their titles would expect these two variants to link to the same file, given they are visually identical and have the exact same semantic meaning. The unicode standard defines a method to deconstruct and normalize these forms, so that a byte comparison on the normalized forms of these variants ends up comparing the same thing. This is called Unicode Normalization, defined in Unicode® Standard Annex #15 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/). The W3C Working Group has written an excellent explanation of the problems regarding string matching, and how unicode normalization helps with this process: https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization With this change, obsidian-export will perform unicode normalization (specifically the C (or NFC) normalization form) on all note titles while looking up link references, ensuring visually identical links are treated as being similar, even if they were encoded as different variants. A special thanks to Hans Raaf (@oderwat) for reporting and helping track down this issue. --- Closes #126
2022-11-19 16:34:17 +01:00
let path_normalized_str = path.to_string_lossy().nfc().collect::<String>();
let path_normalized = PathBuf::from(&path_normalized_str);
let path_normalized_lowered = PathBuf::from(&path_normalized_str.to_lowercase());
// It would be convenient if we could just do `filename.set_extension("md")` at the start
// of this funtion so we don't need multiple separate + ".md" match cases here, however
// that would break with a reference of `[[Note.1]]` linking to `[[Note.1.md]]`.
|| path_normalized.ends_with(filename_normalized.clone() + ".md")
|| path_normalized_lowered.ends_with(&filename_normalized.to_lowercase())
|| path_normalized_lowered.ends_with(filename_normalized.to_lowercase() + ".md")
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn render_mdevents_to_mdtext(markdown: MarkdownEvents) -> String {
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
let mut buffer = String::new();
&mut buffer,
.expect("formatting to string not expected to fail");
fn create_file(dest: &Path) -> Result<File> {
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
let file = File::create(dest)
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
.or_else(|err| {
if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound {
let parent = dest.parent().expect("file should have a parent directory");
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
.context(WriteSnafu { path: dest })?;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn copy_file(src: &Path, dest: &Path) -> Result<()> {
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
std::fs::copy(src, dest)
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
.or_else(|err| {
if err.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound {
let parent = dest.parent().expect("file should have a parent directory");
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2022-11-05 15:37:20 +01:00
std::fs::copy(src, dest)
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
2022-11-05 14:36:47 +01:00
.context(WriteSnafu { path: dest })?;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn is_markdown_file(file: &Path) -> bool {
let no_ext = OsString::new();
let ext = file.extension().unwrap_or(&no_ext).to_string_lossy();
ext == "md"
/// Reduce a given `MarkdownEvents` to just those elements which are children of the given section
/// (heading name).
fn reduce_to_section<'a, 'b>(events: MarkdownEvents<'a>, section: &'b str) -> MarkdownEvents<'a> {
let mut filtered_events = Vec::with_capacity(events.len());
let mut target_section_encountered = false;
let mut currently_in_target_section = false;
let mut section_level = HeadingLevel::H1;
let mut last_level = HeadingLevel::H1;
let mut last_tag_was_heading = false;
for event in events.into_iter() {
match event {
// FIXME: This should propagate fragment_identifier and classes.
Event::Start(Tag::Heading(level, _fragment_identifier, _classes)) => {
last_tag_was_heading = true;
last_level = level;
if currently_in_target_section && level <= section_level {
currently_in_target_section = false;
Event::Text(cowstr) => {
if !last_tag_was_heading {
last_tag_was_heading = false;
last_tag_was_heading = false;
if cowstr.to_string().to_lowercase() == section.to_lowercase() {
target_section_encountered = true;
currently_in_target_section = true;
section_level = last_level;
let current_event = filtered_events.pop().unwrap();
let heading_start_event = filtered_events.pop().unwrap();
_ => {}
if target_section_encountered && !currently_in_target_section {
return filtered_events;
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
fn event_to_owned<'a>(event: Event) -> Event<'a> {
match event {
Event::Start(tag) => Event::Start(tag_to_owned(tag)),
Event::End(tag) => Event::End(tag_to_owned(tag)),
Event::Text(cowstr) => Event::Text(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
Event::Code(cowstr) => Event::Code(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
Event::Html(cowstr) => Event::Html(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
Event::FootnoteReference(cowstr) => {
Event::SoftBreak => Event::SoftBreak,
Event::HardBreak => Event::HardBreak,
Event::Rule => Event::Rule,
Event::TaskListMarker(checked) => Event::TaskListMarker(checked),
fn tag_to_owned<'a>(tag: Tag) -> Tag<'a> {
match tag {
Tag::Paragraph => Tag::Paragraph,
Tag::Heading(level, _fragment_identifier, _classes) => {
// FIXME: This should propagate fragment_identifier and classes.
Tag::Heading(level, None, Vec::new())
2020-11-28 13:14:50 +01:00
Tag::BlockQuote => Tag::BlockQuote,
Tag::CodeBlock(codeblock_kind) => Tag::CodeBlock(codeblock_kind_to_owned(codeblock_kind)),
Tag::List(optional) => Tag::List(optional),
Tag::Item => Tag::Item,
Tag::FootnoteDefinition(cowstr) => {
Tag::Table(alignment_vector) => Tag::Table(alignment_vector),
Tag::TableHead => Tag::TableHead,
Tag::TableRow => Tag::TableRow,
Tag::TableCell => Tag::TableCell,
Tag::Emphasis => Tag::Emphasis,
Tag::Strong => Tag::Strong,
Tag::Strikethrough => Tag::Strikethrough,
Tag::Link(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2) => Tag::Link(
Tag::Image(linktype, cowstr1, cowstr2) => Tag::Image(
fn codeblock_kind_to_owned<'a>(codeblock_kind: CodeBlockKind) -> CodeBlockKind<'a> {
match codeblock_kind {
CodeBlockKind::Indented => CodeBlockKind::Indented,
CodeBlockKind::Fenced(cowstr) => CodeBlockKind::Fenced(CowStr::from(cowstr.into_string())),
New: apply unicode normalization while resolving notes The unicode standard allows for certain (visually) identical characters to be represented in different ways. For example the character ä may be represented as a single combined codepoint "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4) or by the combination of "Latin Small Letter A" (U+0061) followed by "Combining Diaeresis" (U+0308). When encoded with UTF-8, these are represented as respectively the two bytes 0xC3 0xA4, and the three bytes 0x61 0xCC 0x88. A user linking to notes with these characters in their titles would expect these two variants to link to the same file, given they are visually identical and have the exact same semantic meaning. The unicode standard defines a method to deconstruct and normalize these forms, so that a byte comparison on the normalized forms of these variants ends up comparing the same thing. This is called Unicode Normalization, defined in Unicode® Standard Annex #15 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/). The W3C Working Group has written an excellent explanation of the problems regarding string matching, and how unicode normalization helps with this process: https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#unicodeNormalization With this change, obsidian-export will perform unicode normalization (specifically the C (or NFC) normalization form) on all note titles while looking up link references, ensuring visually identical links are treated as being similar, even if they were encoded as different variants. A special thanks to Hans Raaf (@oderwat) for reporting and helping track down this issue. --- Closes #126
2022-11-19 16:34:17 +01:00
mod tests {
use super::*;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use rstest::rstest;
lazy_static! {
static ref VAULT: Vec<std::path::PathBuf> = vec![
PathBuf::from("Note\u{E4}.md"), // Noteä.md, see also encodings() below
fn encodings() {
// Standard "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4)
// Encoded in UTF-8 as two bytes: 0xC3 0xA4
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(vec![0xC3, 0xA4]).unwrap(), "ä");
assert_eq!("\u{E4}", "ä");
// Basic (ASCII) lowercase a followed by Unicode Character “◌̈” (U+0308)
// Renders the same visual appearance but is encoded in UTF-8 as three bytes:
// 0x61 0xCC 0x88
assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(vec![0x61, 0xCC, 0x88]).unwrap(), "");
assert_eq!("a\u{308}", "");
assert_eq!("\u{61}\u{308}", "");
// For more examples and a better explanation of this concept, see
// https://www.w3.org/TR/charmod-norm/#aringExample
// Exact match
#[case("NoteA.md", "NoteA.md")]
#[case("NoteA", "NoteA.md")]
// Same note in subdir, exact match should find it
#[case("nested/NoteA.md", "nested/NoteA.md")]
#[case("nested/NoteA", "nested/NoteA.md")]
// Different extensions
#[case("Document.pdf", "Document.pdf")]
#[case("Note.1", "Note.1.md")]
#[case("Note.1.md", "Note.1.md")]
// Case-insensitive matches
#[case("notea.md", "NoteA.md")]
#[case("notea", "NoteA.md")]
#[case("NESTED/notea.md", "nested/NoteA.md")]
#[case("NESTED/notea", "nested/NoteA.md")]
// "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis" (U+00E4)
#[case("Note\u{E4}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{E4}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
// Basic (ASCII) lowercase a followed by Unicode Character “◌̈” (U+0308)
// The UTF-8 encoding is different but it renders the same visual appearance as the case above,
// so we expect it to find the same file.
#[case("Note\u{61}\u{308}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{61}\u{308}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
// We should expect this to work with lowercasing as well, so NoteÄ should find Noteä
// NoteÄ where Ä = Single Ä (U+00C4)
#[case("Note\u{C4}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{C4}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
// NoteÄ where Ä = decomposed to A (U+0041)+ ◌̈ (U+0308)
#[case("Note\u{41}\u{308}.md", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
#[case("Note\u{41}\u{308}", "Note\u{E4}.md")]
fn test_lookup_filename_in_vault(#[case] input: &str, #[case] expected: &str) {
let result = lookup_filename_in_vault(input, &VAULT);
println!("Test input: {:?}", input);
println!("Expecting: {:?}", expected);
println!("Got: {:?}", result.unwrap_or(&PathBuf::from("")));
assert_eq!(result, Some(&PathBuf::from(expected)))