import path from 'path'; import packager from 'electron-packager'; import tmp from 'tmp'; import ncp from 'ncp'; import async from 'async'; import hasBinary from 'hasbin'; import log from 'loglevel'; import DishonestProgress from './../helpers/dishonestProgress'; import optionsFactory from './../options/optionsMain'; import iconBuild from './iconBuild'; import helpers from './../helpers/helpers'; import PackagerConsole from './../helpers/packagerConsole'; import buildApp from './buildApp'; const copy = ncp.ncp; const isWindows = helpers.isWindows; /** * @callback buildAppCallback * @param error * @param {string} appPath */ /** * * @param {{}} options * @param {buildAppCallback} callback */ function buildMain(options, callback) { // pre process app const tmpObj = tmp.dirSync({unsafeCleanup: true}); const tmpPath =; // todo check if this is still needed on later version of packager const packagerConsole = new PackagerConsole(); const progress = new DishonestProgress(5); async.waterfall([ callback => { progress.tick('inferring'); optionsFactory(options, callback); }, (options, callback) => { progress.tick('copying'); buildApp(options.dir, tmpPath, options, error => { if (error) { callback(error); return; } // dir now correctly references the app folder to package options.dir = tmpPath; callback(null, options); }); }, (options, callback) => { progress.tick('icons'); iconBuild(options, (error, optionsWithIcon) => { callback(null, optionsWithIcon); }); }, (options, callback) => { progress.tick('packaging'); // maybe skip passing icon parameter to electron packager const packageOptions = maybeNoIconOption(options); packagerConsole.override(); packager(packageOptions, (error, appPathArray) => { // restore console.error packagerConsole.restore(); // pass options which still contains the icon to waterfall callback(error, options, appPathArray); }); }, (options, appPathArray, callback) => { progress.tick('finalizing'); // somehow appPathArray is a 1 element array const appPath = getAppPath(appPathArray); if (!appPath) { callback(); return; } maybeCopyIcons(options, appPath, error => { callback(error, appPath); }); } ], (error, appPath) => { packagerConsole.playback(); callback(error, appPath); }); } /** * Checks the app path array to determine if the packaging was completed successfully * @param appPathArray Result from electron-packager * @returns {*} */ function getAppPath(appPathArray) { if (appPathArray.length === 0) { // directory already exists, --overwrite is not set // exit here return null; } if (appPathArray.length > 1) { log.warn('Warning: This should not be happening, packaged app path contains more than one element:', appPathArray); } return appPathArray[0]; } /** * Removes the `icon` parameter from options if building for Windows while not on Windows and Wine is not installed * @param options */ function maybeNoIconOption(options) { const packageOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)); if (options.platform === 'win32' && !isWindows()) { if (!hasBinary.sync('wine')) { log.warn('Wine is required to set the icon for a Windows app when packaging on non-windows platforms'); packageOptions.icon = null; } } return packageOptions; } /** * For windows and linux, we have to copy over the icon to the resources/app folder, which the * BrowserWindow is hard coded to read the icon from * @param {{}} options * @param {string} appPath * @param callback */ function maybeCopyIcons(options, appPath, callback) { if (!options.icon) { callback(); return; } if (options.platform === 'darwin') { callback(); return; } // windows & linux // put the icon file into the app const destIconPath = path.join(appPath, 'resources/app'); const destFileName = `icon${path.extname(options.icon)}`; copy(options.icon, path.join(destIconPath, destFileName), error => { callback(error); }); } export default buildMain;